Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 261 On the Planet

It is for this reason that the cockpit of the remote robot is not in a weightless environment, but on a large turntable, which is in the same area as the battleship's accommodation area.

Tianqin is the human flagship, so it naturally has residential areas like other battleships. In order to prevent humans from staying in a weightless environment all their lives, the living areas of battleships generally adjust their rotational speed to create a gravity environment like the earth.

However, although the remote robot cockpit is in the same area, its rotation speed is different. The specific speed will be adjusted according to the planet where the remote robot is located, so that the operator in the cab can be more immersed in the situation.

In other words, the place where Yue Yuan is now is an environment with 0.69 times the gravity of the earth.

After he selected the robot, the sound of the driving system continued to ring in his ears.

"The target robot has been selected, please wait, the system is connecting."

A string of values ​​representing the progress bar was instantly pulled down to 100%, and the system sound then sounded.

"Please wait a moment, driver. The operating system is connecting to the robot control module. The connection is in progress. The connection has been established and the data is being synchronized. The synchronization has been completed and the system is switching the perspective for you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yue Yuan felt that the screen in front of him went dark, and then lit up again in less than 200 milliseconds. Immediately afterwards, a room made of steel with walls filled with various indicator lights appeared in front of him.

Yue Yuan knew that this was the robot's perspective.

These remotely controlled robots are all made with the humanoid as a template, so the perspective is naturally based on the position of the cameras on the robot's head. The images are received by the cameras, and then converted into various signals, and finally turned into virtual images. The virtual helmet appeared in front of Yue Yuan.

This connection method is different from driving directly inside the tactical armor. If it is a tactical armor, then Yue Yuan only needs to twist his head now, and the robot's head will move along with it. However, this kind of remote driving is different. If Yue Yuan wants to move the robot's head to see the surroundings, he has to do it manually like playing a game.

This is not the first time for Yue Yuan to drive remotely like this, so he is very familiar with the operation.

I saw one finger of his right hand holding down a certain part of the controller, and then dragging it left and right, and the head of the robot still in the warehouse twisted left and right.

This feeling is just like playing a computer game, but the action is much more realistic and complicated than playing a computer game. Without learning and training, you really can’t control it.

The next moment, Yue Yuan skillfully summoned the operation interface, and then some transparent boxes appeared in front of his eyes. Then he stretched out his hand to write down on a certain box. The effect of his operation appeared in 126 milliseconds. On the robot.

There was a sound of the electromagnetic switch turning off from the robot, which was originally in standby mode, and then the robot's built-in power indicator light came on.

This kind of remote control robot is not big, only three meters in size. It must be far from a tactical armor that is more than ten meters high. Therefore, it is still very difficult to install a small nuclear fusion as a power furnace, and it is not too difficult. It is necessary, so the energy system is not driven by nuclear fusion, but pure electric power.

After starting the robot, Yue Yuan controlled the robot to stand up, then opened the door of the robot's storage warehouse with the driver's authority, and walked out with a bang.

What came into view was a wide square. The wide square was full of engineering equipment driving on it. There were also many landing personnel driving tactical armors and busy in the square.

At the far end of the line of sight, there are closed orbits winding up one after another. This kind of orbit is naturally familiar to Yue Yuan, it is the orbital mass accelerator.

It appears that these engineering vehicles and landing crews in tactical armor are working on splicing the orbital mass accelerator.

It is impossible for humans to breathe on this planet, so actions and operations on the planet are basically AI automated equipment, manned engineering vehicles, or tall tactical armors.

He saw several robots and tactical armors gathered together not far ahead, with some exploration equipment placed next to them, as if they were about to go out.

The purpose of driving a remote robot is to see everywhere. It would also be nice to follow the exploration team to see everywhere.

With this in mind, the robot was controlled by Yue Yuan, and the heat dissipation fan behind it was opened, and then it continued to move forward under the drive of the motor.

"Eh?! Chief, why are you here?"

Yue Yuan controlled the robot and had just arrived ten meters away from the exploration team, when he heard a call in his ears.

The source of the sound is naturally the exploration team, but it is not transmitted between various control units through the air, but the human ground base communication channel.

The operating system and driving system are all connected to the Internet, so when the driver looks at a controlled robot, or a tactical armor, engineering vehicle, or other equipment, the system will display the corresponding operator information to him.

This is just like playing a game and seeing character information displayed above the character's head, except that it is not displayed in reality, but in the interface of the respective operating system.

Therefore, it is natural for the robot controlled by Yue Yuan to be recognized as soon as it approaches.

Similarly, Yue Yuan also recognized who was greeting him.

"Well, come and take a look when you have nothing to do. Professor Bu is going out for exploration, right?" Yue Yuan controlled the robot and looked up at the tall body while walking.

It is indeed a tall body, because the Professor Bu he mentioned is currently driving a tactical armor about 15 meters high.

The three-meter-tall robot controlled by Yue Yuan didn't even have half of its legs next to the tactical armor.

"Yes, resource exploration is urgent. Commander, do you want to go out for a walk?"

"That's the plan. Just keep busy yourself. I'll go over there and have a look." Yue Yuan replied.

The leader of this exploration team is Bu Lianshi, also known as Professor Bu in Yue Yuan's mouth. In addition to the seven or eight members of the infantry trainer team, its exploration team also has two security department soldiers.

Yue Yuan originally wanted to follow the exploration team out, but just now, he saw some people gathering on the other side, including a robot controlled by Zhu Pite, so he temporarily changed his mind and went there to take a look first.

"Okay, Commander, let's take care of ourselves, we'll set off first."

As the infantry trainer spoke, he called for a group of people in the team to get the exploration equipment, then took a few steps into the open space, and then started the flight system of the tactical armor. Immediately, two blazing flames spurted out from behind the tactical armor she was driving, pushing her into the air.

Others in the exploration team also quickly picked up the exploration equipment and followed her up to the ground. After leaving a gust of wind on the ground, they flew away like a distant place.

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