Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 262 The Use of Mechas

The humans who land on the ground are no longer the same as before. They basically wear tactical armor when going on missions, especially those who go out to perform various tasks.

Of course, tactical armors are also divided into types. For example, the infantry trainer and the members of her exploration team are basically conventional types. As for the two warriors, they are naturally combat types equipped with various weapons.

It can be said that this kind of fifteen-six-meter-high tactical armor has become the standard equipment for humans to live on the surface of the planet. It not only performs tasks, but also includes construction, engineering, and activities outside the base. Landing personnel have their own set of specialized tactical armors. .

Just like the previous space suit modification, only more powerful.

Therefore, tactical armor can also be regarded as a human mecha. With mechas like tactical armor, the safety of activities on the surface of the human planet has undoubtedly been greatly improved. Basically, no large animals can threaten personal safety.

After watching the Bu training team leave, Yue Yuan quickly came to where Zhu Pite was.

Like Yue Yuan, this guy uses a remote driving system to control a three-meter-tall humanoid robot. The main body is right next to Yue Yuan.

"Lao Zhu, where are you going?" Yue Yuan controlled the robot and came to the side of Zhu Pite's robot in three or two steps, and then joined the team channel where several people were.

"Ah, Yue Shuai, why are you here!" Zhu Pite's robot turned around, and at the same time his voice sounded in the channel: "Isn't it because I thought it was not too busy today, so I came down to take a look, and I happened to bump into Lu Xiaofen and the others. Just give me a ride."

Zhu Pite's purpose was the same as Yue Yuan's. He was a little bored on the spaceship and it was not convenient to land directly in person, so he walked on the planet in this way.

In fact, there are many people who have such plans. When he walked over just now, Yue Yuan saw many three-meter-high remote control robots.

If a real person lands on the planet, they will basically come out with their own tactical armor, so any three-meter-tall remote control robot must be remotely controlled by a person in a synchronous orbit.

"Then let's go together." Yue Yuan responded.

After saying that, Yue Yuan looked at the information of this mission team and found that except for Zhu Pite, himself and a student named Huang Dacan, everyone else was wearing tactical armor.

Among them were the linguist Lu Xiaofen mentioned by Zhu Pite just now, the cryptologist Taliya Sinskaya who was holding a toolbox as big as a small car in her hand, and some people majoring in language and cryptography.

It seems that this team should be looking for dog-headed aliens.

But that doesn't seem to be the case, because in addition to the two people, there are also Shi Lifen, a doctor of genetics, and Xu Peici, a biodiversity researcher.

Well, this Xu Pace was the one who proposed the plan to deal with the dog-headed aliens at the meeting the day before yesterday. After the meeting, Yue Yuan looked at her information and found that she was the daughter of Xu Yanxia from the Mechanical Engineering Department.

It was only after understanding her information that Yue Yuan found out that Xu Yanshi, whom he met in the 'Hanhai' when he returned to Earth, was actually Xu Yanxia's biological sister.

Although this person has passed away, Yue Yuan still feels a little emotional because he still remembers that Xu Yanshi graduated from a biodiversity-related major. Now her sister's daughter has become a biodiversity researcher. I don't know if this is considered an inheritance of her wish.

As for why he takes his mother's last name, this is a personal privacy, Yue Yuan doesn't know.

At this moment, Zhu Pite's voice sounded on the team channel: "Commander Yue, it's time to set off."

Hearing this, Yue Yuan controlled the robot and turned around to look. He didn't know when the robot controlled by Zhu Pite had been caught in the hand of a tactical armor driven by an accompanying soldier.


In response, Yue Yuan immediately looked at the tactical armor closest to him. After seeing clearly who the driver was, he said, "Shi Lifen, it's just you, give me a ride."

"Ah?! Uh, oh, okay, okay, Chief." A female voice responded in the channel, seeming a little dazed.

Listening to this voice, the image of a girl who was awakened from a daze appeared in Yue Yuan's mind. Yue Yuan had seen this Shi Lifen many times when he went to find Yi Kai, and she seemed to be stunned.

Thinking of such an image, Yue Yuan even felt a little stunned by the figure in front of him who was squatting down and reaching out to grab the robot he controlled.

As the robot was caught in Shi Lifen's hand, Yue Yuan felt that his eyes were suddenly lifted up to four or five stories high. Then, he slowly changed from looking at the ground to looking down.

Obviously, this was Shi Lifen's tactical armor flying up with the robot he controlled.

The remote control robot is driven purely by electricity and naturally cannot have a flight system like the tactical armor. Human activities on the surface of the planet are basically based on tactical armors, and tactical armors can fly, so there is no need to add a few extra transport ships, so they can only fly with them.

Of course, there is no transport spaceship following now, just because it is the first time to set off. If the resources are developed in the future and there is a need for transportation, the transport spacecraft will still be dispatched.

Not long after, the other tactical armors in the team also took to the air. Driven by the nuclear fusion engine, the group left the base, crossed the desert, and flew towards the outer reaches of the continent.

Flying must be much faster than walking on the ground. The vast desert area was easily crossed by the tactical armor in less than half an hour.

After crossing the desert, the vegetation began to increase, and at the end of the line of sight, some tall trees and towering peaks appeared.

"What a great river and mountain!" Looking at the receding mountains, rivers and vegetation below, Yue Yuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Since there is a biology team in the team, their purpose of coming out this time is to find some suitable animals and plants to take back for study, so the flying height is not too high, and the various animals jumping on the ground can be seen with the naked eye.

Of course, what is visible to the naked eye is visible to the naked eye, but what is observed from above is not the naked eye, but the 'eyes' on the warrior's armor, that is, telescopes, eye-like lenses, various red and ultraviolet detectors, etc., and the pilot of the tactical armor It is through these devices that operators see the outside world.

After flying for a while, Lu Xiaofen in the team said, "Dr. Shi Lifen, we parted here."

"Ah, okay, you guys, walk slowly, we are probably looking for biological samples nearby." Shi Lifen replied.

During the flight just now, Yue Yuan also learned about it, so he knew that Lu Xiaofen and Talya Sinskaya were going to find the kobolds.

What Talya Sinskaya was holding was a toolbox, and what Lu Xiaofen was holding was something that looked a lot like a container. According to Lu Xiaofen, this thing was used to hold dog-headed aliens.

When alien UFOs are seen in movies capturing humans, they are basically a disk-shaped spaceship spinning in circles. If they are captured directly by carrying a large cage like a container, no one will be able to capture them.

After Lu Xiaofen and Talya Sinskaya left for a while, Shi Lifen also turned a corner in the sky and flew towards their destination.

At this moment, Yue Yuan, who had been looking at the ground, suddenly discovered a small yellow dot, which looked a bit like the yellow color of a kobold. So he immediately adjusted the focus and zoomed in on the small yellow dot. Sure enough, a familiar dog head appeared in his field of vision. middle.

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