Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 263 The kobold looking for the truth

"Dr. Shi Lifen, wait a moment." Yue Yuan said.

"Ah? Chief, are you going to go look for the kobolds with Dr. Lu Xiaofen? But they are already far away." Shi Lifen stopped in mid-air after hearing this, her words full of doubts.

"No, look below, um, between the two mountains."

Yue Yuan explained, but the mountains below were undulating and endless. Just talking verbally, he had no idea where he was talking about, so he simply stopped explaining in words and sent Shi Lifen an accurate message directly from the system. Latitude and longitude coordinates.

When humans established the global satellite system, they had already defined the longitude and latitude of the planet based on the habits of the earth, so sending coordinates was naturally no problem.

As a landing personnel, the recognition and application of basic common sense such as longitude and latitude are compulsory courses, and you can naturally understand them at a glance.

"Ah, Commander, it's a kobold!" Shi Lifen's crisp voice sounded.

Shi Lifen, who was wearing tactical armor, could see more clearly than Yue Yuan, and her equipment was more advanced. After all, robots used for ground sightseeing could not compare to tactical armors specially worn by landing personnel.

Shi Lifen: "Chief, do we want to go down and take a look? Should we notify Dr. Lu Xiaofen and the others to come back?"

"They have their own tasks, let's go down and take a look first. Well, the others can just wait here. After sending me and Zhu Pite down, you can go about your own business." Yue Yuan responded.

He came to the planet through remote operation, so he had nothing to do. Naturally, his curiosity could not affect the mission of the biologists.

"Okay." Schlifen replied.

After saying that, Shi Lifen reduced the thruster power and controlled the tactical armor to land near the target. The soldier holding Jupiter in one hand also followed suit and descended from mid-air.

Yue Yuan is quite curious as to why kobolds appear in this wilderness. From the map, the nearest kobold tribe is also a hundred kilometers away. Moreover, the environment here is indeed harsh for kobolds, with all kinds of ferocity. There are so many wild beasts that it is a miracle that a kobold came here.

Two fifteen-meter-tall mechas descended from the sky, breathing flames. This scene was rare and ordinary for humans, but in the eyes of the kobolds, it subverted the world view.

The kobolds on the ground were looking at the two steel mechas falling from the sky, with complex expressions on their faces, some of which were fear, some horror, and some joy.

This kobold is none other than Attu.

Driven by curiosity, after talking to the elder Zhengda, he did not accept the elder's suggestion to preside over the sacrificial affairs, but instead embarked on the road to find the truth without hesitation.

Regardless of the opposition of the tribe, he resolutely left, heading in the direction where he saw the fireball falling from the sky, through the jungle, over the mountains, and across the grasslands. Relying on his hunting skills for many years, he climbed over the mountains and ridges all the way, just like the kobolds thought. Advance through the barren land.

Along the way, Attu encountered countless dangers, including hunger, cold, scorching heat, poisonous miasma, and even many large and ferocious animals, but Attu still survived by relying on his own will and strong survival skills.

If there are no accidents, it is estimated that Artu will be able to reach the area where the human base is located in another year.

Artu stared blankly at the two large mechas that were getting closer and closer. He felt that his brain was running out.

However, he was stunned not long before he was awakened by a wave of heat. Although there was some distance between where the humans landed the two tactical armors, the flame tongues of the nuclear fusion thrusters still stirred up strong winds and heat waves on the ground.

For a moment, Artu's ears could only hear the sound of the fusion thruster, which was like the roar of a dragon from the sky.

Atua, who was awakened by the heat wave, immediately lowered his dog's head, bent his body, put his hands on the ground, and kept grabbing the ground with his head, making a posture of worship in the concept of a kobold.

At the same time, he was still mumbling words, praying that only he could understand.

While the kobolds were worshiping, Shi Lifen and the warrior had already put down Yue Yuan and Zhu Pite, then turned around and once again left a thousand layers of heat waves behind, rising into the sky with a roar of fierce flames.

After the two tactical armors left and the surrounding environment became quiet again, Zhu Pite, who came down with Yue Yuan, controlled the robot to take a few steps forward. At the same time, he turned on the external loudspeaker and spoke to the kobold who was still lying on the ground. , habitually said: "Get up and talk!"

After the words fell, Zhu Pite realized that this was not human at all, could not understand what he was saying, and might not even be a vocal communication species.

This Jupiter

"What are you talking about? Just call a small unmanned transport ship from the base to take the kobold back and let the linguists study it slowly." Yue Yuan said speechlessly in the channel.

Lu Xiaofen and Talia Sinskaya had just left not long ago. They probably wouldn't be able to complete the task quickly, and they and Zhu Pitt didn't know how to decipher the alien language, so they had no choice but to take the kobold back.

I believe it won’t be long before Lu Xiaofen and Talya Sinskaya return.

Hearing what Yue Yuan said, Zhu Pite also understood that communication now was meaningless, so he simply stepped forward, then controlled the robot to stretch out his hand and pulled the kobold up.

The kobold who was pulled up suddenly showed a look of horror, and at the same time, he kept making inexplicable sounds from his mouth.

Although they couldn't understand what the kobold was shouting, Yue Yuan and Zhu Pite could tell from the expression on his face. They estimated that it should be some kind of prayer to the gods.

It's one thing to be able to guess something, but seeing the kobold's face so close and the frightened look on his face made Yue Yuan feel weird.

Because the face of this kobold is so similar to the expression of a funny dog ​​head, that the frightened expression it shows makes people look a little funny.

Such a dog head seems to have a life-saving function, which makes people think of it.

It was the first time to observe a kobold at such a close range, and only then did Yue Yuan notice its physical features. Except for the dog-like head, the kobold has no dog characteristics elsewhere. He stands upright at a height of 2.5 meters, with only four fingers at the end of his hands. His feet are wrapped in 'shoes' and cannot be seen clearly. The body is covered with the skin of an unknown animal. From the exposed part, you can see that it is covered with a layer of yellow fur like the head.

While Yue Yuan and Zhu Pite were observing the kobolds in this group through robots, the kobolds were also observing the robots controlled by the two of them.

While watching, his hands kept making gestures, pointing to the horizon for a while, and pointing in the direction behind him for a while. At the same time, he uttered a series of sounds that humans could not understand: "\u0026*¥,,※"

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