Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 264 One-day trip

"Shuai Yue, what should we do now?" Zhu Pite asked, ignoring the kobold.

"Wait, there is nothing to do when we go back. When the transport ship comes to take this kobold back, we can take a walk and have a look." Yue Yuan controlled the robot to turn its perspective and look at the surrounding scenery.

Located between two mountains, the view is not very wide, and it is not yet a true desert. Moreover, because of the low terrain and the presence of rivers upstream, the land is soft and there are many puddles.

It is considered a good wetland. There should be no shortage of food in this environment. After waiting for a while, this kobold will probably not starve to death.

With this in mind, Yue Yuan connected to the channel of Lu Xiaofen's team in the system operation interface and asked: "Dr. Lu, where have you been? When will you return to the base?"

"We just found a city and can't go back so soon. We are setting up equipment and sending out small drones to collect their language information. What can you do, Commander?" Lu Xiaofen replied, and at the same time said to other members in the communication channel: "Mikoto, Xiaoqian, you two go help Dr. Sinskaya. It's getting dark, so we have to speed up."

While talking, he did not forget to synchronize the location of his team to the communication channel.

Yue Yuan opened the map and took a look at it, and said: "It's not a big deal. I just met a strange kobold on the way. It seemed to be heading towards our base. I thought you were going back to the base, so I asked. Since you guys If you are busy, just be busy first, by the way, the language must be deciphered as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, Chief, we are familiar with this matter. The first batch of small drones have been sent out. I believe it won't be long before we can get a lot of data on the behavior and language of the kobolds. If everything goes well, we should be able to decipher their language before dark. .”

"Well, good, good work."

After disconnecting the communication, Yue Yuan glanced at the time. There were still about four hours until dark on this planet. Being able to decipher the kobold's language in such a short period of time was extremely fast.

The reason why it can be so fast is mainly that this contact is different from the past. Previous attempts to decipher the languages ​​of alien civilizations were only based on mutual communication. In that case, even if there was an attached dictionary, it would be difficult to decipher because of the single information. .

But this time, humans directly ran to the planet. In this case, the way humans can obtain information is not just through simple communication, but also includes a series of factors such as the kobold's behavior, demeanor, vocal characteristics, etc.

With so much information and the assistance of the intelligent AI ‘Light of the Galaxy’, it is indeed not difficult to decipher the language.

After waiting for four hours and feeling bored, Yue Yuan simply told Zhu Pitt, disconnected from the remote robot, and returned to the office to handle some things.

By the time he reconnected to the robot and came back, it was already midnight on the planet. Zhu Pitt's robot was already more than ten meters away from where he got offline. There was also a small transport ship and probably an airplane parked next to it. It was so big, but when I looked up, I couldn't see the dog-headed alien.

"Pite, where's the kobold?" He controlled the robot and walked towards Jupiter and asked.

"It seems that he is hungry and is hunting ahead!" Zhu Pi pointed into the distance.

The dog-headed man was well hidden. Yue Yuan looked up and found nothing at all, so he switched his sight to infrared imaging. Only then did he realize that a hundred meters away, the dog-headed alien was lurking behind a stone, holding a hand in his hand. There is a piece of long bronze hair ready to go, and two or three meters on the other side of the stone is an animal the size of a goat.

Looking for food when you're hungry?

Hearing Zhu Pite's words, Yue Yuan felt a little strange. The kobold was an intelligent creature after all. How could he hunt for food when he was hungry? Didn't he know how to store food?

"How is the language deciphering work done by Dr. Lu?" Yue Yuan did not bother with the problem of finding food when he was hungry.

"The deciphering has not been completely completed, but simple communication is almost done. The data has been shared to the central computer. Yue Shuai can just download it." Zhu Pite replied in the communication, and then he pointed to the transport ship and continued: "Wait for that Now that the kobold hunt is complete, we can take him back.”

Just now, I wanted to ask why the transport ship had arrived and why the kobolds hadn't been brought back yet. Now that these words came out, Yue Yuan understood.

Human beings don't know what the kobolds' diet is now. If they take a hungry kobold back without knowing it, they will probably starve to death.


When Yue Yuan came to Zhu Pi Te's side, the kobold had also finished hunting, and was carrying the prey with a happy face, walking towards this side with cheerful steps.

"Is he not afraid anymore?" Yue Yuan asked curiously.

"When the transport ship arrived, I scared him again, but then he seemed to regard us as gods." The robot controlled by Zhu Pitt kept staring at the kobold that was approaching quickly, and seemed to be very curious about it.

In fact, Yue Yuan was also quite curious, so he told Zhu Pite on the communication channel to see what the kobold wanted to do first.

Now that it was dark, there was no fire, and he didn't find any fire sticks or other things hidden on the kobold's body. He wanted to see how the kobold handled his prey.

Under the curious gazes of Yue Yuan and Zhu Pite, the kobold took advantage of the fact that the sky was not completely dark, carried the prey into the puddle and washed it, and then strode towards the two of them.

When he came two meters away from the robot controlled by the two men, the kobold stopped, put down the prey, then groped around on his body, pulled out a bronze dagger, disembowelled the prey, and then skillfully skinned the prey.

After that, the kobold put the dagger aside, then grabbed the prepared prey and handed it to Zhu Pitt respectfully.

Then the head dog man chattered a lot and seemed very enthusiastic.

"Pite, this guy seems to be offering you food, why don't you just accept it." Yue Yuan teased with interest.

He had just downloaded the language deciphering system, so Yue Yuan understood what the head dog man had just said.

It roughly means that your people, the great God of Light, dedicate the best food to you.

"Shuai Yue, please stop joking. I looked at the information on this kobold and they have indeed mastered fire. Since they all regard us as gods, why are they still offering raw meat?" Zhu Pite said speechlessly in the communication channel.

"I didn't know, just ask this kobold." Yue Yuan was also very curious, but after speaking, he suddenly remembered some related things, so he went on to say to Zhu Pitt: "Well, I heard Yi Kai The academician has said that in the Earth Age, the sacrificial meat in some places was also raw, and maybe the kobolds also had this custom."

Um. Is there such a thing?

Zhu Pite was silent in his heart. As a young man in the 22nd century, he really didn't know about this.

Seeing Zhu Pi Te in a daze, Yue Yuan turned his gaze to the prostrate kobold, then asked the system to load the translation software, and then asked: "What is your name and what are you doing here?"

After the voice is translated and converted into kobold language, it is then transmitted through the remote robot's loudspeaker.

His words were a normal question, but the kobold who heard the voice suddenly became extremely excited. The kobold's body shook violently, and changes appeared in his eyes.

There were no tears, but the eyes suddenly became a little bigger, and at this moment, the pupils inside changed from the normal pupil state to one that seemed to be split into several petals, and it was shaking slightly, and it looked like the waves were flashing. Just like poor Chu Chu's expression of being moved to tears.

After such a change in expression, the kobold began to murmur: "Great and great God of Light, you, you finally heard the prayers of your people, you, you, you finally responded to your people, I, I, I , No, my name is Attu, your people, and I came here just to find you, the great God of Light!"

Thinking of the kobold's original life-saving expression with a dog head, coupled with his current look, it is simply a moving emoticon.

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