Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 265 Atu’s Request

Artu, came here to look for humans.

After hearing this, Yue Yuan thought for a moment, and then discussed it with Zhu Pite in the communication channel.

"Pite, how do you think this Attu should be dealt with?"

Zhu Pite was stunned, why did he ask about me?

"Shuai Yue, didn't we say at the last meeting that we were going to study kobolds? Why don't we just hand it over to the people at the Institute of Biology? Once they come up with some ideas, we can decide how to deal with these kobolds based on the situation." Zhu Pit said: "As for the matter of gathering the kobolds, that will definitely have to wait until the thought imprinting technology is realized. So I think that after the scientists at the Institute of Biology complete the preliminary research on the kobolds, the next step should be to prepare to capture the kobolds." Some kobolds are frozen.”

"Yes." Yue Yuan nodded. Zhu Pite was right. This was also the preliminary plan decided after the last meeting.

If this plan is followed, then it doesn't matter how this Attu is dealt with.

Anyway, humans should stay on this planet this time. It is estimated that they will not leave for hundreds of years. After such a long time, Atu may have exhausted his life and died, and does not deserve special treatment.

In fact, Yue Yuan just wanted to use this Atu as an entry point to understand the situation of the kobolds, but now that he thinks about it, it is really unnecessary.

The technological gap between humans and kobolds is too big. If you want to know everything about the kobolds, you don't need any planning at all.

If you want to analyze their genes, you can just capture them and study them. As for the social structure and development level of the population, you can also send small drones to collect information openly.

There is no need to do things in the name of the God of Light.

Even if you want to capture a sufficient number of kobolds and freeze them, you can directly have them wear tactical armor to capture them.

However, it is still a bit troublesome to forcibly capture one city after another. If possible, Yue Yuan would still choose to let these kobolds volunteer.

Thinking like this, Yue Yuan immediately added: "Having said that, since there is a way to save unnecessary trouble, then why should we ask for trouble ourselves? I will leave this Atu to you, since what does he think we are?" Laozi’s god of light, then you are responsible for establishing the image of this god. Then we can let tens of thousands or even millions or tens of millions of kobolds board the ship with just one word, wouldn’t it be wonderful?”

"Commander Yue, why don't we leave this matter to the Propaganda Department? I think they are good at it after all. How can my soldiers from the Security Department know this?" Zhu Pite looked embarrassed, but because he was controlling a robot, So no one can see it.

"It's just a pretense. There's no need for a propaganda department. Besides, you've been quite idle recently."

"Uh, okay then."

I had no time to spare. Zhu Pite secretly regretted it. If he had known better, he would not have come to the ground to wander around. Okay, now the Security Department still has a lot of things to do, so why do you want to pretend to be a great person?

I sighed inwardly.

Although I don't really want to do it, since I have agreed, I have to do it well.

Thinking like this, Zhu Pite said to Atu who was still lying on the ground: "Atu, get up. Since you said you came to see me, the God of Light, what do you have to do with me, the God of Light?"

"This" Artu suddenly looked at Zhu Pite suspiciously, then stood up slowly, and glanced at Yue Yuan next to him. He was very confused, because they both looked the same.

The surface was all shiny silver, but he remembered that there was only one God of Light in the legend. How could there be two identical Gods of Light, and what about the huge monster that fell from the sky before?

That behemoth can fly. The one who can fly must be a god. Aren't these two the true gods of light?

Artu has little knowledge, but he is not stupid.

With this in mind, Atu said cautiously: "Excuse me, are you the God of Light? I want to ask the God of Light to treat the tribe's sacrificial elders. Our tribe is all the people of the God of Light. Please ask the God of Light." Save the sacrificial elder.”

What he said is that in the first sentence he just questioned whether he was the God of Light, and then he directly asked for it. He really has some sense.

Zhu Pi nodded and then said: "We are subordinates of the God of Light. We have known about the sacrifices of your tribe for generations. As for your request, after we go back and convey your request to the God of Light, the God of Light will go Saved."

"Thank you, the Great God of Light. Thank you, the Great God of Light. It's just that when I left the tribe a year ago, the condition of the sacrificial elder was already very serious. I don't know now." Atu's voice became smaller and smaller. He still remembered when he first met When it comes to the scene of worshiping the elders, it is said that time is running out. Now more than a year has passed, and I don’t know if it is still there.

Hearing Artu say this, Zhu Pite understood the meaning, so he continued: "Don't worry, the God of Light is merciful. No matter how serious the illness is, as long as he has another breath, the God of Light can save him. Without further ado, let’s go back and tell the God of Light. You wait here until tomorrow, and the God of Light will send someone to find you.”

"Thank you, the great God of Light!" Upon hearing this, Artu fell to the ground again.

When he prostrated, Yue Yuan and the robot controlled by Zhu Pitt turned around and walked towards the transport ship.

This transport ship was originally coming to take Atu back to the base for research, but since Zhu Pite has been responsible for the matter, and Zhu Pite said that Atu should stay here first, we can only take the two robots back first. .

After a while, the two robots boarded the transport ship under the control of Yue Yuan and Zhu Pite. Then the automatic driving function of the transport ship system was turned on to transport the two remotely operated robots back to the base.

After the two robots boarded the transport ship, Yue Yuan and Zhu Pite naturally no longer needed to control the robots.

After disconnecting, Yue Yuan looked at Zhu Pitt who was taking off his virtual helmet in the cloud cockpit.

"I'm talking to Pi Te, there are many ferocious beasts in that wilderness. Could it be that you didn't want to be responsible for the God of Light, so that's why you left Atu there to die."

"Um, what did Yue Shuai say?" Zhu Pite avoided Yue Yuan's gaze and said while leaving the driver's seat: "I got two drones to watch before I went offline."

After saying that, he pointed at the virtual helmet, as if to say that he was just arranging this when he went offline.

Seeing Yue Yuan nod, Zhu Pite continued: "Besides, didn't Atu find someone to treat his illness? He just took this opportunity to increase the prestige of the god. Yue Shuai left this matter to me, and now he has such a good opportunity. , how could I have nothing to do and make myself uncomfortable?"

It sounds like that.

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