Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 266 It’s not easy

Yue Yuan was noncommittal. After Zhu Pi Te stood up from the driver's seat, he turned around and walked out. At the same time, he reminded: "But Pi Te, don't forget that agreeing to treat a disease is one thing. But if you want to To cure the disease, we have to wait for the biological research guys to complete the analysis of the kobold's biological characteristics, physiological conditions, body functions and other factors."

"Well, what Yue Shuai said is that I will find Dr. Yi Kai right now." Zhu Pitt was stunned and then said. It was really like this. If Yue Yuan hadn't reminded him, he would have ignored it.

It is true that humans are a second-level civilization, but it does not mean that drugs from second-level civilizations can be effective against primitive civilizations. Especially for aliens with different biospheres, it would be unnatural to take human medicine without dying, let alone effective.

It is easy to deal with symptoms such as tissue lesions and removal, but if it is a virus, it is really not easy to deal with.

Not to mention that plants on this planet must be used to prepare potions and medicines, but also what Yue Yuan said must be understood.

To understand this, we all have to look at biological research.

As for the work at the Institute of Biology, this is also the first time that we have been on a mission to collect various animals and plants. It is estimated that the results will not come out so quickly.

Zhu Pite suddenly felt that what he had just said to Atu was a bit hasty.

What the hell, if this biosphere is the same as the Wolfe biosphere, with a left-handed DNA structure, wouldn't it be even more difficult?

Or just let that Attu fend for himself. Zhu Pite was moved in his heart, but then he shook his head.

"No matter what, the boss personally told me, so let's work hard." Zhu Pi said sincerely.

In fact, he also knew that it wouldn't hurt even if he couldn't do it well, but if he couldn't even do such a thing in an hour, wouldn't it mean that he was incompetent?

With a plan in mind, Zhu Pite immediately took out his personal terminal and dialed Yi Kai's communication request.

A few seconds later, Yi Kai's voice rang in his ears: "Minister Zhu? Why are you looking for me? Could it be about your hair? No, I remember that your hair has grown back after gene therapy. "

Zhu Pite's face darkened. He had indeed gone to Yi Kai's research institute frequently to discuss the issue of baldness in the Mediterranean, but it had been hundreds of years, so how could this guy still remember it?

It was precisely because he often visited Yi Kai's research institute that he was quite familiar with Yi Kai. He could tell that it was a joke, but he didn't find it funny at all.

"Well, that Academician Yi is like this." Zhu Pite told the whole story in detail.

Yi Kai was silent for a moment and then said: "I can't help you with this matter. You have to ask Shi Lifen. She is solely responsible for the biological research on the planet. And this matter is a bit difficult to handle. As far as I know, Shi Lifen and the others should have just started their mission today. It’s hard to say whether they will capture kobolds for research on their first mission, let alone the research results tomorrow.”

"In my opinion, the kobolds can be left to fend for themselves. They are just a tribe. I know that the kobolds have developed into a country, so what tribe can be used directly for research? You have to complete the chief's mission For missions, just go back and find some people, and just drive the tactical armor to the capitals of those countries.

If a race that has just formed a national concept sees the tactical armor falling from the sky, let alone the gods of light, just say that we are the creation gods, and they all believe it. When the time comes, take that King Kobold to our base for a walk, to ensure that the theory of the Creation God is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Oh no, it is deeply rooted in the hearts of the dogs.

I remember that in the 21st century, there were various beliefs in gods on earth. Think about it, even in the 21st century where technology is so advanced, there are so many ignorant people, let alone this kind of indigenous civilization. A civilization like this that is still in ignorance is best cheated. Listen to me. wrong. "

Hearing what Yi Kai said, Zhu Pite also felt that it made sense, but he still felt a little unwilling, so he asked: "Academician Yi, can't we get some machine to scan to find out the kobold disease, and then perform an operation?" What"

Before Zhu Pi Te finished speaking, Yi Kai's voice sounded on the other end of the communicator: "I'm talking to Minister Zhu, you seem to have some misunderstanding about medicine. Although I am not a medical professional, I can tell you clearly, That's impossible.

The universe is so vast that it contains all sorts of wonders, and the forms of life are also all kinds of strange. Just like the Kuntai people we met before, they are also carbon-based life forms, but their DNA is almost completely different from ours. Our antidote is poison to them, and we are sparse and ordinary microorganisms. , but for them it may be a disease that can take away their lives. And why do you think the commander-in-chief emphasizes virus defense again and again before every planet landing? "

It seems that it is not as easy as I thought!

With a sigh in his heart, Zhu Pite responded: "Well, if it doesn't work, then we can only follow Academician Yi's method."

After hanging up the communication with Yi Kai, Zhu Pite then contacted Shi Lifen, the person in charge of biological research on the planet landing mission.

The results were indeed as Yi Kai said. The first time Shi Lifen's team went out for a collection mission, they only brought back some animals and plants and did not catch the kobolds at all.

Naturally, no real research has been conducted on the kobold's body structure, biological genetics, number of base pairs, genetic maps, biological characteristics, etc.

However, it was determined that the DNA helical structure of the creatures on this planet is the same right-handed DNA as the earth, and it also has a double helix structure, but that's all.

So it is indeed a bit difficult to treat kobolds.

This time, Jupiter completely gave up on treating the high priest of the Attu tribe.

"Hey," Zhu Pitt sighed silently in his heart after hanging up the call with Shi Lifen.

It was at this moment that his eyes regained focus and saw Yue Yuan's back walking towards the bridge.

"Huh?! Marshal Yue must have done it on purpose. Maybe he already knew that the cure could not be implemented now." Looking at Yue Yuan's leaving back, Zhu Pite frowned and thought to himself, " Now that you know it, why not just explain it to me when I asked you to treat the kobold, but let me ask it myself?

Hmm. Could it be that, I understand, Yue Shuai is trying to tell me that technology governs the country. Sitting in my position, I cannot only know about the Ministry of Security, but also have to dabble in scientific knowledge in various disciplines. Even if I can't To become an expert, you have to know a little bit about the industry. Well, the concept of technological governance must be like this."

After Zhu Pite thought for a while, he turned around and returned to the Security Department, and began to find other ways to do the things Yue Yuan had assigned him.

In this way, a few words from the Institute of Biology made the routine of treating diseases and saving people to gain faith aborted, and turned into another simple and crude method.

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