Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 267 Overview of Aboriginal Civilization

But having said that, although Zhu Pitt decided to complete the task in a simple and crude way, when the time came to the next day, he still asked a soldier from the security department to drive Artu back to the human base in a tactical armor.

Of course, it’s not something you can bring back to eat and drink.

Nowadays, most people in the human race have no favorable impressions of aliens, so after this Attu was brought back to the human base by the soldiers, he was directly handed over to the scientists at the Biological Research Institute.

What the scientists do next is none of their business.

As for the treatment of the sacrificial elders that he told Atu before, Zhu Pite had long forgotten about it. At this moment, he was already preparing to go to the surface of the planet in person to carry out the mission given to him by Yue Yuan.

As the publisher of the mission, Yue Yuan naturally knew about this. He even knew what the scientists at the Biological Research Institute did after the security guard soldier handed Atul over to the scientists at the Biological Research Institute.

But he didn't make any comments.

In fact, Yue Yuan also understood that if we look at the matter of the kobold Atu from a moral perspective, Zhu Pite, himself, and even the human biological research scientists were not kind and unethical, and they could even be called Losing all conscience.

But Yue Yuan did not have any psychological burden, and the same was true for the ground biological research team headed by Shi Lifen. After receiving Atu, they immediately found several experimental biologists to do work for Atu in the spirit of not wasting any money. Various experiments.

Such as X-ray scans, whole-body CT scans, brain scans, blood tests, and various physical skill tests. In short, all the human bases have been used by the kobolds.

Because Atu met him himself, Yue Yuan, who was on the Tianqin, paid special attention to the development of this matter. Those experimental biologists, like most people, had no sympathy for Atu, the dog-headed alien, and the results were self-evident.

It's definitely hopeless.

While Attu was being used for experiments, other members of the biologist team also accelerated their research on kobolds. In the following time, they set out frequently to capture some kobolds on this continent for experiments. Of course, in order not to affect Zhu Pite's plan, these biologists did not capture them in large numbers, but Secretly rob some lone kobolds.

After a few days, a report on the kobold indigenous civilization was presented to Yue Yuan.

The report does not begin with a description of the kobolds, but rather with a point of view - in this universe, civilization is most likely to exist on the streets, and living planets are also extremely common.

Only in this way can we explain that humans have encountered so many civilizations and planets with life in just over a thousand years of sailing.

Next, there is a large piece of research results on indigenous kobolds.

First of all, the social stage of the kobolds has been determined, and they are in a stage where tribes and slavery coexist. The Attu I met before was a tribe in a remote area.

And those cities are countries that have formed the nature of initial countries.

Humanity sent many transport ships carrying small drones to observe various cities on this road for several days, and found that these cities with national characteristics were all slaves.

And those simple cities are the capitals of these slave countries. Outside the capitals, there are many small communities, which are the territories of these slave countries.

About 700 kilometers east of Atu's tribe, there was a relatively powerful inland slave country. However, due to terrain barriers, the power of this country did not spread to Atu's tribe.

Due to the lack of transportation and information, the same is true between countries.

Basically, countries in the same area know each other's existence. As long as there are any barriers such as tall mountains, they don't know each other's existence.

Because of this, countries separated by mountains use different languages, and the texts that have appeared are also very different.

However, in terms of language and writing, they basically follow the characteristics of the same region and similar culture. There is no information exchange between the countries on the east and west ends of Pangu Continent, which are close to the sea.

The country that Lu Xiaofen's team found before was the country 700 kilometers east of the Attu tribe, and the characters and language mastered by the translator were also from this country.

This country is a landlocked country, and the writing used is an alphabetic writing, which is somewhat similar to the alphabetic writing on earth. Each pronunciation is also composed of multiple letters.

Thousands of miles to the south of this country, there is a towering mountain range. On the other side of the mountain range is another different cultural area. The kobolds in this area are also divided into many countries, and the writing they use is one of the most primitive. hieroglyphics.

Countries in the same region use different characters, but they belong to the same general system. As for whether these texts in the same large system have a tendency to merge with each other, that will have to wait until humans continue to conduct in-depth investigations to find out. Simply collecting intelligence through small drones is far from enough to judge.

As for the kobolds themselves, humans have also obtained a lot of data.

First of all, the theoretical lifespan of kobolds is very short, only about 40 Earth years. Because it is a theoretical age, basically no kobold can live to be 40 years old. 30 years old is considered a long life, and most people die from normal diseases around the age of 25.

However, kobolds mature very quickly. One year on earth is the childhood period of a kobold. Five years old is the adult kobold. Five to fifteen years old is the prime period. After the age of fifteen, physical skills begin to enter the aging stage.

The Attu I met before was an eight-year-old kobold.

Perhaps due to the gravity of this planet, the bone density of kobolds is much sparser than that of humans, and the main component of bones is also calcium.

Its ability to resist blows is weaker than that of humans, and its brain capacity is between 1200-1400 ml. In terms of reproductive characteristics, it is a heterosexual female, viviparous, and the pregnancy lasts about two years.

Viviparous, but not lactating.

Their offspring are different from human premature babies, but they are born in the mature stage, that is, they can eat the staple food of their species at birth, rather than needing maternal feeding.

Therefore, females do not have breasts, and neither do males.

Therefore, the appearance of male and female kobolds is not very different. They are both covered in yellow hair and do not have obvious secondary sexual characteristics like humans and Kuntai people.

However, its first sexual characteristics are not much different from those of most mammals on the earth, and they are all similar to those of abalone.

Yue Yuan slowly moved his eyes away from the report, then closed his personal terminal, stood up from his seat, and then went to the porthole to look at the light blue planet.

Looking at this beautiful planet, the information about the kobolds in the report came to mind. Yue Yuan murmured: "Aliens, are we humans considered evil aliens now?"

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