Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 268 Falling from the sky

While Yue Yuan was sighing, on the Kobold Planet, a group of biologists were still conducting various experiments on the captured Kobolds in the laboratory.

"Dr. Cheng, the results are out. The maximum running speed of kobolds is about 20 meters per second, and the net jumping height is 2.5-3 meters. Their muscle structure is very special, and their explosive power is much stronger than humans, well, humans in the past.

The durability is also very good. According to the reports of the anatomy team and the cell dynamics research team, there is an unknown structure of plum in the muscles of these kobolds. This kind of plum can quickly break down the energy produced during the kobold muscle movement. Fatigue factor. "

"Okay, the analysis of muscle structure will be in charge of Group A. By the way, Xiao Huang, has the research report on the correlation between brain areas, brain waves and behavioral characteristics been released?"

"It's out. Dr. Cheng, do you want it now?"

"Well, bring it over. The brain capacity of these kobolds is much lower than that of us humans, and their bone density is not as high as ours. Unexpectedly, their physical fitness is higher than ours. It is really amazing. Oh, I almost forgot, the evaluation of the intelligence level of kobolds , is there any result?"

"Not yet, Dr. Cheng, the inspection team responsible for this matter has just set off."

In the biological laboratory of the human base, researchers and scientists are busy in their own fields. The investigation team mentioned by the researcher just now is affiliated with the temporary biological laboratory on the surface, and is currently flying to the kobold country they selected in tactical armor.

Since the language previously deciphered by humans belonged to a country 700 kilometers east of Atu's tribe, the destination of this expedition team was also this country.

The inspection team was small, only three people, consisting of a biologist, a sociologist and a trainee. After all, it has been confirmed that nothing on this planet can threaten human existence, so there are no security guards following.

It was an inspection, not diplomacy. Although the kobolds were considered an alien civilization, they were still an indigenous civilization. Human beings had never thought about diplomatic issues at all.

In this way, three tactical armors and an unmanned transport ship equipped with various equipment and instruments flew all the way towards their destination.

Not long after, a questioning voice sounded in the group communication channel: "Professor Liao, we are almost there. Should we go directly to their royal city, or to the open space outside?"

The person who spoke was a trainee named Zhao Sulian. He was in his fifties, but he looked about twenty years old. He had just graduated from school not long ago.

The Professor Liao she mentioned was a sociologist and the leader of this investigation team. As for another biologist, his name is Abu Laiti, and his ancestors are said to be Uighurs.

The three of them are currently driving tactical armors and traveling above the clouds together with the unmanned transport ship.

After hearing her words, Professor Liao controlled the tactical armor to lower slightly and came below the clouds. Then he adjusted his perspective and looked into the distance, and found that at the end of the earth, he could already see the outline of the kobold city.

"The transport ship was placed outside first, and the three of us landed directly in the royal city." Professor Liao said.

In fact, according to the original plan, the inspection team was to land outside the city, and then use the transport ship as a temporary base to dispatch some unmanned equipment for inspection. However, before departure, Professor Liao accepted Zhu Pite's "God of Light" commission, Therefore, he changed his approach and landed directly in the royal city.

At present, almost all the kobolds used in various biological experiments have been captured. After the investigation is completed and sufficient information and materials on the kobolds are obtained, the stage of in-depth communication and pre-cultivation will begin.

Although it is still early to realize the thought imprinting technology, some related matters still need to be prepared in advance to avoid all kobolds being stupid when the technology appears in the future.

In this case, it is better to take advantage of the time now and carry out certain training in advance. Although the arrangement of the kobolds has not yet been finalized, there is always something wrong in planning ahead.

After Professor Liao finished speaking, he returned to the clouds and flew for a while. After seven or eight minutes, he said: "Let's go, Dr. Abu Laiti, Xiao Zhao, let's go down."

After saying that, Professor Liao took the lead in controlling his tactical armor to decelerate in the air, then took the lead, passed through the clouds, and then plunged towards the royal city like a goshawk.

Zhao Sulian and Abu Laiti followed closely behind, and the clouds surged for a while.

Volcano Country, this is the name given to this country by humans, because there are many volcanoes in this country, and the royal city of this country is at the foot of an extinct volcano.

The volcanic eruption tens of thousands of years ago brought endless disasters to this land, but when the volcano cooled and stopped erupting, it also brought countless rich nutrients to this land.

Phosphorus, potassium, copper, iron, magnesium, calcium and more.

The legacy of volcanic ash makes this land very conducive to agricultural development, and many minerals can promote plant growth and development.

Although the kobolds didn't know the reason, they could actually see the harvest of crops planted on this land. Therefore, in the eyes of surrounding countries, the royal city of the Volcano Kingdom was a treasure land.

And this day is the agricultural farming and sacrificial day of the Volcanic Country. According to the custom of the Volcano Country, after the sacrifice ceremony was completed, they began to let the slaves cultivate the land.

In the royal city, well-dressed kobolds were leading their followers one after another to the sacrificial square, waiting for the arrival of his king or the largest slave owner.

At this time, a blazing fire was burning on the sacrificial platform in the square, and the heads of unknown animals and unknown food were placed under the platform.

"The king has arrived, and the farming ceremony begins!"

As a kobold shouted, the kobolds in the sacrificial square became quiet one after another, and then lined up on both sides of the high platform according to their status, waiting for their king.

Outside their ranks, there were rows of kobolds holding bronze swords.

Not long after, the king of the Volcano Kingdom stopped. The king, dressed in luxurious clothes, solemnly walked towards the sacrificial platform under the gaze of everyone.

The king stopped in front of the altar, then stepped onto the high platform according to the procedure, knelt down and worshiped in front of the blazing fire above the altar, and the rows of kobolds behind him also knelt down.

At the same time, he shouted loudly: "Holy, great and unique God of Light, your most sincere servants offer you the richest sacrifices. We will plant food for next year, pray for you to illuminate the earth, pray for your light Shine on all things”

After the sacrifice speech, the king will get up.

However, when he stood up, he suddenly saw three shining objects appearing above the blazing flames on the altar. At the same time, he heard a swishing sound coming from the horizon.

Before he could react to what was going on, he saw what was in his eyes rapidly enlarging, and then stopped suddenly, accompanied by a strong wind, and with a crash, he stood firmly on the altar made of earth and rocks.

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