Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 269 Divine Envoy

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The strong wind carried a heat wave, blowing away the clothes of the kobolds, and also shocked all the kobolds in the sacrificial square.

Looking at the three tall bodies in front of him, looking at the silvery behemoth, the king was extremely shocked.

He has never seen such a shocking creature. Its surface is shining with silver and its height is even higher than his own palace. Standing in front of him, it is not as tall as one leg.

Moreover, these three creatures have no wings at all, how can they fly? He really couldn't understand why. Could it really be the God of Light? Could it be that the arrival of the gods that had been reported from Beixi Country before was true?

Many questions arose in the king's mind.

While the king was stunned and stunned, there was a burst of noise in the sacrificial square because of this sudden change.

The kobold nobles participating in the sacrificial ceremony were obviously alarmed by such a movement. They all looked at the three behemoths on the high altar with curiosity, fear and shock in their expressions.

Everything happened so suddenly that many kobolds didn't realize what was going on. They only knew that they had just knelt down once with the king, and then they heard a swish, swish, and then a touch, and looked up again. I saw three behemoths standing on the high platform, followed by a heat wave and strong wind.

"There are assassins protecting the king!"

Suddenly, one of the kobolds shouted loudly, and then the guards who were awakened by the shouts ran toward the high platform where the king stood with long swords in their hands.

And this shouting voice also woke up the sluggish king.

"Wait a minute, this is the messenger of the great God of Light."

The king woke up and felt the movement behind him, so he first turned around and scolded the approaching guards, then kowtowed to the three tall tactical armors on the high platform, and then shouted loudly: "Great light. God, I am the king of the Volcano Kingdom, and I welcome your arrival."

The king, like other kobolds, is also limited by knowledge and has limited knowledge, but this does not mean that he is a fool. He knew very well that if it was really an assassin, the momentum that just fell from the sky would be enough to trample him into a pulp, and there would be no chance for him to speak.

Following the king's movements and shouts, many kobold nobles in the sacrificial square followed suit and knelt before the three tactical armors standing on the altar. The few guards who wanted to step forward to protect them also hurriedly knelt down.

"King by?"

A sentence came from the loudspeaker of the tactical armor. It was naturally said by Professor Liao, the leader of this investigation team. After his words were translated by the system, they were converted into the language of the kobold and emitted from the audio external amplifier of the tactical armor.

"It's me. I am a citizen of the God of Light and the most loyal servant of the God of Light, You." The king replied piously.

Now Professor Liao understood clearly, "You" is the name of this kobold.

"Everyone, get up. We are not the God of Light, we are just the messengers of the God of Light. What are you worshiping?" Professor Liao asked.

"Thank you, envoy. In reply to the envoy, we are holding a farming ceremony and praying to the God of Light to bless us with a bumper harvest." The king of the Volcano Kingdom stood up slowly, and then carefully looked up at the tall envoy in front of him.

Although the kobold king named 'You' couldn't figure out why the messenger of the God of Light would ask him what he was sacrificing, he still answered honestly that in his concept, the God of Light was omnipotent.

"The God of Light already knows your prayers, and you will definitely have a bumper harvest next year."

After Professor Liao finished speaking, he heard Abu Lati say on the communication channel: "It seems that it is quite useful to parachute directly to their capital. We don't need to say anything. These kobolds just figured it out on their own. This Zhu The minister’s commission doesn’t seem that difficult.”

Professor Liao smiled and said: "After all, this is an indigenous civilization that has just entered the Bronze Age. When these civilizations face things they cannot understand, they usually attribute them to gods. But we just fell from the sky and were regarded as gods. It’s not surprising, but it seems that the beliefs of this country are the same as those of that tribe.”

"Attu tribe." Group member Zhao Sulian reminded, then she changed the topic and said with some confusion: "Professor Liao, actually I don't think there is any need to engage in gods. How can I just send out robots to capture tens of thousands of kobolds?" Isn’t it more convenient? Anyway, we don’t expect this first generation of kobolds to be cultivated to a usable level, and they will have to be frozen by then.”

Zhao Sulian is a new generation human, and aliens don't have a good impression on her. Even if they are a harmless indigenous civilization, she doesn't like them very much.

In her opinion, it is impossible for humans to trust these aliens with the memory of this planet anyway. Even if they are used at that time, they cannot be the first generation of aliens abducted from the planet. Instead, just like the Kuntai people, they will freeze the first generation or kill them directly after they have offspring, and then cultivate their offspring like a blank sheet of paper to serve mankind.

Well, that is the safest thing if you add the ideological imprint of the research you just established.

"Xiao Zhao, what you said is indeed correct, but don't forget what our mission is. If it is a direct violent robbery, our inspection mission will have to be moved to another place." Professor Liao reminded.

"Okay, Professor Liao, what should we do next? Directly order these kobolds to collect social information for us?" Zhao Sulian looked at a kobold in the sacrificial square. She felt that these kobolds were not cute at all.

"Of course, the ready-made king is here, so there is no need to use it in vain. As a king, this country should record some important events. We can start with their records to study." Professor Liao knew the character of this newly graduated student, so He didn't say anything, he just continued to say to her:

"However, using the messengers of the God of Light to drive kobolds to do things for us is only one of them. Next, we have to find ways to fully understand their culture, customs and habits, racial characteristics, social relations, etc. These are the basis for subsequent plans."

"I understand." Zhao Sulian replied.

At this moment, the kobold king's voice was translated through the translation system and reached the ears of the three people.

"Great messenger of the God of Light, please wait for a moment, and I will ask someone to offer you the best food."

The Volcano King felt a little uneasy now. He didn't understand why the three messengers suddenly stopped talking. He thought he had done something wrong, so he said such words.

But after he finished speaking, he felt a little troubled again, because he felt that these three envoys were too big, and he didn't know how much food they would need to satisfy them, and the Volcano Country did not have such large vessels to hold food.

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