Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 270 Traces of Major Events

"No, as the messengers of the God of Light, we are naturally blessed by the God of Light, so we don't need your food." Professor Liao said with a smile, and his laughter was intelligently translated into kobold's by the translation system. laughter.

Professor Liao felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said. As a sociologist, he could not see how these kobolds regarded the tactical armor as the messenger of the God of Light, and the tactical armor did not require any food, as long as there was nuclear fusion fuel. Isn't it just the blessing from the God of Light?

"That" the volcano king hesitated, not knowing what to say for a moment.

It is true that the Volcano Kingdom usually worships the God of Light, and is very pious, but in the king's mind, gods are illusory concepts. After all, he has never seen gods appear in physical form since he was born.

Now three messengers of the God of Light suddenly appeared. Ye Gong was indeed like a dragon, and he was so worried that he couldn't calm down.

Fortunately, Professor Liao didn't want to leave any ink, and said directly: "We came to the world this time mainly to convey the will of the God of Light."

The king responded quickly. As soon as Professor Liao's words came, he prostrated again and shouted: "Your Majesty, King of the Volcano Kingdom, listen to the will of the great God of Light."

"Listen to the will of the great God of Light!" A kind of kobold nobleman in the altar square also shouted.

Seeing this situation, Professor Liao did not rush to wake them up, but directly said: "The God of Light is impressed by your devout faith for generations, and has specially ordered us to come and bless you. In the near future, the God of Light will The Kingdom of Light will be opened to the world and the knowledge of the gods will be passed down to the world. Anyone who is pious in heart and passes the assessment of the God of Light can go to live in the Kingdom of Light."

Going to live in the Kingdom of Light?

The king was overjoyed, but as a king, he instinctively frowned. If according to what this messenger of the God of Light said, if more people went there, wouldn't there be many fewer people in our volcanic country? If there were fewer people, then no one would be able to farm.

With this in mind, the king of the Volcano Kingdom bit the bullet and asked, "May I ask the envoy, what is the Kingdom of Light like?"

After the king finished asking, he secretly fantasized in his heart: The country of the God of Light must be very rich. There must be endless food and endless luxurious clothes. In such a country, the land must be cultivated with golden hoes!

Professor Liao didn't know what the king was thinking. If he knew, he might not be able to help laughing.

"The Kingdom of Light is rich in products, so you don't have to worry about food, clothing, or hunger. Everything in the world is available in the Kingdom of Light. Not only that, those who live in the Kingdom of Light will also receive blessings from the God of Light. , and will have a long life from now on.”

As Professor Liao told the truth, all the kobolds in the sacrifice square who heard it became excited and wanted to immediately go to live in the Kingdom of Light that they had just imagined in their minds.

Those who usually devoutly believe in the God of Light are even more confident and feel that they can live in the Kingdom of Light in the near future. Those who did not believe in ghosts and gods before are also secretly brainwashing themselves. From now on, they will definitely Always believe in the God of Light.

As for the king of the Volcano Country, after hearing the words "long life", he had long forgotten that there was no one in the Volcano Country.

After Professor Liao introduced the so-called Kingdom of Light to the nobles of the Volcano Country, he greeted Abu Laiti and Zhao Sulian, turned around and took a step to deal with the kobold king, then jumped into the air, and then used the propeller flames. Driven by the force, it soared into the sky.

Abu Laiti and Zhao Sulian followed closely behind.

The main reason for flying away from the kobolds is that they are afraid that the propeller tail flames will scorch the kobolds during takeoff.

If the kobolds didn't react when the three tactical armors arrived at the sacrificial square, then when they left this time, these kobolds could really see clearly.

The shining silver body, the surging heat waves, the dazzling tail flames, and the explosive soaring into the sky all deeply shocked their ignorant hearts.

Especially the rolling tail flames, the figure of the scorching sun in the sky appeared in the minds of countless kobolds. At this moment, many kobolds were sure that these three must be the messengers of the God of Light.

And that big sun that hangs high in the sky every day must be the residence of the God of Light.

Because the scorching sun brought them endless warmth, the flames also brought them light and warmth, and the gushing tongues of fire also brought them the same feeling, it must be right.

The inspection team headed by Professor Liao temporarily left. They returned to the place where the transport ship docked before, began to move out various equipment, released small drones like small birds, and began to monitor the capital of the Volcano Country. Humans continue to provide kobolds with social information.

At the same time, they also began to prepare for the next step, choosing a site to build a school near the capital of the volcano country, and preparing to start imparting knowledge to the kobolds to examine their comprehensive intelligence, population characteristics, population potential and other internal factors. .

Provide more and more accurate data for humans to evaluate kobolds.

The three people who came in the tactical armor left temporarily as if they were going through a formality, but for the kobolds of the Volcano Country, today is indeed an extremely important day.

It is not only the day of the farming and sacrificial ceremony, but also the day when the legendary messenger of the God of Light comes to the Volcano Country.

Therefore, after the three tactical armors left, the king of the Volcano Kingdom immediately issued an order for the high priest to record this important event.

The high priest who was also present naturally had no reason to object.

After receiving the order, the high priest took his two apprentices to the Volcano Nation's treasury, received two skins of an unknown animal, and then began to record the incident in writing.

If it were an ordinary time, this would be the end of it, but the arrival of the messenger of the God of Light is a very big deal, so after recording it on the skin of an unknown animal, the high priest has to go to an important place and record it again in another form.

And this place is a cave at the foot of the volcano.

According to the legend of Volcano Country, the ancestors of Volcano Country came out of this cave, and various records are still engraved on the stone walls inside the cave.

Now, the high priest will also record this incident on the stone wall of the cave.

Taking the kobold sent to him by the king, the high priest came to the cave and lit the torch. First, he worshiped the cave, then led his direct subordinates, and then danced in confusion at the carvings in the cave. How many "Kinyu Special Forces" danced, and then began to be carved on the wall.

As the bronze carving knife was waved, the stone powder on the wall fell one after another. After a while, traces slowly appeared on the originally flat stone wall. As the traces increased, the shape of the first tall tactical armor slowly appeared.

Then came the second tactical armor, the third tactical armor, and then the altar. The king, soldiers, many nobles, and the devout high priest were kneeling in obeisance. In just one day, a carved mural appeared on the stone wall from scratch. above.

Thanks to Living in Riches - Living in Poverty for the 500-coin reward, and thanks to Azuma Xiaoyi for the 500-coin reward.

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