Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 272 Special Discovery

In addition to mineral resources, other resources such as wood and biological resources are also constantly refreshing the human database.

I believe that within a few years, ground bases will be able to continuously provide raw materials to various manufacturing factories and shipyards in space.

Now almost every moment, batches of humans are flying out of the base in tactical armors, and batches of people returning from missions are returning with full loads.

In less than a year, the ground base has become a busy scene.

At this moment, Yue Yuan, who was on the Tianqin, received an unexpected message.

The news came from a ground exploration team. This team is different from others who wear tactical armors and operate on the ground. They use transport ships as carriers and wear lightweight spacesuits, which are the previous new types of spacesuits. Although lightweight spacesuits cannot Flying, because it is light, is also conducive to field inspections of some places.

The source of this news is a record stone wall located in a country in the west of the continent.

Miraculously, the Volcanic Country and this country are located on the east and west sides of Pangea. There is no exchange of information at all, but they have a tacit understanding of recording major events on the stone walls.

The exploration team originally discovered it because they followed the priests of that country to their record stone wall.

Perhaps because that country is at the eastern end of Pangu Continent, for convenience, the exploration team called the translated name of that country Donglai Country.

The encounter with the human exploration team was similar to that in the Volcano Kingdom, except that the tactical armor was replaced by a large transport ship.

Unlike Professor Liao's expedition team, since the exploration team all wore light spacesuits, they followed the priests from Donglai Kingdom and went to their recording stone wall.

Ever since, they discovered an unexpected ancient mural.

But now, this mural appeared in front of Yue Yuan. Of course, it is not a real mural that was moved into space, but a photograph.

"Have you seen all the pictures?" Yue Yuan looked at the scientists around him who came to the bridge of the Tianqin, as well as the senior officials of the headquarters.

Among them are Yu Nanfeng, a Ph.D. in engineering, Gan De, who works in astronomy, Gao Kun, who has been working in the field of ship design, and physicist Liu Miyan.

"It looks like a UFO that was often used as a gimmick in the Earth era." Gander was the first to answer. He also belongs to the first generation of humans at the Callisto base. Things on Earth in the 21st and 22nd centuries, he is still Very clear.

Yu Nanfeng, who took over his words, also said the same thing: "It's not like that, it's obvious. Is it possible that the UFOs circulating on the Internet in the 20th and 21st centuries were real? It's impossible, that thing is so stupid It’s just a random fabrication, and with the urine of aliens, how can humans still be safe and sound now that they have discovered the earth?”

Yu Nanfeng's tone was full of disbelief because he saw such a picture in this mural.

A group of little people who clearly looked like kobolds were attached to the ground and seemed to be worshiping. And above their heads was something like a flying saucer.

In fact, at first glance, he didn't think it looked like a flying saucer. But in the picture, there were things obviously clouds painted next to the flying saucer, and there was also a sun drawn on the side. Oh, it should be said to be the main sequence star of this galaxy.

Moreover, if the UFO does not look obvious in this picture, there is a close-up picture of a flying saucer on top of the stone wall carvings taken by the exploration team.

In this carving, there is a large disc with clear lines, and two gradually enlarging diagonal lines extend from the center under the disc. According to the style of carving on the stone wall, it really looks like a beam of light emitted by a flying saucer, because in the middle of this beam of light, there is a dog-headed man.

No, I shouldn't say standing, because in the picture, the kobold's feet are clearly off the ground, so to be precise, it should be floating, or rising along the light beam of the flying saucer.

There is another picture about these flying saucers. In this picture, there is more than one disc-shaped aircraft that looks like a flying saucer. These flying saucers have one thing in common - they are all painted in the sky.

At this moment, Liu Miyan on the side raised his voice and handed the personal terminal in his hand to Yue Yuan: "Commander, look at this."

"What is this?" Yue Yuan took a look at the personal terminal and couldn't help but stare. It was also a picture, which showed a circle with some corners around it. From the periphery to the center of the circle, the The line segments are connected together, and at first glance it looks a bit like a wheel.

I had been focusing on the UFO mural before, but I didn’t notice that there was such a picture.

"People from the exploration team said that this thing is the totem of the country from the east. They can be seen everywhere in the king's palace and in various carvings." Liu Miyan reached out and tapped the screen, so that the picture description edited by the exploration team appeared on the picture. .


Yue Yuan muttered. When Liu Miyan said this, he suddenly felt that this so-called totem looked a bit like a flying saucer.

"The belief in that country shouldn't be the God of Light, right?" Yue Yuan asked, feeling that he seemed to be paying too much attention to the flying saucer and didn't even read the details of the report sent back by the exploration team.

"No, according to the exploration team's description, it should be a star god, a god of heaven, or something like that." Gander looked away from the report document and replied.

Yue Yuan nodded, thought for a moment, and then looked at a few people: "Well, facts speak louder than words. If these discs are really flying saucers, then the faith totem of this country from the east is most likely the graphics they drew based on the flying saucers. "

Gan De continued Yue Yuan's words and said: "Chief Commander, if it is really a flying saucer, doesn't it mean that an alien civilization has visited this planet before us? It seems that we need to send more manpower to Donglai Country to find out the truth as soon as possible. At least we have to figure out when the flying saucer in the mural visited this planet."

"That's exactly what I meant." Yue Yuan nodded, "More than that, we need to explore this planet in more detail. We may be able to find other traces of UFO visits."

Upon hearing that an alien civilization had visited this planet, Yue Yuan suddenly felt a sense of crisis for no reason.

At this time, Gao Kun, who had been silent, spoke: "With my many years of experience in ship design, it is not impossible to design a spaceship into the shape of a flying saucer, but the effect is limited to the gravity effect caused by inertia, and look at this mural Yes, the flying saucer is obviously flat, it flew flat, and it flew into the planet environment, which is a bit puzzling."

Everyone present knew what Gao Kun meant by incomprehensible. After all, humans have barrel-shaped residential spaceships. If the human residential spaceships were disassembled into a disc, it would be almost a flying saucer.

However, the structure of the flying saucer is completely unsuitable for installing large-caliber artillery, and the location of the power and thrusters is also a big problem.

"Is it possible that the flying saucer in the mural is just a detector of the unknown civilization? Have you discovered that the thruster jet of the flying saucer in the mural is not drawn?" Gao Kun continued to point to one of the pictures. Said the flying saucer suspended in mid-air.

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