Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 273 Reverie

No thruster nozzle? !

Several people present were shocked. They really didn't notice this before. Now that Gao Kun mentioned it, they really didn't find that the flying saucers painted in the sky had thruster nozzles.

What does that mean? It means that this flying saucer has technology that far exceeds that of humans.

In the depiction, we don’t see a flying saucer with a helicopter-like spiral clamp. The technology that allows it to float in the air is something that even the top scientists in the human race don’t know how it works.

Well, if we speculate based on humanity's current technology tree, it may be some kind of anti-gravity technology. But anti-gravity technology is too mysterious. Human beings now don’t even understand what gravity is, let alone anti-gravity.

It can be said that anti-gravity technology is just a sentence in the current technology tree of mankind, a utopian statement without any theoretical basis.

Because according to the definition of anti-gravity, it must be some kind of force that repels gravity. Human beings currently really don’t even know the pre-technique of this technology, or even the pre-technique of the pre-gravity.

Of course, taking a step back, it may also be some kind of magnetic levitation technology.

But something that can fly freely inside the planet is still such a big iron thing. How strong a magnetic field must be generated to be able to link with the magnetic field of the planet itself so that it can come and go freely.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yue Yuan pondered for a moment and asked: "Could it be a warp engine?"

"Absolutely impossible." Liu Miyan immediately shook his head and said: "Chief, although we are still far away from the grand unified theory, we have a warp engine. According to our physics theory, warp speed navigation inside the planet should be It is a very dangerous thing. To say the least, even if it can sail at warp speed, it cannot have the effect of floating in the air."

"Is it possible that it is some kind of derivative technology after the realization of the grand unified theory?" Yue Yuan asked again.

Regarding his question, Liu Miyan didn't say anything, but just spread his hands. His meaning was very clear, that is, I don't know.

Seeing this, Yue Yuan couldn't say anything. After all, human beings were only a second-level civilization. As for the theory that was defined as a symbol of fourth-level civilization by the cosmic civilization, it really couldn't be known by just guessing.

Yue Yuan first nodded to Liu Miyan, and said helplessly: "Okay, let's forget about the technical content of the flying saucer. We only need to know that the civilization to which this flying saucer belongs has technological strength that far exceeds ours. That's it.

Then, there are many things we have to do next. Exploring a planet does not happen overnight. Searching blindly will get twice the result with half the effort and waste time. Let the exploration team continue to follow the clues from Donglai Country and continue to investigate. Bar."

Having said this, Yue Yuan turned around and said to Long Xiaolin, who had been standing behind him: "By the way, Xiaolin, what is the name of the captain of the exploration team?"

"Wu Xiaoli, female, 795 years old, master's degree in history and language." Long Xiaolin, who was well prepared, immediately informed the captain of the exploration team with every detail.

"Okay, I'll mark her great contribution and reward her with 100,000 contribution coins. You go and notify her and let her expand based on the current exploration team. I'll give her ten years. After ten years, I want to know more about UFO civilization. Information. In addition, inform Zhu Pite to allocate a transport ship from the Security Department for Wu Xiaoli to use." Yue Yuan thought for a while and decided to become the shopkeeper.

"Yes, Commander." Long Xiaolin recorded Yue Yuan's words, then turned and walked out of the bridge.

Human transport ships are the largest means of transport within civilization. The next level is transport ships, and the smaller ones are transport boats.

In today's human society, civilian-level ships are generally transport boats and transport ships. Those with the word "ship" in them are all controlled by the military. There are also tactical armors, all of which are in the hands of the military. Those who use tactical armors are either military personnel or scientific scientists who have registered tactical armors in the central computer database.

As for civilian use, generally only light spacesuits and transport ships can be used to move around on the planet.

Now that Yue Yuan has given the transport ship to Wu Xiaoli's exploration team, it shows that the new government attaches great importance to this matter.

And through this discovery, several people here have a deeper understanding of the dangers of the universe and the universality of civilization.

According to human observation, this place is a cantilever edge. From the perspective of dense stars, it is a wild place, a place where birds don't poop.

In such a remote star field, there is not only an indigenous civilization, but also traces of visits by advanced civilizations.

In a daze, Yue Yuan suddenly had the feeling that there were countless advanced civilizations hidden in the dark stars.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of the UFO that Yu Nanfeng mentioned before.

In fact, he originally disdained the UFO legends of the 20th and 21st centuries, but now this belief has been shaken.

Maybe aliens really have visited Earth.

If UFOs are real, could they be related to the bombing of the solar system?

Although the solar system and the Centauri triple star system were bombed in the 22nd century, a mere hundred or two hundred years is just the blink of an eye for interstellar civilization.

Is it possible that alien probes arrived, discovered the earth, and sent the information to their warships. Then two hundred years later, the warships arrived and blew up the solar system and the Centauri triple star system.

But why?

Is it possible that there is civilization in the Centauri triple star system?

Moreover, this inference of destroying living planets upon sight is completely in conflict with the argument that living planets are precious. Which one is correct?

This large cosmic society full of civilization is a dark forest? Or filter it? Or is it a division of power? Or are there other forms? Or are there multiple coexistences and a mixture of each other?

Just as Yue Yuan was thinking further and further, Gan De's steady voice sounded: "Chief, Chief?"

"Well, we have been brainstorming for a while. Academician Gan, where did you end up talking?" Yue Yuan asked quickly after his eyes regained clarity.

Gander said: "It's still about the flying saucer. Chief, we seem to have missed something."

"Oh? What did Academician Gan discover?" Yue Yuan's eyes lit up. Could it be that Gan De discovered something from the stone wall carvings after such a short period of time?

Thinking like this, he continued: "Is the time recorded on the stone wall? Or is it something else!"

"Uh" Hearing Yue Yuan ask this, Gan De was sure that he, Chief Yue, was really in a daze just now.

However, knowing that Gui Gui knew it, he could not say it so straightforwardly. Instead, he said again what he had just said to Yu Nanfeng, Liu Miyan, and Gao Kun: "Chief Commander, we think this galaxy is so clean, maybe with It’s about flying saucers.”

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