Chapter 274 ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

Yue Yuan was not stupid. When he heard Gan De's words, he understood what he meant, but he still found it a bit unbelievable, so he said in an unbelievable tone: "Academician Gan means that the planet where the kobolds are located There are no satellites. It is said that the gaseous planet does not have satellites. Is it all caused by this flying saucer civilization?"

Gander shook his head: "No, the Kobold planet should have no satellites originally. After all, if a satellite disappears directly, the impact on its planet may be devastating.

We believe that if the kobold planet originally existed and then disappeared, the resulting changes in the planet's environment would definitely wipe out the entire kobold population, and the planet's basic ecosystem system would definitely not be able to revive again for hundreds of millions of years. "

At this point, Gander added: "Unless the technology of this flying saucer civilization is advanced enough to eliminate this effect."

"Eliminate the impact of the disappearance of a satellite on its orbiting planet." Yue Yuan murmured. In his mind, what might happen to the earth after the moon disappeared directly. The first thing that came to his mind was that the tides of the earth's oceans would become disordered. .

The earth's tide phenomenon is caused by the gravitational effects of the moon and the sun. In particular, the moon's gravitational change on the earth causes the water to rise and collapse, thus forming the ocean tides we see every day.

If the moon suddenly disappeared, the Earth would produce fewer tides, sea levels would become calmer, and the weakening of tidal gravity would increase the risk of tsunamis and superstorms.

The second is the earth's axis of rotation.

The moon has a huge impact on the earth's rotation axis. Without the "fixation" of the moon, the earth's rotation axis will change due to different geological effects. This change may cause the four seasons to become more extreme, and the equatorial and ecliptic angles will also be different. It will always be fixed at 23.15°.

This will have a devastating blow to the earth's ecology.

In this way, the climate environment on the earth will also undergo tremendous changes. The climate will become more extreme. Wild animals and crops will become extinct in large numbers because they cannot adapt to the extreme climate. This change may also trigger a global ice age.

If there is a civilization that can directly destroy the moon and keep the earth's environment stable, then it can use the planet as a marble.

Therefore, Yue Yuan felt that the "unless" mentioned by Gan De was too unlikely.

Gander continued: "Yes, although this possibility is very small, maybe we just don't have enough imagination. After all, even a civilization like the Awakener that can span a river system exists, so naturally it cannot be ruled out. possibility.

Of course, what we mean is that the satellites of the Kobold planet did not exist in the first place, and the only ones that were wiped out by the flying saucer civilization were the satellites of the gaseous planet outside. "

After a pause, Gander leaned his chin and pondered for a while, then continued: "Perhaps there were other rocky planets besides the gaseous planets, but in the end they were all dug up by the flying saucer civilization."

Hearing this, Yue Yuan suddenly remembered the recent exploration, so he interrupted: "Well, I remembered it when you said that. We have been here for so long, but the minerals discovered on the Kobold Planet Most of the resources are not big mines. Will they be mined by the flying saucer civilization? It seems that we need to explore carefully to see if there are any mines that have been obviously dug manually. "

"It's not impossible," Gander said. "When we first came to this star system, we said it was a bit too clean. You know, we have visited so many star systems, and we have never seen anything like this orange one. Dwarf galaxies are just as clean, and no matter how bad they are, there will be some asteroids, large and small meteorites, etc., but here it is clean, and the space of the star system is cleaner than a dog licking it.

Moreover, according to the secondary model of gaseous planet evolution, there should be a few rocky satellites anyway. This was the case in the star systems we docked in the past, but the situation here now does not conform to the theory at all.

Since no information about UFO civilization was found before, we might have really thought that our gaseous planet evolution model was wrong. Now it seems that all these abnormalities are caused by UFO civilization."

Listening to Gander's words, several people present suddenly felt that it was very reasonable, because only this statement can keep human's theory of gaseous planet evolution and stellar evolution model correct, and it can also explain the situation of this orange dwarf galaxy.

Gao Kun said with emotion: "According to what Academician Gan said, the flying saucer civilization is too cruel. It knows that there is a kobold civilization here, but it digs out all the rocky planets in the star system, leaving no resources. , wouldn’t it mean that the kobold civilization’s path to the starry sky has been cut off?”

"Well, I'm telling you, Lao Gao, you shouldn't have said that." Yu Nanfeng on the side said with a smile: "Perhaps the UFO civilization has already been established long ago, and the kobold civilization can have enough resources based on their home planet alone. What about setting foot in the starry sky? It's just that they didn't expect us to come again. Speaking of which, if the kobold civilization is really trapped on the home planet due to resource problems in the future, we will also be one of the culprits!"

He said that humans were the culprit, but Yu Nanfeng didn't feel any guilt in his heart.

Liu Miyan also laughed: "No, no, no, how can we be the culprits? How many mineral resources have we taken? We haven't even gnawed away the surface of the planet. At most, we are accomplices. Think about it, that flying saucer civilization can be I don’t know how many rocky planets have been hollowed out, that’s evil, they’re like locusts.”

Seeing the two people like this, Yue Yuan also touched his beard and said with a smile: "If the mineral resources left for the kobolds are really taken away by us, then these kobolds will be really unlucky. In this way, we plan Take away some of the kobolds, save them from fire and water, and help them escape from the prison of their home planet!"

"That's the truth." Gander took over.

Even if humans mine mineral resources on the planet and the kobolds are trapped on the planet forever because of the resources, humans will not be able to stop and turn around and leave.

Not to mention that the next star system is far away, even if it is very close, humans can fly there at any time with the current fuel, and it is impossible for humans to leave. After all, they are here, all kinds of equipment have been deployed, and the next step will be large-scale industry and manufacturing. Okay, how about not producing more warships?

As for the kobolds, take them away if you can. If you don't want to, just stay and let nature take its course.

"Okay, that's all for today." Yue Yuan stood up, looked at Gan De and said, "Academician Gan, Long Xiaolin is not here, so I would like you to consolidate the content of our conversation today, and then package it into a file and send it to Long Xiaolin. Lin, let her process it again, I need the think tank to also take a closer look."

"No problem, Chief." Gander agreed without thinking. After all, most of the speculations and opinions on this matter were his own, and it would be most appropriate for him to summarize it himself.

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