Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 275 School

After leaving the matter to Gan De, Yue Yuan personally returned to the headquarters and arranged for relevant departments to send additional manpower to the interior of the planet to assist Wu Xiaoli's team in strengthening their exploration.

Because of Gander's speculation, Yue Yuan also paid more attention to the exploration of various resources on the planet, mainly to see if the minerals on this planet had been mined by flying saucer civilization.

Compared with exploring other clues about UFO civilization, it is much easier to check whether the minerals have been mined. After all, when mining, it is important to leave some pits and so on.

As orders were issued one after another, the accelerator button was pressed again on human exploration and exploitation of the kobold planet.

Within a year, the Orbital Mass Accelerator was busy, with shipments doubling before.

Batch after batch of refined minerals, processed into semi-finished products, even logs, plants, etc., are constantly being sent to space.

As for the animal resources on the planet, they are temporarily kept in captivity by humans in the base. After the new biosphere spaceships are built, they will be transported into space by human transport ships to enrich the human biological gene pool.

At this time, the first phase of the kobold training plan officially kicked off.

It took humans three months to build a school near the volcano country using 3D printing technology. At the same time, elementary school courses were selected from the database and compiled into teaching materials. Taking into account the backwardness of the kobolds, humans also specially used local materials to create a batch of paper for teaching materials.

With the name of the God of Light, we were not worried about the lack of kobolds in the school. Instead, there were too many kobolds to come, so humans had to change their strategies and conduct a grand screening of the kobolds who could study in the school.

First of all, it is impossible to be fair, and they will not choose directly from the kobold slaves. Instead, they will respect the social system of the kobolds and first choose from the nobles and royal families who were in the sacrificial square. After all, it is in the name of the God of Light. It is impossible to leave sacrifices to the God of Light without giving them a chance, and instead give opportunities to slaves.

In fact, humans currently have nothing to do with kobolds, and cultivating them now is just for future ideological imprinting plans.

After all, as a race that is capable of smelting bronzes, even if it is used for mining, a human mining equipment can be as powerful as a kobold country, which is completely unnecessary.

Therefore, the establishment of the school is still carried out according to the original plan. The kobolds who have completed their studies will be taken to the ground base by humans in the name of the Kingdom of Light to either continue their studies or be frozen in the name of going to the future world.

"Chief, kobold education is on the right track. Guangming School has enrolled 764 kobolds in the first batch, 90% of them are princes and nobles, and the remaining 10% are some kobolds in the capital city of the Volcano Kingdom who can afford the tuition. For now, there are still some particularly smart individuals among kobolds who are worth teaching. Wait until next year, when the school will be open to the entire volcanic country." A worker from the Ministry of Education told Yue Yuan through Tiandi Video Communication Talking about the progress of kobold education.

Although it is a school opened by the God of Light, tuition fees still have to be paid. After all, humans do not want kobolds to develop the habit of getting something for nothing. We must let them know that the knowledge of the God of Light is precious, and they must pay enough tuition through their own efforts and be sincere in order to be eligible for admission.

Of course, this tuition fee is not the currency used by the kobolds, nor is it a human contribution coin, but the creatures on the planet. As long as the number of animals and plants that can be sent to the school meets the requirements, you can enroll.

Animals, plants, even strange and exotic things will do.

Animals and plants are required to be alive. As for strange and rare things, it depends on human beings themselves. Anyway, the right to speak is in the hands of human beings.

The reason why live animals and plants are used as tuition fees is because the Institute of Biology has a hand in it. They want to collect more species in this biosphere through this method.

Although humans collect by themselves quickly and more efficiently, there is no way to cover everything, and collecting through kobolds may not be able to fill in the gaps. As for the requirements for strange and rare things, it is because humans need to find clues about UFO civilization.

As an aborigine who has seen UFO civilization, it is not certain that he has picked up some UFO civilization objects. Even a screw is a major discovery for mankind. Although the hope is low, it is better than doing nothing.

As for why it was not open to the entire Volcano Country until the second year, it was naturally to let the news of ‘the God of Light teach knowledge’ fly for a while first.

When the kobolds living in the capital see the benefits that the first batch of students have gained from the school, the news will definitely spread to the surrounding areas like a plague. Let the kobolds see it with their own eyes and spread the news personally, which is much more effective than humans parachuting everywhere and spreading the news by force.

"Is there no problem with the teaching materials?" Yue Yuan asked.

The staff of the Ministry of Education nodded and said: "Don't worry, Chief, there will be no problem. We have adapted the teaching materials for the kobolds, so you can learn it quickly. Our human education starts from the basics, and the principles are explained clearly. , and the teaching materials for kobolds only seek application.

We only tell them how to use something, but we don’t tell them how it works. The same is true for the mathematics, physics and chemistry knowledge in the textbooks. They only tell them what things will react with what things together to become something else, but they will not be told the reasons for the reactions. "

"Yes, very good." Yue Yuan nodded, obviously very satisfied with the Ministry of Education's handling of this matter.

As for kobolds, humans do not require them to produce any great scientists, nor do they require them to participate in human scientific progress. They only need to listen to humans.

The Ministry of Education is doing this to deprive the kobolds of their creativity and innovation ability. This is very good and is in line with Yue Yuan's wishes.

In fact, when he heard the Ministry of Education staff member began to report back, Yue Yuan was worried that they would directly use human textbooks, but he was worried too much.

That's right. After all, the environment and atmosphere of this planet are different from those of the earth. Many knowledge points must still be based on this planet.

The rewards from the staff of the Ministry of Education continue: "In addition, we have also set up some performance-related rewards in the school, um. They are called credits. They can get credits through exams, and then use the credits to exchange them in the school store. commodity."

"What kind of products are there?" Yue Yuan couldn't help but interject.

After not paying attention to it for a few months, Yue Yuan really didn't know what the school was doing now.

"Since only enlightenment education is currently open, the things we put there are relatively ordinary. They are lighters, flashlights, umbrellas, candles, pots, bowls, ladles, basins, mosquito nets, seats, tables and other daily necessities. It was slightly modified according to the biological characteristics of the kobold, and it can be regarded as a small department store." The education staff continued to introduce the situation of the school.

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