Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 276 Credits

This can be considered a school canteen, right? Listening to the staff's introduction, the image of a school canteen appeared in Yue Yuan's mind.

According to the introduction by the staff of the Ministry of Education, the items sold in the school store are divided into levels. These daily necessities are primary items and are bound to the primary school district. If you want to obtain items such as steel knives, iron farm tools, glass, ceramic tiles, radios, and cameras, you must obtain good enough grades and enter middle school as a middle school student, because these items are tied to the middle school district.

And if you want to set foot on the bright kingdom in the human painting and get the opportunity to go to the future, you have to continue your education and master higher knowledge.

When humans do this, they mainly use interests and benefits to stimulate the enthusiasm of kobolds. Although humans here in the Volcano Country have the name of God of Light, humans have not foolishly decided to rely on just one name.

Of course, it is impossible to just stay at the level of deception.

Yue Yuan nodded with satisfaction. According to this situation, it is estimated that various snacks suitable for kobolds will appear in the near future.

Well, of course, human snacks cannot be given directly to kobolds. After all, aliens have different recipes and eating them randomly will lead to death.

Thinking of food, Yue Yuan secretly said: "I don't know how the food research is progressing. At that time, Wolfe's planet was difficult to break through because of the left-handed problem of biological organisms. Now this planet has a right-handed DNA structure like the earth. It must be possible now You should be able to get rid of the days of eating synthetic protein.”

Since the Callisto disaster, human food has been in a single category. Although the food department has undergone a lot of taste improvements and innovations in the past time, it still cannot create real meat out of nothing.

But all this will change here.

Although Yue Yuan is not a true expert, he has a wide range of knowledge, and as the helmsman, he still knows the level of human food technology.

I believe that as long as there are enough animal samples, humans will soon be able to cultivate edible meat. These days, humans have discovered a lot of large animals on the planet, and there are always some suitable for meat.

Of course, before bringing animals from this planet to the table, humans must first understand the immune system of the kobolds, and then invent some kind of immune reagent to make humans immune to the microorganisms and viruses on this planet.

This is also a long-term process. After all, each biosphere is unique. If humans want to use non-Earth biospheres, they will have to spend a lot of manpower, material resources, and time on research.

It is not possible to go to an alien planet and just pop any fruit into your mouth.

While Yue Yuan was listening to the Ministry of Education's report on school affairs, he was thinking wildly. The school he was paying attention to also ushered in the end of the day's classes.

The school is called Guangming School. It is located on a mountain peak outside the capital city of Volcano Kingdom. The mountain is not high and is a mixture of earth and rock. The main factor in choosing the location of the school on the mountain is to consider the identity of the God of Light. Since it is necessary If you want to perform, you must carry it out to the end.

In order to build a school on the mountain, humans specially dispatched several frigates and used their high-energy laser cannons to flatten the entire mountain in a few days.

The movement at that time, if the King of Volcano Country had not been told in advance that the God of Light was exerting his divine power, all the kobolds in the Volcano Kingdom and the bright hatch would probably have thought it was a punishment from heaven.

The school is built on a mountain, and humans have made two roads leading to the school, one is a normal staircase, and the other is an elevator that requires credits to be used.

It can be said that in order to encourage kobolds to study hard, inequalities exist everywhere in the schools built by humans. The consumption currency in the school is not money, but credits.

As for the credits, they need to be obtained from exams. Human beings are set according to the time of the Kobold Planet, take exams every thirty days, and then obtain credits based on exam results.

At the primary school level, there are three subjects in total, namely language, mathematics and theology.

The language is English, but because the pronunciation system of the kobolds is different from that of humans, the pronunciation system of this English is the kobolds' own. The humans just replaced the kobolds' words with English in a one-to-one correspondence. .

For this work, linguists were very busy at that time.

Of course, there is no need to say much about mathematics, primary school mathematics.

As for theology, it is not traditional theology, but a science of etiquette and worldview that teaches kobolds how to obey humans.

There are three subjects, and each subject is set at 100 points during the examination. In other words, the smartest kobold can get a 'salary' of 300 credits a month.

At the middle school level, several more subjects will be added, such as physics, chemistry, biology, music, art, physical education, etc.

But it's just the beginning now, and no kobolds have finished primary school yet, so there is no middle school content yet. Just like primary schools, new courses in middle schools will be adjusted accordingly according to the conditions of this planet. For example, g in physics is not the 9.8 meters per second squared by humans, but 6.762m/s of this planet.

The living things will also become the knowledge of the biosphere on this planet, as well as the kobold's own body structure, structure, operating mechanism, etc. It can be said that if a kobold who has learned biology has the opportunity to study in a more advanced school, he can learn medicine and become a kobold doctor.

Education, even accelerated education, takes a long time, but humans have to stay on this planet for a long time, so overall it's not very urgent.

As the school bell rang, kobolds walked out of the classroom one by one. There are no dormitories in the school. After a day of classes, they have to go down the mountain and return to their homes.

"Classmate Jingbei, here, here." A voice sounded urgently among a group of kobolds filing out.

"It's Ye, what do you want from me?" The kobold called Jingbian's classmate followed the direction of the voice, walked in front of the other kobold, and responded.

Jingbian’s classmate’s name is Jingbian Shui. He is an ordinary kobold. As an ordinary kobold, he originally did not have a surname. However, when he came to the school last month, the school required that every kobold who came to study must have one. First and last name, so he gave himself the surname "Beside the Well" because there was a well next to his house.

The wild in his mouth is called Zhuxiaye, who is also an ordinary kobold. Zhuxia is his surname, and its source is the same as the water by the well. His home is under a bamboo forest.

Of course, this bamboo is some kind of bamboo-like plant on this planet.

"After the exam tomorrow, we have new credits. How about we go to the store now and buy some things to take home?" Takeshita pointed in the direction of the school store and said.

"How come you still have credits? I remember last month you got 50 fewer credits than me. I only have 12 credits left. Excluding the 2 credits for dinner tomorrow, I only have 10 credits left." Water from the well Shaking his head, he told about his hardships. In last month's exam, he only scored 251 points, and his good friend Takeshita was even worse. He only scored 201 points out of 300 points. How could he still have credits?

"Hey, of course I don't have credits, but we can go and have a look. I have been interested in that thing called a flashlight in the store for a long time. It is the treasure of the God of Light. Do you still remember the light in Mumu's hand that night? Well, it's from that thing called a flashlight. That thing is much more convenient than a torch. Thinking that I can buy it after the exam tomorrow, I can't help but want to take a look." Takeshita rubbed his hands excitedly, and the flashlight was The price in the store is fifty credits, which he definitely doesn’t have now, but he really wants to take a look.

"That's okay, I just happened to use 10 credits to buy a match for my family, so let's go together." Shui nodded at the well.

10 credits can buy a match, he remembers it clearly. He and Takeshita are better at mathematics, so they can calculate the price of goods and the credits they have more clearly.

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