Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 277 Ya Ya Ya

When the two kobolds came to the store, they found that there was no one there.

"Ye, look, there's no one in the store today." Takeshita Ye came to the store and looked around as if he was poking around.

"Today is the end of the month. Everyone must have no credits, and there must be no people. Wait until tomorrow, and there will be more people. Okay, help me find the matches. Let's go back after shopping, otherwise it will be late. It’s going to be dark.”

As Jing Bianshui spoke, he came to a vending machine and stared at the screen of the vending machine. At the same time, he recalled in his mind the operating methods taught by the teacher in class.

This kind of store is specially prepared by humans for kobolds, so naturally it will not be sold manually. The entire store is just a vending machine, and the products are built into the shop behind the vending machine.

The outside is decorated with glass, and the merchandise on display can be seen from the outside. When you select and purchase products in the vending machine, the products will be selected by the built-in mechanical device and then transported to the product outlet.

Looking at the display screen of the vending machine, Jingbian Shui secretly thought about the usage process: I remember that the first step is to select the product, the second step is to put the student card in the sensing area of ​​the vending machine, and then enter the correct price, the third step, etc. Ship the goods.

He remembered the usage process very clearly, but the first step stumped him.

Because although the vending machine products can be selected on the screen, they only have names and no pictures. As an ordinary kobold, Jingbian Shui had never learned to write before. Although he had studied for a month, he didn't know many words.

"Ye, come and help me take a look." Jingbian Shui saw Takeshita Ye still looking at the displayed goods behind the glass with a dazed look on his face, and immediately called out.

"Water, you want to buy something, don't you even know the name of the thing?" Takeshita looked away reluctantly, walked to the water next to the well, and looked at him in disbelief.

"Didn't you ask me to come here and I decided to buy matches on the spur of the moment? I wasn't prepared before." Shui looked embarrassed by the well.

"Then buy a hammer. I only know the name of the flashlight for these products, but I don't know the others!" Takeshita complained.

The products are very tempting, and every kobold likes them, but buying them is a painful process, because the products displayed in the glass only have physical objects and no names, while the catalog on the vending machine screen only has names and no pictures.

Therefore, if you want to buy the product you want, you must know the name of the product in advance and remember the price. If you don't remember the price, you are likely to lose more money and get more credits.

Although you can get the product by deducting extra points, the difference will not be repaid. If you enter a credit value that is lower than the price of the product, you will be prompted with a price error. If you make three mistakes, the vending machine will deduct 5 points as a penalty.

This kind of impersonal vending machine was naturally created intentionally by humans to allow kobolds to quickly master language and mathematics.

"Okay, then I can only wait until I finish the exam tomorrow and be ready before buying it." Jingbian Shui sighed.

The so-called preparation is to look up the dictionary in the classroom and copy the name of the corresponding product into your hand or scratch paper.

Unable to buy anything, the two kobolds had no choice but to return the long way down the mountain.

As he walked, Takeshita looked at the student classroom next to him and said, "Shui, you think it would be great if we could live in a house like this. I heard from noble grandpas that the king's palace is not as beautiful as here." .”

Takeshita Ye just saw the flashlight he had been longing for, and was in a good mood. Now he started to fantasize again.

"This was created by the God of Light. How can the king's place be compared with the God of Light?" Although Shui Bianbing didn't buy anything, he wasn't in a good mood and didn't say much.

Takeshita Ye looked admiring: "I heard that as long as you have good academic performance, you will have the opportunity to live in the Kingdom of Light. In the Kingdom of Light, you will not only be able to live in such a house every day, but you will also have the opportunity to receive the blessing of the God of Light and be able to live To be a hundred years old.”

Jingbianshui: "Who told you?"

Takeshita Ye: "It's spread all over the streets and alleys in the capital, and you don't even know!"

Jingbian Shui: "Humph, of course I know."

Takeshita Ye: "If you know, why don't you ask me."

"I'm not testing you."

"But pull it down. Although you scored 50 points more than me last time, I tell you, I will definitely surpass you this time."

"By the way, speaking of exams, I heard that you have to study for six years before you can advance to a secondary school. Is this true?"

"I heard that this matter is written in the school rules. It's because you can't understand the words of the God of Light."

Hearing the words about the God of Light, Jingbian Shui suddenly pulled Takeshita Ye, then exposed his palms, secretly saw the square characters written on his palms from a certain device, and whispered: "This is the It is the writing of the God of Light, and only those who have arrived in the Kingdom of the God of Light are qualified to learn it.”

The two kobolds were talking to each other about the school, while their figures slowly disappeared into the stairs.

There are elevators up and down the mountain, but they are reluctant to spend the credits on it.

There are many figures similar to the two of them. They are either discussing tomorrow's exam on the way, or they are discussing the magic of products, the conditions for admission and further education, and what they have seen and heard during their time in school.

These kobolds have been in contact with human things for some time, but the more contact they have, the more awe and curiosity they feel. Because almost everything that appears in school is something they have never seen before.

Concrete stairs, concrete floors, whitewashed walls, luminous screens, automatic elevators, even matches, flashlights, flying drones, etc.

Everything is not beyond their understanding.

If kobolds are in awe and curiosity about human creations, then for humans themselves, at this stage, they only have awe.

Because in their eyes, humans are like the fifteen-meter-tall giants in tactical armor, gods of light.

Such an impression is naturally due to the fact that humans themselves cannot adapt to the environment of this planet at all, so that every time they appear, they always appear wearing tactical armor.

Humans are actually aware of this misunderstanding of kobolds, but they don't care too much. After all, even if the kobolds discover that the human body is smaller than the original body in the future, it will probably be a hundred years later.

Moreover, at that time, the kobolds who followed humans into the starry sky must have been frozen, and the moment waiting for them to be awakened must be the time when humans mastered the imprint of their thoughts.

There is no such thing as the image of the God of Light being damaged. After all, I didn’t know which generation of kobolds I was at that time.

At this stage, it is a great honor for kobolds to come to school to study, because for them who lack the means of production, this is paradise and the kingdom of gods.

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