Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 278 There is meat to eat

In just half a year, a bunch of legends about humans, such as exams, credits, the kingdom of the God of Light, God’s creation, etc., quickly spread in the Volcano Country.

And such legends were confirmed as pieces of human groceries flowed into the Volcano Country. Countless kobolds who got the news also started to think about enrolling in school. So in the following days, the kobolds in the Volcano Country tried to find ways to raise funds. Biological resources so that they have the opportunity to enter school next year.

This news also gradually spread to surrounding countries with the movement of traders. I believe that within a few years, the news about Guangming School will spread throughout the Volcano Country.

But what these kobolds don't know is that their so-called life in the kingdom of the God of Light is actually a road of no return. Once they go there, they will be screened by humans step by step, and finally frozen in the name of being taken to the future world.

Time flies, and thirty years pass by in an instant.

In the past thirty years, with the support of powerful industrial power, humans have built tall mining factories all over the planet, and various mineral resources have been continuously sent into space.

Human beings are working hard to absorb the mineral resources of this planet.

Everything is going according to human plans.

Today, two reports from different departments came to Yue Yuan almost at the same time.

Human beings have been working without paper for a long time, and humans who live in spaceships also require the use of paperless offices. After all, the spacecraft can save as much load as possible, so the so-called report is three electronic files.

Based on the current time, it's actually time to get off work, and tomorrow is the annual New Year's Eve. However, as a leader, Yue Yuan has no concept of getting off work. Because of his status, his time is only divided into work and nothing, not commuting.

Of course, this is just him. Staff in various departments still have a strict get off work and clock system, unless humans enter a state of war.

Under the normal commuting system, it is absolutely impossible to not have a holiday during the New Year.

Nothing happened at all, so Yue Yuan was not in a hurry to leave the office. Instead, he leaned on the sofa, opened his personal terminal, and slowly read the report.

"Global Mineral Resources Distribution and Reserves Report"

After taking a look at the file name, Yue Yuan murmured softly. Judging from the name, it must be a report written by the exploration department.

In fact, based on the level of human science and technology, more than ten years are enough for them to complete the exploration of the entire planet's mineral resources. The detailed report is only now being released, which should be related to the exploration of traces of UFO civilization.

Sure enough, when I looked at the content, what I saw was the content about UFO civilization.

However, this is not news about the creation of UFO civilization, but the discovery of more than a dozen deep pits that may be mining and mining sites of UFO civilization. According to the description in the document, these pits are about eight to ten kilometers long.

According to the thickness of the planet's crust, this depth has almost dug through the crust. According to analysis of samples collected by geologists, these deep pits are likely to be heavy metal mines.

But that's all. The exploration team has explored these deep pits and found no traces of UFO civilization creations.

In other words, for thirty years, mankind's exploration of UFO civilization has still stopped at the stone wall carvings of ancient kobolds.

Of course, there is not no progress. At least humans have obtained some information from the carvings on the stone walls and these deep pits. According to relevant experts' speculation, the time when the flying saucer civilization visited this planet should be 200,000 to 300,000 years ago.

Kobolds were of the Stone Age at that time.

From some murals discovered during subsequent exploration, as well as the surface of the deep pit, it seems that the flying saucer civilization did not have any obvious intervention on the kobolds at that time, but simply mined here and then left.

It is indeed pure mining, so simple that it has licked the entire planet in the orange dwarf galaxy clean. But when Yue Yuan continued to look down, he discovered that there was more to this simple mining.

In the content of the report, human experts speculated based on the results of global mineral resource exploration that it is very likely that the remaining mineral resources on the planet were actually left intentionally by the flying saucer civilization.

Because they discovered a helium-3 mineral, the helium-3 mineral deposit here was incompatible with the surrounding environment, and its geological composition was significantly different from the surrounding geology. It was as if someone dug a pit and deliberately placed the helium-3 mineral in it.

Human geologists speculate that these mineral deposits may have been intentionally left by the flying saucer civilization for the kobolds to use in the future. After rough calculations, anthropologists estimate that these mineral deposits, plus the protium, deuterium and tritium in the sea, can probably last a civilization that achieves controllable nuclear fusion for three thousand years.

Then, Yue Yuanyou continued to look down.

The content is a summary of the reserves of various non-ferrous metals and rare metals, as well as geologists' views on the relationship between exploration results and UFO civilization.

They believe that the various non-ferrous metal deposits remaining on the planet are most likely caused by the flying saucer civilization deliberately not digging.

"It seems that this flying saucer civilization is not evil. Although it swept away the planets in the starry sky, it still left some resources to give the kobolds a chance to set foot in the starry sky." Yue Yuan put down the exploration report and sighed softly. He said, "What a pity. Now that we are poaching like this, the chance of a kobold setting foot in the starry sky will be greatly reduced. There may even be a lack of certain key metals, resulting in the inability to build a thruster capable of carrying nuclear fusion. This kobold is indeed It’s a bit tragic, so when humans leave, try to take as many kobolds with you!”

Yue Yuan muttered, swiping the screen again to bring up the second report for reading.

"Oh, that's good news!" As soon as he saw the header of the file, he was overjoyed.

This is the result of a joint research project between the Food Ministry and the Institute of Biology. After thirty years of research, breeding, improvement, and cultivation, humans finally got animals suitable for food.

Now that the immune reagents for this ecosystem have been successfully researched, as long as the universal immunity test system is upgraded, humans will have real meat to eat in the future.

The successful experiment was an egg-laying land animal, shaped like a badger, as big as an elephant, walking on four legs and rich in meat. Humans named it the big badger.

The original version of the badger is also in the kobold diet, but the meat of the original version is extremely difficult for humans to digest, and the meat quality is not in line with human tastes.

The report only stated that the giant badger was successfully bred, but since one species has been successfully bred, it means that human scientists have found the key to correctly open this biosphere.

I believe that in the near future, there will definitely be more delicious meat on the human table. Well, it’s not just meat. Now that the key to this biosphere has been found, it’s not impossible that some alien fruits will appear on the table in the future.

After losing the earth for more than a thousand years, humans are finally going to taste real meat again.

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