Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 284 Technical Barriers

Yue Yuan knew the reason why the scientists had not yet become depressed without even thinking about it. That was because they all pinned their hopes on the space multi-point particle collider that was about to be completed.

According to the progress of the project, it is estimated that the collider will be completed in another fifty years.

Yue Yuan is worried that if there is no progress for a long time after the collider is put into use, mankind will fall into decadence.

He also noticed that there were some comments in public opinion that revealed intentionally or unintentionally: Human beings are no longer in danger in this star field anyway, so it is better to find a resource-rich star system and stop here.

These remarks believe that instead of aimlessly running around the universe, it is better to settle in the star system and develop. It doesn't matter if there is no beautiful planet, just live on the spaceship. Anyway, there are enough resources to use up this star system. resources, and then just run to the next star system.

Yue Yuan couldn't decide whether it was better to continue wandering or to develop like this, but he felt a mentality from these remarks, that is: comfort!

Human beings now have Life Potion No. 1 and Life Potion No. 2. In total, almost everyone has a long life of six hundred years. And during these more than a hundred years, through the unremitting efforts of biologists on the biosphere of the Kobold planet, Life Potion No. 3 is almost successful.

With the long life and the stagnation of science and technology, human beings' enterprising spirit has been erased by comfort, and they have gradually become content with the status quo.

In Yi Kai's words, it is the lazy gene of mankind that has been buried for countless years. It seems to be appearing quietly and destroying the rational and enterprising spirit in human consciousness.

"Academician Yi, you said that if a person stays in a certain position for a long time, it is inevitable that he will fall into decay and decadence." Yue Yuan looked at the scientists who filed out of the science and technology seminar venue, and walked back Sitting next to Yi Kai in the front seat.

Everyone else left one after another, and the venue became quiet. Therefore, Yi Kai heard Yue Yuan's words clearly, and he could even hear the gentle sigh in the words.

"Nothing is inevitable in everything, Chief." Yi Kai closed his personal terminal and did not stand up or look back at Yue Yuan. Instead, he leaned back on his seat and said in a relaxed voice: "You Look, I’ve lived for so long, am I still full of passion?”

"Well, you know what I'm talking about, Lao Yi." Yue Yuan walked around to Yi Kai and looked at him with a serious look on his face: "Old Yi, including hibernation time, we have known each other for more than two thousand years. Bar"

"President, don't be so heavy-handed. I'm not used to the whole old Yi. I still like the guy I met in Guanghan Palace. If you have anything to say, just say it." It's not regular working hours now, so Yi Kai He also speaks very casually, or that's just the way he is.

"People will always change"

Before Yue Yuan finished speaking, he saw Yi Kai spreading his hands and interjecting: "I don't have one."

"Okay, Lao Yi, what is your ideal?" Yue Yuan suddenly asked.

"Exploring the true meaning of life is like this from beginning to end. I don't know if I can survive until that day." Yi Kai said, standing up from the chair.

"It would be great if every scientist could move forward courageously." Yue Yuan took a step back, letting Yi Kai walk out of the conference seat, and then sighed.

"Huh? Chief, are you trying to imprint your thoughts?" Yi Kai suddenly frowned, and his words were no longer as relaxed as before.

He stared at Yue Yuan with a solemn gaze, and then slowly said: "Commander, that thing was decided at the meeting. It must not be used on ourselves. The unknown consequences are always the most terrifying."

Yi Kai knew Yue Yuan's personality very well. He couldn't come to him to sigh randomly because he had nothing to do. He must have some ideas.

So when I heard his emotion, I thought of this.

"Er Lao Yi, what are you talking about? When did I say anything about ideological imprinting?" Yue Yuan avoided Yi Kai's eyes, and then changed the topic: "By the way, Lao Yi, what you said in the seminar just now is What do you mean, why do I feel like you still have something to say?"

To be honest, although the thought imprinting technology has not been successful yet, Yue Yuan did have some thoughts just now, but after seeing Yi Kai so serious, he also felt that he was a little carried away by the recent situation.

"There are some ideas, but they haven't been perfected yet, so it's not convenient to say more at the meeting. After all, this matter can't be solved overnight. I plan to spend some time perfecting this idea. The seminar should be almost ready next year." Yi Kai nodded.

"Oh? What do you say?" Yue Yuan turned off the magnetic boots, then used one hand to push his body along the guide rod, keeping up with Yi Kai who was floating out of the venue, and asked curiously.

"Technical barriers are normal. From a second-level civilization to a third-level civilization, it would be abnormal if there were no technical barriers." Yi Kai replied while floating.

Yue Yuan knew that he had more to say, so he remained silent.

Sure enough, after two puffs, Yi Kai continued: "Not only did the president notice, but at that time we were in the process of realizing nuclear fusion, heavy nuclear fusion, and cold nuclear fusion."

"Of course I remember." Yue Yuan nodded.

While floating, Yi Kai turned around and said to Yue Yuan next to him: "That's it. Not to mention the realization of controllable nuclear fusion, let's talk about the heavy nuclear fusion and cold nuclear fusion that are the hallmarks of the second-level civilization. If there is no direct Obtained directly from Kuntai civilization, we still don’t know how many years it will take to develop cold nuclear fusion technology.

So I think that not only the second-level civilization to the third-level civilization, but every civilization level will face an extremely difficult barrier, or the great filter of the universe.

Every barrier and every filter will wipe out countless civilizations. And if you want to cross these barriers and cross these filters, it must be more than just a technical level. "

"Isn't it as simple as a technical level? Aren't you talking about technical barriers?" Yue Yuan frowned.

"Well, maybe it has something to do with us humans." Yi Kai said.

Hearing these words, Yue Yuan immediately thought of the current situation of human society, so he said: "Academician Yi is talking about the decadent phenomenon that has appeared in our human society in recent years?"

"This is just one aspect." Yi Kai nodded and continued: "I said before, this is just a manifestation of genetic instinct gaining the upper hand in the struggle with wisdom and reason, so it can only be counted as one aspect, and On the other hand, does the Chief still remember the Awakener?"

"Of course I remember it. Could it be the fallen civilization mentioned by the awakener?"

"No, maybe we are not qualified to be the fallen civilization that the awakener calls us." Yi Kai shook his head and replied: "What I want to say is, the path of wisdom mentioned by the awakener."

"Academician Yi is saying that with our current brains, or wisdom, there is no way to break through this technical barrier?" Yue Yuan paused, his forehead wrinkled into the character "Sichuan".

He understands the seriousness of it, and if so, that's too bad.

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