Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 285 Another way of thinking

On the road to wisdom, the limits of wisdom cannot figure out unknown causes, and cannot find ways to break through technological barriers. In other words, the human brain has fully understood all the causes it can understand, but the way to break through technological barriers is not within this scope.

Doesn’t this mean that if humans want to reach the third level of civilization, they can only break through their own wisdom first? But what exactly is wisdom? Human beings don’t seem to even understand what wisdom really is. How can they possibly break through the so-called limits of wisdom?

And didn’t the Awakener say back then that human beings have good talents? Since the talents are good, how come they can’t even find a way to break through the technological barriers of level 3 civilization? Are the so-called talents and wisdom two different things?

Yue Yuan drifted out of the venue with Yi Kai in a daze. His mind was a little confused now.

After the two came to the corridor outside the venue, Yi Kai raised his hand and touched the corridor fence to stop himself, then turned on the magnetic boots and let himself fall on the floor, and then said: "This is just a possibility I guessed. , there is another possibility, that is, maybe we are not going the right way.”

What the hell?

Yue Yuan was stunned for a moment. What he said was like listening to your words.

Yue Yuan complained in his heart, but asked: "What do you mean?"

"Chief, think about it. In fact, with our current mechanical technology, we are fully capable of processing chips smaller than 1nn. The reason why we cannot continue to make chips smaller is actually because of the laws of physics itself. Besides, if we insist on saying so, we have It is capable of producing smaller chips, but chips with a process smaller than 1nn will have obvious quantum tunneling effects, so the error rate is too high and does not meet the chip requirements."

As a life science and biologist, Yi Kai is not very proficient in chips, but he can still talk about it. Besides, some of the words were said by chip experts and physicists at the meeting just now. .

"Well, I know this, so what?" Yue Yuan nodded.

Yi Kai was not as solemn as Yue Yuan. He spread his hands with a relaxed expression: "So, it can only be that our thinking is wrong."

Before Yue Yuan could continue to ask questions, Yi Kai continued: "We may have been misled by the 'Silver Mist Consciousness Body', or maybe we ourselves misled ourselves. Let's put it this way, when the 'Silver Mist Consciousness Body' said nano Technology is a standard feature of Level 3 civilization, so we naturally think that Level 3 civilization will have swarms of nano bugs, or gray goo storms.

But in fact, we have overlooked one thing, that is, it is possible that the third-level civilization may not be able to do this from the beginning. The so-called gray goo storm may be the pinnacle of the third-level civilization, and it can only be created after thoroughly mastering nanotechnology, and' The Silver Mist Consciousness Body was born at that stage. "

Yi Kai paused for a moment, took a deep breath and then continued: "When we hear about symbol technology, we mistakenly think that only by mastering that kind of technology can we enter the third-level civilization. But we may be too dogmatic. From entering nanotechnology There should be a process to actually create a gray goo storm, which is the accumulation of technology and the improvement and perfection of craftsmanship.

So we should change our thinking. Since we can't make such a small gray goo storm, we can make a bigger one. We can't turn it into such a complicated program to control the nanorobot swarm, so we can make a simpler one first, as long as Just as long as it meets our needs. "

"Yes, that's what it says, but what exactly should it be?" Yue Yuan nodded slightly. He understood what Yi Kai said, which meant the so-called technical barriers. In addition to being obtained from other civilizations and then breaking through them in one fell swoop, like cold nuclear fusion, There is also the method of slowly nibbling away.

Technology products can be created first, and then the process can be gradually improved. If the path is correct, they will definitely get better and better.

Yi Kai thought for a moment and said: "There are two ideas. One is to find a suitable material, a material that can support smaller processes without quantum tunneling."

"You don't have to think about this. I asked Xu Zhenyi and he said that this kind of material can only be found in dreams." Yue Yuan raised his eyebrows.

Yi Kai pretended not to see it and continued: "The second idea is what I just said, make larger nanorobots, and then find a way to establish a connection between them, and then form a whole.

In this case, each nanorobot can be regarded as an individual of the whole. There are two ways to control them. One is to create a host program, and the other is to build a group logic for them. "

"Group logic?" Yue Yuan asked curiously.

Yi Kai nodded: "Well, sir, think about it, our human brain is not made up of neurons, so the nanorobots we create can be like individual neurons, only responsible for simple calculations. When they are integrated together, group logic will emerge.”

"Okay, let's do the first method first!" Yue Yuan's mouth twitched. This kind of group logic is the same as the brain. It is simple to say, but he knows without asking that humans don't have that kind of technology at all now.

After all, the so-called group logic that Yi Kai mentioned is similar to hive consciousness. If we could achieve this, we would not be troubled by technical barriers for so long, so this method is undoubtedly back to the original point.

"That's all we can do now." Yi Kai chuckled, obviously he also knew that the group logic he mentioned could not be realized.

He turned around and continued: "We can't build nanorobots as small as mist, but it is definitely no problem to build a group of robots the size of table tennis balls. We can build them and then program their main control systems with corresponding uses. , that’s also a group of nanobots.”

Yue Yuan turned to look at Yi Kai and said leisurely: "I didn't expect that as a biologist, Lao Yi, you know a lot about nanobots."

Seeing Yi Kai as always, Yue Yuan was not as heavy as before.

"I understand a little bit, I understand a little bit. I've just studied cells a lot, and I think the nanobot swarm can also follow the same path as cells." Yi Kai said with a smile, as if I was just determined.

"Well, that's a good idea." Mr. Yue Yuan nodded, then pondered for a moment, and said, "What can we do with a group of nanorobots the size of table tennis balls? We don't have the ability to cut metal like the Mok civilization. The technology of bonding and chemical bonding cannot be used for mining.”

"Well, this chief executive needs to find another scientist. I'm just a little Kalami in biology." Yi Kai said helplessly.

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