Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 289 Remarkable progress

It is true that, as he said before, humans have encountered technical barriers in micro-nano and optimized universal quantum computers, but there is still progress in other aspects.

With Yi Kai's narration, everyone gradually understood the progress of human research on thought imprinting technology. The more they study the brain, the more scientists become aware of the endless unknowns.

The brain is material. Like other structures of the human body, it is composed of cells controlled by genetic information. Thoughts, thoughts, subconscious, conscious, subconscious, etc. are non-material. Human beings want to understand their relationship. , but also to find ways to put some kind of imprint on thoughts and thinking, which is by no means a simple matter.

However, humans are not without some research foundation.

As early as the 19th century, Darwin believed that the emotions between humans and animals were only different in degree, but emotions were also the result and process of the field effect of thinking.

Local studies on the brain believe that the hypothalamus controls emotional responses, but in fact it does not operate in isolation. If its channel with the relevant parts of the brain is cut off, it will lose control and may show anger for no reason. emotion.

The human thinking field is constantly evolving. In addition to language symbols, the human brain also has constantly evolving ultra-instinct goals, as well as collections, various concepts, various methods, etc.

After so many years of research, scientists also know that people do not have only one self-awareness. It has a thinking self, latent, manifest, subconscious self, etc., but under normal circumstances, it is difficult for people to detect it.

And these are what is called spirituality.

The study of the brain's self-awareness and thinking field can allow people to understand how so-called wisdom creates systematic and materialized information, and then feeds back improvements to predict the effects of creation.

As long as human beings can understand the thinking field, they can find ways to influence it, so that in the field effect where the subconscious and the subconscious are combined, and language and images complement each other, they can eliminate the interference of genetic instincts, achieve creative goals, and enter a meaningful world. The realm of my creation without self.

This sounds a bit mysterious, but it is not. Because these studies are not metaphysics with strange powers and chaos, but are studies of abstract concepts such as thinking, thought, wisdom, etc. that truly rely on the brain.

This kind of research can be followed, let’s take a simple example.

Everyone has had this experience, that is, when you are talking to yourself in your mind, or when you are reading a book and reciting silently, if you taste it carefully, you will feel that there is a voice talking inside.

This is my subconscious running on autopilot.

The reason for this is that the human brain has formed a subconscious bridge in the long process of evolution. The subconscious mind has been able to perform the field effect of voiceless inner language on the channel of the automatic consciousness bridge. It cannot be felt, but only Can internally hear the conscious language flow of self-awareness.

This is an ability that has emerged in the long evolution of the brain, and it is also a kind of self-protection of the mind, because if all subconscious information transmission has inner language sounds, then the brain will be overwhelmed by the noisy and chaotic inner language sounds. .

Crazy and so on, there are also some related to this.

Therefore, as long as humans continue to conduct in-depth research, one day they will be able to truly understand the truth of thinking and thought, and the thought imprinting technology may be hidden at a certain stage on this research path.

After so many years of research, scientists have also discovered that not only ideological imprints, if studied to a higher level, it may be possible to continue to tap into the creative potential of human beings.

Creation, simply put, is to use the known to seek the unknown.

The reason why we can use the known to seek the unknown is because we have imagination that is inseparable from wisdom.

The combination of various factors allows intelligent life to use its imagination in a super-instinct, super-concrete, and super-time-space way, and then its thoughts will fly, and its meaning will last for thousands of years. See between quantum particles and movements, travel around the universe, and gain a glimpse of all kinds of mysteries.

You can also combine known ideas, theories, concepts, methods, symbols, diagrams and other unrelated things, and use your imagination to make them run and collide synchronically, and then you will have an unexpected enlightenment and breakthrough. Overcome the constraints of known knowledge, cross the bridge of logic, and realize the creation of new things.

This is the place where people have been confused and mysterious about inspiration for a long time, and where the mystery of inspiration can be explored.

After listening to Yi Kai's discussion.

Yue Yuan finally understood why Yi Kai had always objected to the thought imprint being used on human beings, and why he had sternly opposed it when he had just discovered that he had had that thought.

Indeed, according to Yi Kai, the so-called thought imprinting technology is not the end of this branch of technology at all, but just the beginning.

Even if humans master that kind of technology, there is no guarantee that it will be foolproof, so it is just right to use it on cannon fodder. If you use it on yourself for your own selfish desires, then if something goes wrong, you will be a sinner of mankind.

After all, no one can guarantee whether being imprinted with ideas will affect human potential or wisdom.

Moreover, if it has an impact on the racial talent, then it is really impossible to escape the blame.

It is true that when it comes to racial talents, humans have only heard casual mentions from awakeners and have no idea what talents their own race has. But scientists believe that there is no need for the dignified Level 6 civilization to deceive themselves. After all, if the Awakener has any plans for mankind, it is impossible for mankind to survive until now.

After this small meeting, Yue Yuan's heart finally became firm.

Sure enough, every technology is a double-edged sword, and as the leader of civilization, I now have an additional task, which is to use my rights to ensure that the emerging technologies will not harm human beings themselves. .

The small meeting ended and everyone dispersed.

Yue Yuan also returned to his ordinary daily life, but such ordinary days did not last long. On the eleventh year after the small meeting, a piece of good news shattered his day-to-day routine, and he rushed to the Institute of Life Sciences full of joy.

It is not a breakthrough in thought imprinting technology, but a breakthrough in body enhancement research.

After so many years of hard work, genetics scientists finally found the effective mechanism of the Kuntai people's specialized scale appearance gene fragments, and discovered the inner connection between the specialized scale genes and the improvement of overall physical fitness. Not only that, they also found the separation Method.

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