Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 290 Collision Experiment

This is of course great news. Although no strengthening potion has been developed to make human body stronger again, the only side effect of the previous strengthening potion can be eliminated.

In other words, as long as the gene segment showing scales is replaced, humans can maintain their human appearance while improving their original overall physical fitness.

For humans, this is of great significance. After all, racial concepts aside, from an aesthetic point of view, no one wants to have a face of scales, right?

After the body enhancement technology was improved, the new government also understood the significance of this technology, so it increased investment. Under this circumstance, the improved version of the body enhancement technology quickly passed clinical trials, and in the next ten years, it was successfully mass-produced and put into society.

I don’t know if it was because of the rich biosphere resources for research, but soon after the improved version of body enhancement technology became popular, the Life Sciences Research Institute made another breakthrough in life medicine.

However, this life potion is not the result of research on the kobold planet's biosphere, but an evolved version of the previous Wolfe biosphere research project.

Scientists continued to improve based on the previous Life Potion 2.0. After countless ineffective experimental version updates such as Life Potion 2.0.1, 2.0.2 and so on, they finally found a satisfactory version, Life Potion 3.0.

It is speculated based on experimental data that this version can deceive genes for approximately eight hundred years.

A Peng Zunian.

This version has eight hundred years, plus two hundred years for version 1.0 and four hundred years for version 2.0. This means that if a person uses the three versions of life potion 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 in sequence, he can live at least one thousand four hundred years. Year.

The emergence of these two technological breakthroughs from the Academy of Life Sciences has wiped away the previous decadence of human society, and those calls for technological stagnation have also disappeared.

Various human projects and research projects are once again driven by public enthusiasm.

If you look at today's human beings from space time, you can see a busy scene. In that empty space, special boxes filled with various mineral resources were projected into orbit by the orbital mass accelerator.

And the transport ships with long blue tail flames transported these resources to various space factories and space docks. From synchronous orbit to far-Earth orbit, from local orbit to the docking orbit of the human fleet, transport ships with lengthy tail flames can be seen everywhere.

Like bees, they move in and out of various huge space facilities, showing a thriving scene.

And in such a busy scene, an extremely large circle is particularly conspicuous.

The circumference of this circle is 10,000 kilometers. The largest battleship of mankind, the Lyra, can pass through the circle sideways, and the engineering spacecraft responsible for the construction of module splicing are even smaller.

Seen from a distance outside space, it really looks like a space fortress, and the engineering ships are like little bees building nests.

This is the space multi-point particle collider that humans will complete.

At this moment, the construction of the collider has come to an end, and the splicing modules have already turned on the lights. At a glance, it looks like a brightly lit Ferris wheel, and the tail flames of the engineering ships stand out against the dark background. The stars in the sky reflect each other, like gems surrounding a circle, sparkling and beautiful.

In about a few years, when the outer shell of the engineering ship is welded, it will be officially completed.

Because the collider is too huge, humans designed it into a modular splicing structure. There are a total of five large modules. The total length of each structure is about two kilometers from head to tail. It is arc-shaped and circular in shape. For transportation needs, human engineers also installed independent heavy nuclear reactors on each collider module.

When experiments are conducted, these heavy nuclear reactors provide energy for the collider. When humans leave, they will be used as engines, pushing their respective modules and sailing with the human fleet.

Time flies, and years pass by in an instant.

When the particle collider was completed and the test run was successfully completed, scientists couldn't wait to start the collision experiment.

The most excited ones are undoubtedly the particle physicists.

Well, generally speaking, it is scientists who conduct collision experiments. In fact, they are scientific research teams. The most successful scientific team to apply for use rights includes physicists, engineers and security personnel.

Physicists are responsible for the design and theoretical analysis of experiments, engineers are responsible for equipment operation and the installation of particle generators for experimental objects, and security personnel are responsible for guarding and maintaining order at the entire experimental site.

There is no doubt that the security personnel are all trained and qualified soldiers of the Security Department and belong to the Security Department.

After the collision experiment was prepared, the engineers in the science team brought up the command interface and entered various instructions on it.

Not long after, a system prompt sounded in the collider operating room and other recording points and observation points: "The self-test of the space multi-point particle collider is completed, the observation point equipment is normal, and the diversion probe module is normal. Start the serial number The verification is completed, the identity verification is passed, and the enabled channel is the hadron collision module. The colliding particle in this experiment is proton, and the experiment number is "

"The No. 1 heavy nuclear reactor has normal power supply, the No. 2 heavy nuclear reactor has normal power supply, and the No. 5 heavy nuclear reactor has normal power supply. The collaborative spectrum has been turned on, the super magnetic field proton generator is ready, and the experiment is ready."

After repeatedly confirming that it was correct, the engineer responsible for the operation immediately pressed the start button.

As the start button is pressed, a strong mechanical clicking sound, accompanied by dense overclocking sound, comes from the proton generator. At this moment, the originally brightly lit Space Multi-Point Particle Collider dimmed, and the five heavy nuclear reactors also trembled slightly.

"The proton flow is separated normally, the guiding magnetic field is normal. The particle flow has entered the outer ring structure, the super magnetic field acceleration is normal, and the maximum speed is expected to be 99.9999999999% of the speed of light." The system announcement sounded again.

The space multi-point particle collider is different from ordinary colliders. After these particle streams are accelerated by the magnetic field in the ring structure of the collider, they will not collide in that large ring.

Instead, after it has made enough turns and reached a predetermined speed, under the action of the different magnetic fields of the diversion structure, it changes its original orbit and enters the prepared linear pipelines in the large circle, and finally connects with other linear pipelines through the linear pipelines. The ion beams converge at one point and collide.

This collision point does not exist in the same plane as the great circle of the collider itself. The detectors, cloud chambers and other equipment and facilities placed by humans are at the ends of these straight pipelines.

After the collision experiment is completed, physicists will conduct a detailed analysis of the material produced during the collision based on the data recorded by the measuring instruments, thereby exploring more unsolved mysteries in physics.

Of course, the so-called collision experiment does not mean that it is completed after just one collision. After the experimental application is approved, the team of scientists often conducts multiple experiments, and then conducts experimental analysis through multiple methods such as comparison and control.

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