Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 291 Getting ready to leave

From the day it was officially put into use, the experimental project of the space multi-point particle collider was suddenly scheduled to more than thirty years later, and there are still applications for use being submitted to relevant departments of the new government.

Scientists have obviously been holding back for countless years. Now that the collider is built, they are indeed hungry and thirsty. This is a good sign.

But Yue Yuan also knew very well that there would probably be no new discoveries in the collider's collision experiments for a long time, or even for a long time. This is also a normal phenomenon.

Using particle colliders to explore the unknown is different from other types of scientific exploration. In other methods of exploration, you may have a hypothetical goal and then explore step by step toward the goal. Just like the previous room-temperature superconductivity, you are determined to find room-temperature superconductivity. The goal is to guide materials, and then find ways to achieve the goal.

The particle collider is different. In fact, even the scientific teams that have applied to use the particle collider to conduct particle collision experiments don't know what they can pretend to be.

Therefore, it is a miracle that new discoveries can be made, and it is normal that no discoveries can be made. Because the discovery they are looking for is not a new technology, but a promotion of progress in basic physics.

To be honest, even though humans have now become a second-level civilization, their basic physics is still advanced. Many technologies deduced based on basic physics have not been realized by humans.

But this does not mean that humans can always rest on their laurels. Among other things, humans currently do not have a basic theoretical framework for warp navigation. All they have is a bunch of unrigorous mathematical calculations and various unachievable ideas.

If we continue to rest on our laurels, even if humans can reach level three civilization, they will sooner or later be stuck on the technical barriers of level four civilization.

Therefore, even though it knows that the collider is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and will not yield results for a long time, the new government still wants to build it. Now that the collider is completed and put into use, it can be regarded as a glimmer of hope for the future progress of basic physics for mankind.

Scientific research is like this. If you want to make progress in basic theories, you have to work hard and invest for a long time. There are no shortcuts because the road ahead is unknown.

Of course, it is precisely because of the unknown that scientists are more interested. After all, as a true scientific researcher, the greatest wish is to explore the unknown.

It can be said that the completion and use of the collider has allowed mankind to see the dawn of future scientific development.

However, the particle collider is different from other scientific equipment. Once it is turned on and put into use, it must be kept on unless humans want to set sail and move again.

From another perspective, this is natural. After all, this is the only particle collider in mankind.

As for the departure time, the new government has already made preliminary plans. Humanity will leave this galaxy in about two hundred years.

Of course, plans are plans, and there will definitely be some discrepancies in the actual departure time.

This depends on various circumstances, such as the construction of residential spaceships, the construction of battleships, the collection of kobolds, the collection of kobold planet biospheres, and other factors.

The construction of residential spaceships and battleships is secondary. The most important thing is the kobold biosphere resources and the spacecraft loaded with biosphere resources.

Before leaving, humans will collect as many plants and animals on the planet as possible, especially those that can be cultivated into food. These will be delicacies on the human table in the future.

Since the successful research on genetic improvement and immune drugs, the creatures on this planet have become a source of human meat. With such benefits, humans will naturally not miss it.

As for the battleships and residential spaceships, they can only wait for a while. The reason is that this orange dwarf star system was really licked clean by the UFO civilization many years ago. Even though the planet is still there, various mineral resources needed to build battleships are not available. But not rich.

Humans are not so desperate that they want to hollow out the entire planet's metal. After all, humans cannot take away all the kobolds, so they still have to leave some resources for them.

It’s not that mankind suddenly became a virgin, but mining too deep is a waste of energy, and it’s half the result with twice the result. Moreover, the universe is not limited to this one star system. With current human capabilities, we can easily fly to the next star system.

Wouldn't it be nice to find a star system with many planets, rich resources, and easy mining? There is no need to struggle in this barren land.

So the new government plans to spend another two hundred years collecting biosphere resources and then set sail.

According to the plan, when humans set sail, there will be about a hundred more lake-class warships, and the other newly added spaceships will be residential spaceships and biosphere spacecrafts.

As for fuel replenishment, that's not a problem.

There is a huge amount of protium, deuterium and tritium in the sea water on the Kobold planet, but as a second-level civilization, humans are too lazy to extract these nuclear fusion raw materials. There are not even helium three and helium four mineral deposits on the planet to mine. Instead, dig straight into the rocks.

Anyway, heavy nuclear fusion means burning rocks, so humans just use earth and rocks as fuel and transport them to fleets in space.

After the energy path is broadened, it is so willful.

Therefore, after reaching the second level civilization, as long as there are rocky planets, there is no need to worry about energy shortages. Oh, and gaseous planets are also acceptable, but mining is not as convenient as rocky planets.

In the blink of an eye, decades have passed, during this time.

The optimized version of the human enhancement potion has been officially popularized, and the scaly appearance that occurs when humans enter overclocking mode is also eliminated.

In addition, an experimental version of the nano-repair robot was created with the efforts of scientists and engineers in various fields, but the experimental results were very unsatisfactory.

In a certain experiment, engineers followed the program instructions and issued repair instructions to a group of repair robots. As a result, the group of repair robots the size of ping pong balls went to the hole in the damaged iron plate, and also burned their bodies in the form of generating high temperatures. The leak was plugged, but the result was the same as a pile of welding slag.

It completely failed to reach the preset repair shape, and even melted itself before reaching the experimental target location, paralyzing it halfway.

This experiment simply cannot be described as a failure, but a failure among failures.

However, scientists and engineers were not discouraged. Although the result was an unexpected failure, they felt that there were still lessons to be learned from it.

In the following time, the scientists and engineers responsible for the nano-repair project came up with many improved versions of nano-robots, but not to mention that there was no progress, there was simply no progress and they were standing still.

"After so many years of collision with the particle collider, haven't there been any particles?"

Faced with questions from the resource approval department, this is the answer of the scientists and engineers of the nano-repair robot project.

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