Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 292 What a coincidence

Time flies like an arrow, the sun and the moon fly like a shuttle, and more than a hundred years have passed by in a hurry.

Probably because the plan went smoothly, Yue Yuan looked refreshed and calm today. It had been several days since he arrived at the bridge of the Tianqin. After finishing his daily duties, Yue Yuan walked towards the bridge unhurriedly.

Yue Yuan's personal office is separated from the bridge by a corridor. It takes less than two minutes to walk normally. If you don't turn on the magnetic boots, it will be faster if you use the float.

But there was nothing urgent, so he was walking leisurely at the moment.

"Huh? Professor Bu, why are you here?" Just after taking a few steps, Yue Yuan saw a figure floating in front of him, but it was Trainer Bu.

"The tasks on the ground have been completed ahead of schedule, and the base will soon enter the retracted state. I will be back." As the Bu trainer said, he activated the magnetic boots and let his floating body stick to the floor again.

Because of the life potion, Master Bu's appearance and figure have not changed much after so many years, and he still looks like he was thirty years old.

"By the way, Professor Bu, we have been digging this planet for so many years. Are the mineral resources on the planet still enough for the kobolds to break out of the universe in the future?" Seeing Trainer Bu stop, Yue Yuan asked casually.

Trainer Bu did not ask why Yue Yuan asked, but after thinking for a moment, he answered matter-of-factly: "For such a huge planet, even if we dig for hundreds of years, we still won't be able to dig out all the mineral deposits, but some rare metals can It’s hard to say.

There may still be places buried deep under the earth's crust, but what is certain is that in the shallow mineral deposits, many rare metal deposits have become extinct, and these deposits are the metals needed to build spaceships. If there are no accidents, the kobolds are They can't fly out of this planet unless they have the ability to continue digging down and dig out the rare metals buried deep in the ground. "

"As expected, you should go ahead and get busy." Yue Yuan nodded towards Trainer Bu, and then continued to walk towards the bridge.

"It seems necessary to discuss this matter," Yue Yuan thought in his mind as he looked back at Master Bu who was gradually walking away.

According to the previous exploration results of humans, the flying saucer civilization did leave enough resources for the kobolds to move into the universe. However, after a lot of efforts by humans, it is indeed not enough now. If there were other rocky planets or satellites in this galaxy, this problem would not arise.

This matter can be attributed to the flying saucer civilization, and humans are the ones who take last hits, but no matter what, if they are ignored, then it is indeed humans who have last hits on the kobolds.

In fact, Yue Yuan would not have had such thoughts when he first came to this planet. Just look at the way he dealt with Atu.

But he has been here for a long time, and he drives a remote robot to sightsee around the planet when he has nothing to do. He has come into contact with a lot of kobolds, and over time he has become somewhat sympathetic to these kobolds.

Not to mention sympathy, even from the perspective of profit, human beings have gained a lot from this planet, and emotions and reasons should not block the kobold's final flight to the universe.

Of course, the use of kobolds as vanguards in the future will not change because of this sympathy. After all, the original intention of recruiting kobolds is to enrich human combat power and reduce human losses in interstellar wars.

One yard owned by a yard.

With this in mind, after Yue Yuan came to the bridge, he briefly explained his thoughts to several think tank members and colleagues present.

After understanding Yue Yuan's consciousness, the first mate of the Tianqin spoke first: "Shuai Yue, I don't think there is any need to do this. The kobolds are trapped and die on this planet. The culprit is still licking them too clean." UFO civilization. Besides, those rare metals have been turned into spaceships by us, is it possible that we can still melt the spaceship?"

Zhu Pite on the side also said: "That's right, Yue Shuai, we have taken away almost ten million kobolds. Even if these kobolds are trapped and die on this planet, they are not considered extinct. Besides, so what if they are extinct. , just an alien."

"That's right, if you ask me, you don't have to worry about it so much." A member of the think tank also said.

Are they all against it?

Yue Yuan looked calm and pondered. It seemed that inherent ideas were not easy to change. He felt that if he said something now, these people would definitely refer to what happened to humans since they left the solar system.

Although Yue Yuan can be arbitrary, he always reminds himself that he must strive to be an enlightened dictator rather than a violent dictator. Therefore, if it is not a war or an emergency, he will not exclude everything. The public agreed to issue orders directly with power.

While Yue Yuan was deep in thought, a cosmological sociologist who had been silent suddenly said: "That's wrong. Gentlemen, when considering a problem, you should not just look at the eyes in front of you, but look at the entire universe. environment."

"What does this have to do with the cosmic environment?" A think tank member interjected in confusion. He felt that there was something wrong with the cosmic sociologist's mind.

"Of course it does matter. Listen to what I have to say first." The scholar smiled, stopped the think tank members from talking, and then continued: "I just said, you can't just look at the problem in front of you. Can you still Remember why we’re here?”

"Isn't this nonsense? Who doesn't know that it was the Awakener who led the flight?"

"Haha, don't be impatient for a moment." The cosmic sociologist raised his hand and pressed down, indicating not to get excited, "So, everyone might as well think about it from their perspective. If the awakeners were like us, maybe we would be gone long ago. . Well, let’s not talk about this, let’s just say that we came to this planet. The Awakener took us flying for ten years, and then we arrived here.

What a coincidence, we chose the orange dwarf galaxy that is most likely to have rocky planets, and as soon as we docked there, life planets appeared. What a coincidence, too, the resources of this galaxy were also used by an alien civilization, and the remaining ones Part of it is also a coincidence that it is just enough for the natives of this planet to fly into the universe!

Don’t you think this is all a coincidence? And after these years of mining mining experience, you probably know how difficult it is to hollow out a planet, but this galaxy is so clean, it doesn’t look like it was mined at all. . "

As soon as the scholar finished speaking, the first mate reminded: "You may have forgotten that in the description of Kuntai civilization, their home planet was packed away by an advanced civilization. Maybe the same is true for other rocky planets in this galaxy. Woolen cloth!"

"It's possible, but that's not the point." The cosmic sociologist nodded, and then said: "Have you never thought that all this was the arrangement of the awakener? Don't forget that at that time, the awakener was inexplicably If we humans are very talented, do you think it will be a test for us to meet the kobold natives?"

"This test? What is the test? To the awakeners, we are not even ants, so why bother with any test?" One person said with a frown.

"Who knows, maybe they want to see how we treat low-level civilizations, or maybe there is no test. The Awakeners have already traveled around the galaxy. But don't forget, the Awakeners are a well-intentioned civilization."

The words of the cosmological sociologist made several people present at the discussion fall into deep thought.

Thanks to A-Sanfen for the gentle reward of 1,500 coins, and I will give you a reward of 500 coins tomorrow. *^_^*

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