Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 293 Respect for life

(Wrong, it’s Chapter 292╯□╰)

Yes, the Awakener did say some things that are baffling to humans, and all of this is really a coincidence.

In the past, human beings attributed the phenomenon of encountering several alien civilizations and life planets along the way to the universality of life in the universe. This is indeed true from the analysis of various information learned by human beings.

But what happened after meeting the Awakener until now is indeed a coincidence. What if it is really a test for the Awakener, as this cosmic sociology scholar said.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yue Yuan finally said: "Forget it, you don't need to think so much, the matter is over, it doesn't matter whether it is a test or not. From the moment we choose to come to this star system, the kobolds Our fate has been sealed. After all, we didn’t have enough fuel to set sail and leave directly. This is a fact.

Since it is unavoidable, we can proceed according to the original plan and let the relevant departments make arrangements and take as many kobolds away as possible. "

As soon as Yue Yuan finished speaking, a member of the think tank who had not expressed his opinion said: "No, Yue Shuai, maybe we can do something."

"Oh?" Yue Yuan raised his eyelids.

The member of the think tank pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth and said: "External factors aside, we should not interrupt the path of Kobold Flying to the Universe due to emotions and reasons, and it is impossible for us to spit out the resources that have been used. Come out, so there’s only one way left.”

"Well, keep talking." Yue Yuan nodded.

Others also looked at the think tank member.

"We can leave a spaceship for the kobolds." The members of the think tank did not waste any time and directly expressed their thoughts: "Anyway, it is impossible to pack up all our bases and take them away. If possible, it is better to take advantage of this opportunity to take away the host." Keep the buildings and put one or two transport ships in the base, so that we can give the kobolds a chance of survival. Moreover, if we do this, we may have unexpected gains in the future."

As soon as these words came out, the minds of several people present became active.

They know the meaning of unexpected gains in words. According to the normal thinking of civilization development, if the kobolds are lucky enough to escape from the cage by flying on the transport ship left by humans, they may actually encounter them again in the universe in the future.

Yue Yuan nodded, looked at the think tank member and the cosmological sociologist, and said: "That's not bad. You two will discuss this matter later, draft this matter into a proposal, and submit it to the meeting for discussion. If it passes, let’s do it.”

"Okay, Commander Yue."

"Well, that's it."

With that said, Yue Yuan stood up, turned off the magnetic shoe switch, then turned around and kicked his left foot slightly, letting his figure float towards the hatch.

After a while, he left the central bridge or the Tianqin command center and floated all the way to a certain porthole.

As far as the eye can see outside the porthole, is the planet of kobolds.

Lyra has been in far-Earth orbit, so when viewed from here, the Kobold planet does not look big, but the general color of the planet can still be distinguished. And because there is only such a planet in space, Lyran happens to be orbiting between the planet and the star at this moment, so it is very conspicuous.

After Yue Yuan turned on the magnetic boots again to stabilize himself, he put his hands on the fence and looked at the lonely planet intently.

After undergoing physical enhancement and transformation, his eyesight was very good, so even though he was far away, he could still distinguish the tail flames of busy transport ships that shone from time to time near the planet.

As he looked at it, for some reason, a huge image of a dog-head protecting his life suddenly appeared in his mind. In a trance, it seemed that the image of a dog-head protecting his life merged with the planet outside the porthole.

At this situation, Yue Yuan sighed in his heart: "Revere life and respect wisdom. If there are no accidents, we will leave you a few transport ships."

Yue Yuan believed that the two people had enough reasons to convince the meeting, and the proposal should be passed. After all, there are only a few transport ships left, just transport ships, and there are many humans.

As for how to keep the transport ship, Yue Yuan does not need to worry about this matter. Of course, with his current understanding of human technology, he can probably guess it.

It's nothing more than placing it at the base and trying to find a way to preserve it on the transport ship. Storage is not a problem, the key is to preserve it for a long time.

Based on the current development situation of kobolds, it is impossible to enter the industrial age within a few thousand years. This is after being affected by human industrial products and scientific education for more than a hundred years. Without human intervention, sociologists estimate that It would take at least 10,000 years for a kobold to reach the industrial age naturally.

Of course, the age estimation error is very large. After all, no one has the ability to predict the future. Therefore, if humans want to retain the transport ship, they must overcome the erosion of time.

As early as when humans first set foot in the stars, they had already experienced thousands of years of life and death voyages, but it was also a narrow escape. At that time, human equipment did not have such a long shelf life.

Even now that we have become a second-level civilization, human scientists have not asked me to let human electronic products continue to operate for thousands of years. Of course, thousands of years are still sprinkled.

But since it is to be done, it must be lasting.

Therefore, Yue Yuan feels that there is a high probability that the engineers will leave the main body of the base behind, because there are many solar panels used by humans in the early days on the main structure of the base. When the heavy nuclear reactors are not working, the electricity they provide is the main source of energy for the base's AI standby.

Then engineers estimate that a fission backup battery with a long half-life will be placed in the base to replace the standby energy of the base AI after the solar panel is damaged.

As for the transport ship, it should be placed in the basement of the original base.

After all, after the humans leave, the nearby plants will quickly occupy the original base, so it is impossible for the transport ship to be placed in the open air.

In addition, it is a question of the design of the authentication system.

Since it is left to the kobolds, it is necessary to ensure that other species cannot enter the base. Therefore, humans have to develop a detection system based on kobold genes to link the opening of the base.

The last step is to meet the conditions for setting up the base. This is a bit difficult because humans have no way to directly detect whether the kobolds who come here have entered the information age technology.

However, it is not difficult for humans. Since it cannot be detected from the kobold itself, it can be started from other aspects, such as setting up some kind of device that can sense regular electromagnetic waves.

When it is sensed, activate the AI ​​placed here and let the AI ​​take over the subsequent inspection, and that's it.

Oh, and there's the boot issue.

Humans may also need to leave some legends to the kobolds before leaving.

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