Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 294 Set off again

Time flies.

When the bright lights of the particle collider, which can be called a giant structure in space, were turned off one by one, mankind also reached the planned departure time.

The Space Particle Collider, which has been running for more than a hundred years, has shut down for the first time. After the lights dimmed, this large circle with a circumference of 10,000 kilometers began to make a clicking sound of mechanical operation, accompanied by the hum of the motor. The buzzing, the roar of heavy nuclear reactors.

The huge circle gradually split apart, like a donut split into five.

The initial driving force for the particle collider to split from the whole into five modules is the mechanical thrust of the structure and the repulsive magnetic field at the gripping structure.

After these two forces gradually push the five parts of the ‘donut’ apart, the previous mechanical changes are completed. The thruster nozzle that was originally folded was stretched out again and connected to the heavy nuclear reactor that originally provided electrical energy to the particle collider.

Any machine controlled by a dedicated AI will release the huge energy of heavy nuclear fusion from the vent.

The blue flame grows from short to long, spraying infinite light and heat into space like free money. In an instant, small suns seemed to burst out in the originally dark space, illuminating everything around them instantly.

Under the illumination of these bright tail flames, the figures of the warships that were gathering in formation also emerged from the dark background. Suddenly, the originally dark and lonely space was coated with a layer of silver light, the brilliance of technology.

The power of industry is evident at this moment.

The five parts of the space particle collider slowly separated under the promotion of heavy nuclear fusion thrusters, and then joined the ranks of silver rays under the joint action of various steering thrusters and auxiliary thrusters. .

When it is in place in the grand fleet, the cold nuclear pulse thrusters originally installed on the five parts of the collider will also work at the right time. Together with the heavy nuclear thrusters, this largest structure ever built by mankind will be Pushing together into the depths of the universe.

At the same time, the transfer platforms on the synchronous orbits, under the operation of countless mechanical gears, folded back from the unfolded state and turned into industrial spaceships one after another. Like streams of light, they broke away from the gravity of the planet and headed towards the deep space. Fly away.

Four hundred and thirty-seven years.

From entering the gravitational zone of this orange dwarf main sequence star to leaving, humans have stayed for a total of 437 years. It comes from the horse racing in the warehouse when it arrives, and the bucketfuls of money when it leaves.

During this period, mankind gained not only materials, but also scientific progress and experimental data in all aspects.

Among them, the most intuitive and the harvest that humans cannot ignore every day is meat. The Kobold Planet has allowed humans to eat meat again.

Then there is the improved version of the Body Strengthening Potion, Life Potion 3.0.

Coupled with these two gains, human beings not only have a long life, but also get rid of the scaly appearance of the overclocked state, and can eat meat again. It can be said to be the best of all three worlds.

In addition to these gains that everyone in the world can experience personally, there are various experimental devices and data accumulated.

The first is the gaseous planet detection mission that has been ongoing from beginning to end. Although this experimental project has not been able to truly touch the core of the gaseous planet for hundreds of years, it has made progress, and every deep dive has brought benefits to mankind. valuable scientific data.

The second is the thought imprinting research project. This research project was also unsuccessful. However, after so many years of unremitting efforts, human scientists did find some ways. They believe that the reason for the failure is not that humans are limited by theory, but that Limited by technical process.

According to the speculation of the scientists in charge of this project, as long as humans can break through the technical barriers of the third-level civilization, thought imprinting technology will naturally become a reality driven by the superb craftsmanship and technology of the third-level civilization.

Finally, there is the Space Multi-Point Particle Collider and its collision experiment. Like the previous two, no bird has been knocked out in two hundred years. There has not been a grand event such as the discovery of new particles and the writing of a new chapter in basic physics. However, The human scientific community has produced many papers on cutting-edge physical technologies.

The various technologies mentioned in these papers were continuously turned into reality by humans over the next hundred years, gradually completing the various branch technologies that humans can currently achieve in theory.

It can be said that mankind is now at the peak of the second-level civilization, and the only difference between entering the third-level civilization is an opportunity or a quantitative change instead of a qualitative change.

Maybe one day a genius scientist will have an idea and naturally push mankind to the third level of civilization.

After an unknown amount of time, the official time to set sail finally arrived. At the command of the flagship, about three thousand spaceships plunged into the boundless darkness.

Among these spaceships, there are only about 1,200 lake-class warships. Most of the rest are residential spaceships and biosphere spacecrafts. Engineering and mechanical spacecraft have not increased much.

The reason is naturally that humans have reaped huge benefits from biosphere resources during their trip. Well, there are also a large number of kobolds who have followed humans on their journey, numbering approximately 11 million, and they have all entered a state of hibernation.

Gradually, the bright thruster tail flame representing humanity finally disappeared into the darkness, the noisy electromagnetic waves also disappeared, the ghostly neutrino detection particles also disappeared, and the lively starry sky finally became silent again.

Thousands of years later, there is a legend circulating among the kobold civilization:

More than a thousand years ago, the God of Light came to the world and passed away after passing down his magic.

The ancestors had profound merit and inherited the divine arts. It is said that those who practice magic can summon wind and rain, drive thunder and lightning. Those with advanced magical skills can easily travel thousands of miles, fly into the sky and escape from the earth, and move mountains and seas with ease. As for those who can clearly understand the way of heaven from divine magic, they can even get a glimpse of the way to eternal life.

Some kobolds also made up a book of myths and stories through some fragments of legends. In the story book, the cultivation system has distinct levels. The entry stage seems to be called the calm state, then the concentrating state, the training state, the breaking light state, and the bright state. Finally, there is the Shattered Void Realm.

In this mythical story, it is said that the ancestors of that time were shattered and left in the void after they succeeded in cultivation.

As for why no kobolds have succeeded in cultivation, this mythology story also gives an explanation, that is, during the historical war between the East and West continents, the powerful battles between the Shattered Void Realm powers from both camps were too fierce, causing the continent's leylines to After being cut off, the heaven and earth changed. The entire continent's spiritual energy dissipated and was no longer suitable for practice.

According to legend, the place where the ancestors left the mainland is called Tianmen. In mythology, there are also descriptions of the Heavenly Gate. It is said to be the gate of space set up by the God of Light before leaving. Through the Heavenly Gate, one can leave this world.

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