Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 295 Time flies

The emergence of the legend is accidental, but it is not entirely accidental, because humans did leave nine transport ships at the far base.

The nine transport ships have complete life support facilities and sufficient fuel. The hibernation cabins are densely packed with most of the internal space. As long as they have the right to use them, there is no problem in flying out of this orange dwarf star to nearby star systems.

It is worth mentioning that these transport ships have the same preset air environment and preset atmospheric pressure as the Kobold planet environment, except for things that cannot be solved like the gravity system.

The hibernation cabin is also set according to the physical conditions of the kobolds. It is obvious that these nine transport ships are specially left for the kobolds to escape, and they are Noah's Ark left by humans to the kobolds.

Because they are specially designed for running away, the transport ships have a lot of hibernation cabins. If the nine transport ships are fully loaded, more than two million dog people can be allowed to embark on the road to the stars. If they are squeezed together, more than 300 people can fit in. Four million is probably not a problem.

The base's triggering method is not much different from what Yue Yuan thought before. The electromagnetic waves are guided by induction and the base's AI.

But there is one difference. The language system used by these transport ships is not English, but Chinese. Although the humans taught the kobolds English at the beginning, in the end, if they were to actually get on the ship, they would still have to learn Chinese.

After all, the entire human system is now in Chinese, so it is naturally impossible to create a fleet using another language system just for the sake of a bunch of idiots.

As for the transport ships that humans have left in the base, as long as the kobolds can wake up the preset program and call out the base AI, the base will be officially open to the kobolds after the AI ​​determines that the kobolds have truly entered the information age.

Of course, although the nine transport ships can only take away a few million kobolds, if the kobolds' home planet does not suffer any major disaster or stellar disaster, they can send out one or two ships first to establish a nearby star system. outpost.

As for how to use it, it depends on the kobold's choice. Anyway, after leaving here to search the transport ship, the humans left.

If that day comes, I don’t know how the kobolds will feel. After all, according to the guidance of their own myths, what they discovered was not a heavenly gate, nor a method of godly cultivation, but a high-tech base and nine transport ships that can cross the star sea. .

But if there are some human handicrafts that can be passed down, some kobolds will probably find some clues. After all, there were a lot of industrial products taken away from humans back then.

As long as kobold society gets rid of ignorance and scientific thinking rises, they will surely make some guesses after seeing those parts such as lighters, stainless steel, and pistols from ancient legends.

It is estimated that by then, there will be no shortage of news about the kobold society, such as the top ten unsolved mysteries of mankind. Kobolds with a little bit of brains may be able to create ancient super civilizations and ancient lost civilizations. .

Of course, alien legends are also indispensable.

The reason why it is said to be ancient times is because the life span of a dog head is very short. Thirty years old is already a long life. It is normal to die between the ages of twenty-five and three or four. In such a short life, thousands or two thousand years have already followed. Humanity has faced the same concepts for five to six thousand years.

Well, in fact, not only kobolds, one thousand or two thousand years is naturally a long time for humans. If they hadn't been in hibernation for most of the voyage, humans wouldn't have been able to spend such a long time.

After all, after using up Life Potion No. 1, 2, and 3, human beings can extend their lifespan by 1,400 years. Taking into account the natural aging time of the original body functions, the maximum is only 1,500 years. Even Yue Yuan and Lu Xiaofen, who had inhaled the red gas and gained five hundred years, only had less than two thousand years.

With humankind's current technology, if we don't take into account fuel factors, we can fly continuously in two thousand years, at most, it can only travel 600 light-years. For the Milky Way, which has a galactic disk of 100,000 light-years, such a distance is no different from not moving at all.

Of course, humans naturally don't run around with nothing to do. You must know that the awakener said at the beginning that this place is far away from the battlefield area called the dangerous star field.

Therefore, humans do not intend to run too far, but they will not stop too close to the kobold planet. After all, a transport ship has been left for the kobolds. If they stop mining near their star system, they may waste resources again.

Since humans had already completed updating the star map when the awakened ones arrived in this star field, they didn't have to worry about getting lost when they set foot on the starry sky.

However, this place is on the edge of a cantilever, and the distance between stars is farther than the star field where the solar system is located. The nearest star to the orange dwarf where the kobold is located is 14.9 light-years away, and most stars are within 20 light years of each other. years and above.

So after setting foot on the starry sky again, human beings arranged the hibernation rotation system as usual, planning to visit a few more star systems and find star systems rich in rocky planet resources before stopping to continue development and technology to build warships.

And it is precisely because of the sparseness of stars that humans cannot sail any further outward, because if they continue to sail in the direction outside the cantilever, the distance between stars there will even reach fifty, sixty or hundreds of light years. My navigation skills are still a bit overwhelming.

As for going to a star field with dense stars, humans do not dare to go. Because life is common in the universe, the more stars in the star field, the greater the resources and the possibility of the birth of civilization. Since leaving the solar system, we have encountered a lot of civilizations. Humans are indeed afraid of encountering other civilizations again.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, the new government decided to go along the edge of the cantilever and towards the end of the cantilever.

Humanity has traveled fifty-six years from the kobold planet to the first stellar station. After stopping for a brief resupply, the human fleet continued to set foot in the starry sky.

From the first star station to the second star station, humans spent nearly seventy years on the road, and then relied on star supplies as usual, and continued on the road a few years later.

Three hundred years passed by in the blink of an eye.

Time and time again, human beings have sailed into deep space, heading to the other side of the starry sky that they could only look up to in the past. At the same time, time and time again, they have turned the other side of the starry sky into a starting point, and once again marched towards a deeper shore.

Since the solar system disaster broke out, humankind has never stopped. Over the years, human beings have crossed the void, visited the places where ancient people observed the sky, stepped on the stars, and came to unknown star fields, seeing magical worlds of life.

If we look at it from the perspective of the ancients, today's human beings are already reaching for the stars by stepping on the sun and the moon.

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