Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 296 The starry sky doesn’t ask about travelers

The starry sky doesn't ask about travelers.

The stars in the sky didn't ask who was passing by them. They just watched silently as the human fleet came, then dug some mines, and then left again.

It has been a month since Yue Yuan woke up from hibernation. He was currently at the port window of the Tianqin, looking at the starry sky outside.

The starry sky is bright.

Looking at the starry sky from a spaceship is far less beautiful than looking at it from the earth.

If you were looking at the starry sky from a spaceship, then the ancients would probably not be able to write poems like "The mica screen has deep candle shadows, the long river is gradually setting and the dawn stars are sinking", "The stars are splashing in the clouds, the dew bath water is trickling, and the precious orchids are built together." "Snip" words.

Looking out from the ship's porthole, the starry sky appears brighter, but without the refraction and embellishment of the atmosphere and water vapor, these stars will not blink. Against the deep and dark background, they look like fascinating stars. Ghost lights.

The deep starry sky and dark background seem so close yet so far away. Staring for a long time will give rise to the feeling of stars sinking into the abyss and fear in the deep sky.

The huge contrast between the vastness of the universe and my own insignificance will overwhelm my mind at this moment. Eternity and the passing of time will occupy the entire life at this moment. Emptiness and loneliness will take advantage of this moment, making people feel that all efforts are meaningless.

Morning bacteria don’t know Hui Shuo, and worms don’t know Spring and Autumn. Floaters live in the morning and die in the evening, summer cicadas don’t know spring and autumn. I mourn the brief moment of my life, and envy the boundlessness of the Yangtze River.

All kinds of negative emotions about the greatest, the smallest, the short-term, the eternal, life and death will burst out at this moment.

It is deep space claustrophobia, a test from the self, subconscious mind and cosmic cognition, a great terror, and a self-breakthrough of thought.

Now Yue Yuan has long been unaffected by the claustrophobia of deep space, but after reading a lot of human research on thinking, id, subconsciousness, etc., he now recalled his thoughts when he first stared at the stars. The chaos among them.

"It seems that it is right not to go to the dense star field. In another ten years, we will reach the destination of this voyage." Looking at the slowly moving stars in front of him, Yue Yuan's thoughts were no longer on them.

According to observation results, humans have long known that this destination is a yellow dwarf star. Astronomers believe that there is a high probability of rich rocky planetary resources there.

Yellow dwarf.

What a familiar name, for nothing else, the sun is a yellow dwarf star.

Since the stellar evolution theory is a theory, it must have a certain universality in the universe, otherwise it cannot become a theory. Therefore, astronomers have enough reason to believe that yellow dwarf galaxies are rich in internal resources.

In fact, at this moment, before humans have actually arrived in the yellow dwarf star system, astronomers have obtained part of the yellow dwarf star data from spectral analysis. During the voyage, they also used several extraterrestrial planet detection methods to detect that there were indeed planets, and there were more than one.

If there are no accidents, human beings will stop and develop in the target star system this time, and will not leave at least until they reach level three civilization.

Because humans themselves were born in a yellow dwarf star system environment, they have a deep understanding of yellow dwarf stars. Therefore, for safety reasons, while the large fleet was still halfway there, several batches of unmanned probes were already heading to the target star. System detected.

It is common practice for unmanned detection spacecraft to detect first, but this time, humans have added a lot more detection power. In fact, it's more than that. While humans are sending probes to target star systems, they are also sending some one-time probes to the nearest star systems.

How to do it safely?

A wandering civilization with all its belongings in the entire fleet. If it is not safe to say that it is beyond redemption, it is really beyond redemption.

It is always right to be cautious. Because of caution, humans have placed the detector very far away. The fleet is still about three light years away from the destination, but the detector is already one light year away from the front of the fleet.

If the detector detects something, it will receive the message and respond in less than a year.

The reaction distance of 1 light-year is not short, and it is enough for humans to hold N meetings to discuss various problems encountered.

Because communication is limited by the speed of light, and the speed of low-level civilizations is also very slow, the various problems encountered during star navigation will not actually cause much tension.

The situation in the novel where a cannon is fired and the enemy is instantly wiped out does not exist, at least not at the low level of civilization. Racing against time and missing one second of reaction time will put the entire fleet at risk of destruction, and it will not appear in large-scale interstellar voyages. This thing will only appear when the two sides are actually fighting.

Precisely because of the huge distance scale in the starry sky and the limitations of light-speed communication and sub-light speed navigation, if two civilizations of the same level meet, there is a high probability that they will detect each other first.

If the two sides are fighting, and then one side wants to catch up with the other, this kind of chasing battle between the same level may last for thousands of years. Of course, the gap in technological level is another matter.

Therefore, in this state of the fleet, the top brass, including Yue Yuan, are quite comfortable. Except for some daily things, there is basically nothing that can make them anxious.

It was also because of this that Yue Yuan had time to run to the porthole to look at the stars.

While Yue Yuan was leisurely admiring the stars, out of the corner of his eye he saw a graceful figure floating over from far to near.

"Shuai Yue."

Before the people arrive, the sound comes first.

Yu Jieyin is very familiar.

Yue Yuan knew who was coming without looking directly.

After waiting for a while, when the visitor floated next to him and turned on the magnetic boots to stabilize his body, Yue Yuan turned around and looked: "Mr. Man, why do you have time to come here? Is there something wrong with the detector?"

It’s Manyuemei who is coming. Because it won’t take long to reach the destination, the top human military and political leaders are waking up from hibernation one after another.

After so long, Manyuemei was not only the Minister of Armed Forces, but also the Deputy Minister of the General Command, so Yue Yuan called her Deputy Man.

The Deputy Minister of the General Command is different from the Minister of Armed Forces. The Minister of Armed Forces is elected every five hundred years. The Deputy Minister of the General Command is personally appointed by Yue Yuan. However, it is not a life-long appointment, but a term-by-term appointment. Can serve up to two consecutive terms.

There are two deputy ministers, and Manyue Mei is one of them.

"Everything is normal. I just woke up not long ago. I was walking around and happened to see you here, so I came over." Man Yuemei seemed to have just woken up from a normal sleep after waking up from hibernation, so at this moment While talking, he straightened his back and yawned.

"Oh, it's okay. Now that you've woken up, go back to the Second Fleet in a while. We're almost at the destination. The fleet needs you to arrange many things." Yue Yuan looked at Manyuemei's profile. , after speaking, he turned to look at the starry sky outside the porthole.

"It's not a big problem, but I just woke up. Let me get used to it for a few days and move my body more." Manyuemei straightened her chest and twisted her waist again, raised her hands to stretch her muscles, and at the same time said something to Yue Yuan. Speechless reason.

Why do you need to be active for a few days after waking up? With the current physical fitness of human beings, you can fully recover within a few hours after waking up from hibernation and adapting.

Thinking of this, Yue Yuan glanced at Manyue Mei who was stretching next to him, trying to see what was going on in her mind.

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