Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 297 Electromagnetic Wave Signal

Naturally, you can't see through it. After all, Yue Yuan has no superpowers.

It was no big deal to come and go. Now that Manyue Mei was here, Yue Yuan simply stopped focusing on the porthole window and instead chatted with her word by word. They were all useless chat topics, but that was not the case. Quite pleasant.

Perhaps because they have been in high positions for a long time, except for some senior scientists in the new government, others are always a little timid when talking to Yue Yuan. Yue Yuan naturally noticed this, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Of course, Manyue Mei was different. She didn't make Yue Yuan feel that way. Instead, she was overly casual. Well, she would be like this when talking about non-work topics.

In fact, hundreds of years ago, when Manyue Mei showed some thoughts due to the life potion incident, Yue Yuan felt it. He is not stupid, so he naturally knows what this woman means.

But just as he struggled with it back then, this matter was really difficult to handle. Yue Yuan didn't say this clearly, but the two of them had been working together for hundreds of years, so I guess Man Yuemei also noticed it.

The two of them just chatted tacitly, but this time their chat didn't last long before they were interrupted by a message.

It was a message from the military.

Different from previous communication reports, this time the information was transmitted directly to Yue Yuan through the human internal communication network.

If it can be transmitted directly to Yue Yuan, the matter is definitely not simple. There is a high probability that the detector has discovered something.

The current system of the new government is much more complete than before. News about people outside of civilization no longer needs to be sent to the Tianqin command center first, and then the command center notifies Yue Yuan and has him rush there. command center, but both at the same time.

As one of the deputy commanders, when Yue Yuan received the news, Man Yuemei also received the news.

The two looked at each other without saying much, and directly opened their personal terminals to view the content of the message.

Sure enough, the detector found a signal. After looking at the personal terminal, Yue Yuan knew what was going on.

"Come on, let's go over and take a look." Immediately, Yue Yuan greeted Manyue Mei next to him, then turned around and headed towards the command center.

The information sent by the communications department showed that the detector should have detected an electromagnetic wave signal with obvious patterns.

The content of the electromagnetic waves is still unknown, because the detector one light-year away cannot decipher it on its own. It only received the signal and then transmitted it to the human fleet behind it according to established procedures.

Decoding and analysis work must be done by human scientists themselves.

"We are in trouble again. It seems that I really have to go back to the Second Fleet as soon as possible." Manyuemei nodded, then turned off the magnetic shoe switch, kicked his right foot slightly, and followed Yue Yuan to float towards Command center.

"The specific content will not be known until scientists decipher the signal, but it will probably not be a good thing. You are right to return to the Second Fleet as soon as possible, but it is not in a hurry. Let's go back tomorrow." Yue Yuan He turned around and said.

The detector receives a signal one light-year away. It takes a year for the signal to be transmitted at the speed of light over a distance of one light-year. The human fleet has a lot of room to operate, and the second fleet does not have to arrive before it can take action. , if there is something urgent, just send an order from the Tianqin and let the personnel on duty execute it first.

In fact, there were two reasons why Yue Yuan was so calm. First, it was not the first time he encountered aliens. He no longer had the surprises he had before, and second, it was in the form of a signal.

When he was browsing the information just now, he had noticed that the signal source received by the detector was indeed in the form of a signal. From this point, he could preliminarily judge that the technological level of the signal source was not very high.

Because as far as mankind knows, the communication and information transmission methods at the second level of civilization can already be replaced by neutrino communication. Of course, neutrino communication cannot transmit information to unknown targets in the form of broadcast. After all, there are only two types of waves that can transmit information in the universe, one is electromagnetic waves and the other is gravitational waves.

Both of these are caused by long-range forces, so they can transmit information in space.

Therefore, if the information source is of high technological level, in addition to receiving electromagnetic wave signals, the detector should also receive gravitational wave signals.

But now there are only electromagnetic wave signals, which is enough to show that the source of the information does not master the gravitational wave emission technology.

Therefore, even if we encounter an alien civilization, the level of civilization should not be too outrageous.

Of course, this judgment is definitely one-sided. After all, humans themselves do not know what level of civilization they have to reach before they are able to create and emit gravitational wave signals.

Human beings can’t do it anyway, and maybe even level three civilizations may not be able to do it.

It is true that human beings can use laser interference space antenna arrays to receive gravitational wave signals, but in terms of receiving and transmitting, the gap in technology is not just a chasm, it is simply countless technical barriers.

And if you want to determine what level the civilization from which the signal originated is, you have to wait.

One is to wait for the follow-up information sent back by the detector, and the other is to wait for scientists to decipher the content of this electromagnetic wave signal and then analyze it.

But no matter what the outcome is, humans must start to prepare for it.

Therefore, while floating towards the command center, Yue Yuan asked Manyuemei to speak to the commander on duty of the Second Fleet first so that he could be mentally prepared.

The two of them drifted for a while before arriving at the command center of the Lyra.

As soon as his feet landed, Yue Yuan said to the science officer who was busy at his post: "Has the follow-up information from the detector been transmitted? How is the situation? Has the detector captured the target of the source of the information?"

It is true that human civilization does not know much about the universe at present, but the staff on the battleship are no longer the novices they used to be. Basically, they all have a certain understanding of the universe. As the scientific officer of the Tianqin, he naturally knew why Yue Yuan asked such a question.

The universe is vast and boundless, and the starry sky is deep and dark. Even if intelligent life relies on technology to embark on the journey to the stars, it cannot easily see what is on the other side of the starry sky.

Therefore, even if an unknown civilization discovers a human detector, it is impossible to discover the human fleet at the first light-year distance. After all, the human fleet is located in a space where there are no dense interstellar dust clouds.

As for the follow-up information from the detector in the question, it is of course because the universe is too vast.

Since several small human detectors can be discovered, it must be that the distance between the two is too close. Even so, human detectors can definitely find the target, unless the technological gap between the two sides is too great.

If that were the case, then Yue Yuan would definitely order the fleet to change course without hesitation.

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