Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 298 Unknown Civilization Spaceship

"Shuai Yue, Deputy Man, look, this is the picture captured by our detector." The science officer tapped the keyboard in front of him a few times, transferred the picture to the big central screen, and at the same time turned around and pointed at the big screen and said: "The electromagnetic wave signal should be sent by these spacecraft. Judging from the behavioral logic of the detector AI, our detector should have stopped moving forward by now."

The detector mentioned by the science officer is a detection spacecraft. It is about the size of a large transport aircraft. It is no different from a speck of dust in the open space. It was discovered probably because of the bright tail flame and the close proximity of the two parties. reason.

At this moment, Yue Yuan looked up at the big screen, so he frowned slightly: "Well, it seems to be a detector of some civilization, but why is it so big?"

In the picture displayed on the screen, there are three spacecrafts that are much larger than human probes. From the comprehensive analysis of the human detectors in the picture using optical remote sensing technology and the length of their tail flames, it can be seen that these three spacecraft are probably much larger than the aircraft carrier.

According to mankind's understanding of the structure and functions of spaceships and battleships, a spacecraft of this size is definitely not a battleship, but if it is a detector, it is a bit big.

"Shuai Yue, Director Gao Kun believes that these three spacecraft are likely to be manned detection spacecraft, or some kind of star patrol spacecraft." the science officer replied.

"Where are the Gao Kun people?" Yue Yuan asked again.

"We are on our way. The team of linguists and cryptologists have also begun to analyze and decipher the signals." After the science officer said this, he hesitated and asked: "Commander Yue, do you want the fleet to slow down?"

"Don't worry, the situation is unclear now. We will wait until the electromagnetic wave signal is deciphered." Yue Yuan shook his head. But as soon as he said this, he began to think deeply. Although the situation was not clear and it was difficult to act rashly, some preparations could still be made.

After pondering for a moment, Yue Yuan said to the correspondent: "Send the news to the duty officer of the First Fleet and order him to release detectors into the surrounding stars. Be sure to carry out early warning work."

"Yes!" the correspondent at work responded.

After saying that, Yue Yuan dialed Zhu Pi Te's communication again, and without waiting for the other party to be polite, he said directly: "Pete, I order you and other soldiers from the security department to do a good job in social security work, strengthen internal alert, and cooperate with the internal support department to wake up. The hibernating people of science.”

"Received!" Zhu Pite also responded.

"Yeah!" After hanging up Zhu Pite's communication, Yue Yuan summoned the duty officers of each department of the new government and asked them to start waking up the hibernating personnel of each department.

After everyone was informed, Yue Yuan turned to Manyuemei next to him and said: "Vice Man, you should also inform the important personnel and soldiers of the Second Fleet about their awakening."

Manyuemei said: "Okay!"

The human fleet is currently about three light years away from the target star system. According to normal navigation procedures, it is far from the time to wake up a large number of hibernating personnel. Therefore, most of the ministries of the new government, the First Fleet, and the Second Fleet are only in charge of the duty officers.

Nowadays, when an emergency occurs, it is natural to wake up the personnel. Civilians can take a break, but scientists in various fields, important officials of the new government, commanders of various types of spacecraft, captains of various battleships, soldiers, etc. cannot wait.

After issuing a series of commands, Yue Yuan's eyes returned to the big screen, carefully staring at the three unknown spacecraft on the screen.

The three spacecrafts all trailed long tail flames, indicating that the technological level of the unknown civilization behind the spacecraft was not ridiculously high, at least it was still within the scope of human cognition.

Judging from the fact that these three spacecrafts entered the detector's field of view, this unknown civilization has not mastered warp speed navigation. Because humans have seen the appearance of warp spaceships from the database of Kuntai civilization, the situation where the spacecraft suddenly appeared and then the image regressed did not occur, indicating that the unknown civilization behind these three spacecrafts did not have the means to travel faster than light speed.

The main reason why Yue Yuan was so calm was reading this information from the picture.

As for why the three spaceships in the current picture are emitting such lengthy tail flames, Yue Yuan judged that they should be slowing down.

A civilization that has not mastered the means of faster-than-light navigation would be surprised to suddenly discover a detector team that does not belong to its own civilization in space. Therefore, it is normal to slow down and initiate communication.

And those who can make such a judgment directly may be as Gao Kun said, these three spacecraft are manned.

"I hope the unknown civilization behind these three spaceships understands the communication methods of cosmic civilizations." Yue Yuan looked at the big screen, raised his hand to touch his stubble, and thought to himself.

Human beings still understand the AI ​​they have created very well. When the detector team encounters this situation, it should brake and stop.

If the unknown civilization behind the three spaceships on the opposite side knew the rules of communication and exchange between civilizations, they would have waited patiently instead of attacking directly.

Due to the information delay caused by the vast space scale, the human fleet has no idea of ​​the situation of the detector team one light-year away at this moment. Because the scene Yue Yuan saw now was from almost a year ago.

Fortunately, the images returned by the detector are continuous. As long as there is an accident, the human fleet will receive it a year later. Well, as the fleet continues to sail forward, the time difference is less than a year, about eleven months and twenty days.

As time goes by, the picture on the big screen gradually changes.

The first thing that can be judged is that the three spacecraft are indeed slowing down. The human detector team is also slowing down. According to the data from various detector instruments, the distance between the two sides is only about 5 to 6 thousand kilometers at this moment, and they are gradually getting closer to each other as time goes by.

Awakening scientists in various fields from hibernation cannot be done at once, not to mention that it will take some time for them to adapt after waking up.

So at this moment, there are not many people in the entire Tianqin command center. Even the people in front of the rows of work platform computers are scattered, and the only person standing in the hall looking at the big screen is Yue Yue. There were only a few people including Yuan Yuan, Manyue Mei and the scientific officer on duty.

But Yue Yuan had nothing to do, so he just looked at the big screen. He hoped to get more information about the civilization of the unknown spacecraft before the big guy arrived.

The situation on the screen did not disappoint him. Yue Yuan, who had been staring at the big screen for a long time, finally caught another important piece of information.

As the detector gradually approached them, Yue Yuan saw changes in the tail flames of the three slowing battleships. The long and bright tail flames were mixed with flashes of light.

If you guessed correctly, it should be the tail flame phenomenon produced by the operation of the cold nuclear pulse thruster. In other words, the civilization to which these three spaceships belong is most likely a second-level civilization!

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