Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 300 Starry Sky Territory

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As soon as the think tank member finished speaking, a physicist stood up and shook his head: "Actually, I think it doesn't have to be like this. There are two reasons. One: If the other party is behind a third-level civilization, then as long as they want to, we will definitely Can't run away. Two: Slowing down now will inevitably expose our entire fleet to the opponent's view. Think about the original Kuntai civilization, and you must learn from the past!"

The think tank member who spoke "this" was speechless for a moment.

Indeed, as the physicist said, if it is a level three civilization, as long as the other party wants to chase it, it will never be able to escape.

If humans slow down the entire fleet without knowing the opponent's situation, then the bright tail flames of the fleet's deceleration will inevitably be observed by the opponent. Then it will be like the Kuntai civilization, which was observed by humans but knew nothing about humans. Know.

The current situation, the situation of mankind seems to have become that of the original Kuntai civilization, but it is not plagued by as serious a fuel shortage as the Kuntai civilization.

Everyone in the command center was quiet for a moment, and then someone worried: "But if we don't slow down, is it possible that we can rush up and kill those three spaceships? Now we don't know anything about each other, and using force rashly may cause them to capsize." It’s dangerous.”

"Who said force was needed?" The physicist who just spoke rolled his eyes at him.

"Then what do you want to do?"

The physicist was not ambiguous and said directly based on his own judgment: "We will wait for the electromagnetic wave signal to be deciphered and communicate with the other side to see the situation. During this period, the fleet can first use the steering thruster to adjust its attitude. At such a distance, the steering engine The light is not too strong, so the other party should not notice it."

"That's okay. Have you chosen your alternative destination?" Yue Yuan nodded, and it seemed that this was all he could do now.

"This! It is currently 10.77 light-years away from us. With our current inventory of materials and fuel, it will not be a problem to get there." The physicist raised his hand and clicked on his personal terminal to project a star map onto the big screen.

Yue Yuan looked up and found that what was marked was a red dwarf star, which looked very dim on the star map.

"Well, let's arrange it this way first." After thinking for a while, Yue Yuan nodded.

Now that the detector team has been stopped, it is possible that an unknown civilization lives on the yellow dwarf ahead. In this way, humans naturally cannot rush over so recklessly.

Nowadays, humans have no idea about the internal situation of the yellow dwarf and the situation of the other party's civilization. If they rush over so recklessly, wouldn't they really follow in the footsteps of the Kuntai civilization?

Everyone then gathered together to discuss for a while. After reaching consensus, Yue Yuan issued the order to the entire human fleet.

Time ticks by, and half a day flies by.

And when the meal was about to arrive, the door of the Tianqin's command center was finally pushed open. Oh no, it opened automatically after someone came and passed the identity verification.

People from the linguist and cryptography teams floated in.

Lu Xiaofen, a doctor of linguistics, did not come. Instead, another doctor of linguistics came. Yue Yuan remembered that this person was named Zheng Shan. The cryptography expert is not Sinskaya, but a young man named Kuimu Mu.

He is indeed a young man, because not only does he look young, he is actually only seventy years old.

Naturally, the current family will not be just the same ones as before, so it is not the original doctors who are responsible for deciphering work. Yes, it is no longer the time when mankind just escaped from Callisto. It is normal for experts, scholars, and science in various disciplines and fields .

The two entered the command center, their bodies still floating on the ground. One of them, a doctor of linguistics named Zheng Shan, said in her unique voice: "Everyone, the signal has been deciphered. It is just as we imagined, it is a document with a clear code." Dictionary’s communication, but the content is a bit unexpected. We did not encounter the civilization to which those three spacecrafts belonged by chance in space, but we came to their territory!”

"Oh?! Pass it up for everyone to see." Yue Yuan, who was about to tell everyone to go eat first and then come back, immediately changed his tune when he heard this.

After hearing what Yue Yuan said, everyone started to think about eating again.

When they heard Zheng Shan say that the electromagnetic wave signal contained a dictionary, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief and felt a lot more at ease.

If the signal contains obvious dictionary content, it at least shows that that civilization is willing to communicate and has experience in communicating with alien civilizations. Otherwise, it would be impossible to convert its own language dictionary into electromagnetic wave signals so skillfully.

After a while, Zheng Shan pressed the button on her pants to make the magnetic boots work. After stabilizing her body, she raised her slender, lotus-like left arm in front of her without saying a word, and then stretched out her right fingers to press on the small screen on her left arm.

This is her personal terminal computer. With human technology, it has long been possible to integrate a computer and mobile phone into one, and it has also been designed with various different appearances.

It is her habit to put personal terminals on her hands and forearms.

There are also some people who are accustomed to using personal terminals that look like laptops, or that look like mobile phones. There are countless other styles and styles of personal terminals. What kind of personal terminal you use is a matter of personal preference.

As for the kind of personal terminal that does not require a screen and a virtual box appears when you click on it, it is only available in dreams now.

Although humans are a second-level civilization, they have no way of touching the kind of holographic technology that often appears in science fiction. Whether that kind of thing is a stable light technology, a light-binding technology, or some kind of field technology, humans don’t know. At most, now Able to achieve a variety of realistic projection screens.

But it is enough. Just like the large screen in the bridge of the Tianqin now, it is not only a large screen like a TV, but with the light and shadow equipment in other places, it can actually make the entire ship The bridge becomes a 3D light and shadow world.

If the star map were projected in this form, people on the bridge would see stars within reach.

But that's all. That thing is a projection. To control its movements, you need a remote control or body movement towards the sensor. It cannot be used to directly grab the ghost shadow with your hands like holographic technology.

After a while, Zheng Shan completed the operation. At the same time, everyone also saw the content of the electromagnetic wave signal of the unknown civilization on the big screen:

【warn! Unknown civilization detector team, you have entered the scope/power of our Nervin star domain. Please stop your voyage/movement/travel immediately and register/report to us where your civilization came from. What are you here for? What purpose.

In line with the principle of friendly contact between the two parties, please confess/transmit the number of spaceships you have arrived, provide your star map route, and clearly state your technological level, racial characteristics, and living environment. Please make the record as required - Nair Second Star Patrol. 】

The effective content of the electromagnetic wave signal is not long. Behind these words, there is a large 'dictionary'.

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