Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 301 Interpretation

Yue Yuan first read the content of the message at a glance, and then he looked around and found that everyone was still staring at the big screen, so he was not in a hurry to speak, but opened his personal terminal and stared alone.

After Zheng Shan uploaded the deciphered content, it was automatically synchronized to the human central computer and the personal terminals of everyone present, so Yue Yuan's personal terminal also had deciphered information.

However, Yue Yuan did not read the content again, but flipped the information back. After flipping through a large dictionary, there were explanations of the deciphering content or translation content by human language workers and cryptography workers.

Human beings have developed this habit when deciphering alien languages ​​or translating other languages. After translating a complete sentence, they will also annotate the meaning of individual words in it. This deciphering and translation is naturally the same.

The translation content is a sentence summarized based on the meaning of the full text after consultation by linguists, and the annotations contain their specific understanding of the alien language during the deciphering work and the reasons for the translation.

Due to the huge cultural differences between the two sides, the existence of annotations is very important, and the original logic of the alien language may be hidden in them. Such annotations include not only the participation of linguists, but also the views of sociologists themselves.

Therefore, in the process of browsing the annotations, Yue Yuan understood why expressions such as "star domain/power location" and "navigation/movement/travel" appeared in the translated sentences.

According to the explanation of sociologists, this is due to the characteristics of unknown civilized races, just like humans walking on two feet, while aliens may be called moving, sideways, etc. due to their shape. terms of.

Of course, when translated, in order to allow most people to quickly understand the meaning contained in the information, the words used by linguists are of course corrected based on human cognition, so such words cannot appear in the text.

In addition, Yue Yuan also learned about the meaning of Nair in the Nair civilization that appears in the translation. This "Nair" is not a transliteration. After all, electromagnetic wave signals cannot have any language syllables that humans can hear. It is not a specific translation, but a concrete vocabulary given by human beings' own imagination.

To put it simply, humans created a word to name this unknown civilization. The reason is that the amount of information is too small, and the information decipherers have no idea what the self-name of this unknown civilization refers to.

Oh, no, it’s not like I don’t know at all.

In the dictionary sent by the unknown civilization, human linguistics workers found that Nell should correspond to the name of a certain species in the unknown civilization's culture or ecosystem. However, there is no corresponding category in the human dictionary. , so they forced the title "Nair" into it.

Looking at the annotations, the meaning is roughly the same as "human beings". They are intelligent creatures that name their own civilization.

This is similar to the Kuntai civilization, but compared to the obvious difference in characteristics between "Kun" and "Tai" in the Kuntai civilization, humans have no idea what the characteristics of the Nair civilization race are.

After a while, Yue Yuan, who was looking down at the annotations, heard the rustling sound of discussion coming from his ears. It seemed that everyone present had understood.

"Tell me about it!" Yue Yuan raised his head and interrupted everyone's discussion of the novel.

Sure enough, on such an occasion, the first people to speak were those studying the sociology of the universe.

"Commander, everyone, let me make the beginning!" A sociology researcher tapped a few times on his personal terminal with one hand, then looked around the crowd and continued: "First of all, let's talk about those three before we combine them. Judging from the behavior of the spacecraft, we can easily come to the conclusion that this Nair civilization has most likely come into contact with other civilizations."

"Secondly, I can conclude that there is a 98% chance that the yellow dwarf star ahead is an important galaxy in the sphere of influence of the Nair civilization. It may not be the birthplace, but it should also be a place for expansion and immigration, or an important material production base. , citing the distance patrolled by their patrols.”

Everyone nodded secretly, knowing what this meant.

The human fleet is now one light-year away from the three Nair civilization spacecraft, while the yellow dwarf is still about three light-years away. Two light-years is not too close for a second-level civilization, so there is no reason to go that far.

This sociologist used words quite rigorously. He was talking about expansion of immigration, but words such as non-colonization and interstellar colonization.

Obviously, he believed that the starry sky territory mentioned by the Nair civilization was not colonized, but a natural development of immigrants.

When talking about the expansion of the interstellar era, the term interstellar colonization always pops up in many people's minds. However, the so-called colonization generally refers to the immigration of powerful countries to areas they conquer, which means plundering and enslaving local people.

In the interstellar era, it is impossible to have life in neighboring star systems. Therefore, most of the interstellar era expansion that relies on star systems is to develop desolate planets. Even if a residential area is built somewhere, it can only be immigrants.

The sociologist continued: "Looking at it this way, the Nair civilization should be a civilization that has not lost its home star. They rely on the home star system to expand their living space outwards. A civilization that exists in this way, its possessions The scope of the star field is directly proportional to the time they have existed. If the Nair civilization has been in the starry sky for long enough, it is not necessarily that all the star fields in front will be their sphere of influence."

"As for the various information statements they asked us to provide, I think that firstly, they have indeed encountered other civilizations and had contact with this method. This is a common rhetoric; secondly, they are temporary rhetoric with the purpose of delaying Our detector.

No matter which one, from the literal expression, this Nel civilization reveals a very direct feeling. Of course, it is also possible that they knew that we would not be able to provide such detailed information and said this on purpose. "

After listening to the words of the sociologist, everyone present suddenly felt as if they were listening to you. Then scholars from other fields spoke one after another, but because there was not much information in what Nair Civilization said, their words were basically of no nutrition.

But when it came to how to respond and respond, everyone became more active.

Yue Yuan just listened to everyone's talk quietly, and from time to time some people's speeches came after they quieted down.

You need to reply. The key is the attitude with which you reply, and how humans should make the next decision.

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