Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 303 Super long call delay

Now change the course, and in less than a year, the three spacecraft of the Nair civilization will most likely be able to observe the human fleet, if they are equipped with large-diameter telescopes and stare in the direction of the human race.

A light-year distance is considered far away at the level of a second-level civilization. In normal times, even a ground-based large-diameter telescope would not be able to detect it. After all, the fleet is sailing at a constant speed and there is not much bright tail flame at all.

In fact, in the cosmic environment, it is very difficult to detect a fleet. Either the fleet is very close, or the fleet performs acceleration and deceleration actions with great thrust. Otherwise, as long as the fleet itself is not idle and uses the electromagnetic wave horn, it will be close to the enemy. It cannot be found at a distance of dozens of astronomical units.

Therefore, after changing the route, even if the human fleet is discovered, it will be a year later.

And this was only discovered by the three spacecraft of the Nair civilization. It was already three years later when the main civilization received news, because the human fleet is almost three light-years away from the yellow dwarf.

Since the fleet has already passed the target to which it is turning, the human fleet first completes the attitude adjustment, and then decelerates the tail of the battleship in the direction of the three Nair civilization spacecraft. After completing the deceleration, it accelerates towards the target again.

With the current physical quality of human beings, the time spent on acceleration and deceleration is not long, and the total of the two is only twenty hours. However, the entire fleet does not have such strong physical fitness, so the first to change its attitude and enter the state of deceleration, steering, and acceleration was the biosphere spacecraft cluster.

After these types of spacecraft are completed to a certain stage, the battleships and residential spacecraft clusters begin to move. This is done to maintain the general movement coordination and formation of the entire fleet.

When the biosphere spacecraft cluster entered the predetermined action according to the order, the new human government also prepared a reply message.

Because the distance is too far, the transmission of information cannot directly broadcast electromagnetic waves from Tianqin. Instead, it is first transmitted to the detector through neutrino communication, and then the detector transmits the information to the Neer civilization through electromagnetic waves. Three spaceships.

There is no medium in the universe, so communication between the two parties can only be in the form of electromagnetic waves. It can be said that the "words" spoken by spacecraft in the universe are electromagnetic wave signals.

Yue Yuan roughly read this reply and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he asked the staff in charge of communications to send it to him.

Human beings, like the Nair civilization, did not say much. They just answered where humans came from and the purpose of coming here, and then there were a lot of questions about why the Nair civilization appeared here, the scope of the star field, and so on.

The approximate content is:

[We are a space exploration team of human civilization, coming from the distant depths of the starry sky. It is a fate to encounter the Nair civilization. We have no purpose in coming here, we just happened to choose this yellow dwarf star as a resource supply station for the fleet to dock at. After completing the replenishment, we will continue our journey to explore the universe.

In addition, we humans are also a kind-hearted civilization that loves peace and is willing to communicate with other civilizations. During the journey of space exploration, we have had contact with many civilizations and had very friendly exchanges. Now we meet To your Nel civilization, our human civilization is also willing to communicate with you,

Although the species, form, and culture of each civilization are different, we humans have experience that communication between civilizations can take many forms, such as exchanging what is needed, exchanging opinions, and even trading]

The next content is some questions about the scope of Nervin's star domain, individual form, technological level, racial characteristics, living environment, etc. This is what the Nervin civilization asked humans before, and humans just asked them back.

As for the answers to other questions, humans only chose to answer the number of fleets and the technological level of the second-level civilization. Then they casually marked a route map of four stars using this star field as the background. Others such as racial characteristics, form, I don’t answer anything about living environment or anything like that.

Humanity has once again skillfully called itself an exploration team of human civilization. This is also a commonly used rhetoric. After all, no matter how much you say it, you can't tell the truth. You can say that you are a wandering civilization that has lost its home planet, right?

After the message was sent, the human fleet began to slow down, turn, and accelerate in an orderly manner.

Under such circumstances, Yue Yuan and the rest of the group also entered a normal and slightly busy working state. In fact, the new government staff, including him, are not in a hurry. After all, they have to wait until the next information about the Nair civilization, which will be two years at the earliest. If the people on the three spaceships cannot make a decision, then this time will be very short. Maybe six years later.

To put it bluntly, it takes six years to receive a reply. Who can blame this delay for the call, but humans are not in a hurry. After all, the entire fleet is still floating in space, and they have to find a place to replenish resources before they reach their final destination. In the past, I procrastinated as long as I could, so my replies were very short and did not contain much content, just to have more conversations and delay some time.

In this way, after replying to the letter and completing the turn, the humans let the detector team that had been walking outside the fleet take the first step towards the changed target.

No matter when or where we go, humans have detectors to go first, and it is the same this time when we change the course and go to the new target star system 10.1 light-years away.

It takes humans about 34 years to travel 10.1 light-years. Most of the navigation time is uniform motion after acceleration. Originally, it would only take another 10 years to reach the yellow dwarf, but now it has suddenly become 34 years. If nothing else, the rotating hibernation system can continue.

However, now that they have encountered an alien civilization, the new government has not continued the hibernation system. Instead, it has allowed everyone to live a normal life for more than thirty years. This is not a problem for humans with a lifespan of 1,400 years.

In this way, two years passed by in a flash, and the predicted reply from the Nair civilization arrived as scheduled, but the content was not what humans wanted.

When asked about racial forms, characteristics, living environment, etc., the Nair civilization, like humans, chose to pretend not to see it. Even the question that humans asked to mark the stars of the Nair civilization in the star map did not get an answer.

The reason is hard to say, but it is a matter of authority. The answer from the three spacecrafts was that they did not have the authority to answer this kind of question, and humans needed to wait for the answer.

Other than that, there was no other information, not even a word about the changes the human fleet had made.

In this regard, human scholars speculate that the three spacecraft may not have been equipped with large-diameter telescopes, so they did not notice that the human fleet had turned.

Other than that, there is no explanation. After all, if we really saw humans turning around, there would be no way that the reply would mention asking humans to continue waiting.

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