Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 304 Territory Star Map and Accidents

But from a human perspective, I really wish it was like this.

The Nel civilization did not discover the human fleet, which was an unexpected surprise. The fleet was not discovered during the process of decelerating, turning, and accelerating. If we wanted to find out again, we would have to wait until the human fleet reached its destination and slowed down again before we had a chance.

Of course, since it is easy to tell when humans reply to letters, as long as the crew members on the three ships of the Nel civilization are not stupid, they will know the approximate location of humans immediately, which is one light-year away from the detector team. at.

Although they couldn't see it, they must know that the human fleet was there.

Then it would have to wait another four years before the real main body of Nel civilization, or the information from the yellow dwarf star, returned. However, humans did not stay where they were or continue to get closer, but headed towards another red dwarf star.

In this way, when the information is transmitted from the detector team again, it may not be five years later.

After the human fleet returned to sailing at a constant speed, everyone who woke up from hibernation entered normal working and living conditions. In terms of scientific research, in addition to large-scale experiments such as particle collision experiments, other research has also been revived.

Time passed like this day by day.

When the clock reached the sixth year when humans completed the turn, a reply message belonging to the Nair civilization was finally received by humans again.

The news came from the previous detector team through neutrino communication. Human beings speculated that its source should be from the yellow dwarf star to three spacecrafts, then to the human detectors, and then from the human detectors to the human fleet.

Five years have passed, and the human detector team and the three spacecraft of the Nair civilization are still there, and they have become a forward communication transfer station for both parties.

It is indeed just a forward transfer station. This is because the distance is too far, so the information transmission cannot be completed at one time, so the information transmission is actually transmitted from the detector station by station. In other words, between the detector team and the human fleet, there are also some transit detectors launched by humans for signal transmission.

In fact, if the Nair civilization also belongs to the normal second-level civilization technology tree, then their information transmission should be the same as humans, station by station to the yellow dwarf or Nair star.

After all, humans know very well that as a second-level civilization, they have no ability to make stars twinkle, and they do not have the legendary stellar power amplifier. Therefore, to transmit information over a distance of light years, either this can only be done, or large-scale electromagnetic wave power can be used amplifier.

In fact, humans have the technology to manufacture large-scale electromagnetic wave power amplifiers, but that thing is just a big speaker in space. Human beings, who are fully aware of the dangers of the universe and the importance of hiding themselves, have not built that thing, and there is already neutrino communication. Just deploy a relay detector in light years. The neutrino jet is much more concealed than a large electromagnetic wave power amplifier like a big speaker.

Having said that, when the reply from Nair Civilization arrived at the Tianqin, Yue Yuan happened to be on the bridge, so he notified some relevant personnel and took the lead in reading it.

But as soon as he started looking at it, he frowned.

Because at the forefront of the information is a star map. There are about a hundred stars on the star map. Yue Yuan, who often looked at star maps, recognized it at a glance. This was the star map of the starry sky where humans are now.

Obviously, the Nair civilization is answering human inquiries about its territory.

This was something to be happy about, but after seeing a familiar red dwarf star clearly marked with the symbol of Nair civilization, Yue Yuan was not calm.

Because this red dwarf star is the new destination that the human fleet will head to after turning around.

The Nair civilization did not label all of the one hundred or so stars in the star map, but only twenty-seven. The red dwarf star that humans went to was one of them.

"Do we really have to turn around again and go back?!" Yue Yuan asked himself as he swiped the screen and rotated the star map to look at it carefully.

After looking at it for a while, he found the route that humans had sent to the Nel civilization before, and that he had come from. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence. The routes previously marked by humans belong to the star system, and the Neer civilization did not mark it with its own logo.

"Isn't this sphere of influence map a deliberate exaggeration of the Nair civilization?" Seeing this, Yue Yuan couldn't help but said to himself.

Yue Yuan felt that the Nair civilization was exaggerating to make a banner out of tiger skin, and it was reasonable to say that it was stronger than it actually was. After all, from the perspective of the Nair civilization, they themselves were locals, while humans were outsiders. , without outsiders knowing, they naturally make themselves stronger and safer.

Well. If they don't want to act like pigs and eat tigers to trap outsiders.

Yue Yuan thinks it is very possible. After all, the Nair civilization is not a wandering civilization, but a civilization that is most likely to develop around the mother planet. As the saying goes, a monk who can run away cannot run away from the temple. When encountering civilizations of the same level, it is really useful to say that you are stronger.

Anyway, Yue Yuan was shocked when he saw the marked range of 27 stars.

Based on these considerations, Yue Yuan did not immediately order the human fleet to turn around again. Shortly after the arrival of many experts and scholars, they also agreed with Yue Yuan's point of view.

Therefore, some people believe that the marked red dwarf star was marked by the Nair civilization in order to exaggerate itself, so the human fleet does not need to change its route.

Of course, there are also those who believe that humans should not take chances and should change course immediately.

However, the staff believes that frequent changes to the route will only allow the Nair civilization to discover traces of the fleet. Since it has not been discovered now, it is better to keep sailing at a constant speed.

Not only that, in order to hide the traces, humans should also manipulate the time of responding to the message. Now after changing the route, it is no longer possible for humans to send the reply message to the three spacecrafts of the Nair civilization in two years.

In order to prevent the Nair civilization from inferring the approximate location of the human fleet through the round-trip time of the message, the staff suggested telling the Nair civilization in the reply letter that the human fleet is already returning to the previous star, and the reply time should also be based on the return time. Calculate the path to a star, thus causing signs that the human fleet is really going back.

This suggestion was supported by most people.

But what makes people a little bit embarrassed is that when everyone continued to browse the information from the Nair civilization, they found that the Nair civilization actually invited humans to go to the yellow dwarf star that humans said was their target in the next content, and also sincerely invited humans to go to the yellow dwarf star. The three spaceships apologized for blocking them, and also promised that they could provide various fuels and resource supplies for human civilization, but they required humans to exchange them for things or technologies of corresponding value.

If it is said to be provided for free, then humans will definitely be suspicious, but the Nel civilization is talking about paid exchange. For a moment, humans didn't know what to do.

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