Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 308 Eternal Years

Gan De's words left Yue Yuan speechless for a long time.

He thought that Gander would say many possibilities, but he did not expect to say this.

This statement seems to make some sense based on inference, but there is no evidence at all. It is just a conclusion based on what humans have seen and heard, and based on comprehensive information from all aspects.

And this conclusion seems so absurd. How could the advanced civilization of the universe disappear out of thin air? It doesn’t make sense!

"Dr. Gan, is it possible that since the birth of the universe and the Milky Way, life in other places has been like the earth, and only at this stage did intelligent life evolve and civilization appear?" Yue Yuan considered.

"The chief's idea is very good. If intelligent life can only be born in the environment of the first star clan, it is indeed possible." Gander replied.

"Okay!" Yue Yuan breathed out.

His knowledge of astronomy is quite good, so he knows what Gander means.

Star Tribes include First Star Tribe, Second Star Tribe, and Third Star Tribe. In layman's terms, the order is third-generation stars, second-generation stars, and first-generation stars.

The so-called first population of stars refers to third-generation stars like the sun. Such stars are formed by the re-aggregation of the products of the explosion of second-generation stars. They possess heavy elements that are not found in first- and second-generation stars.

The first generation of stars is Population III, which is the earliest star to form. Its structure is almost composed of hydrogen and helium. The third generation of stars, like the solar system, contains various heavy metals. All the elements present in the human body were exploded from the previous generation of stars.

In a sense, humans are indeed children of the stars. Oh, the intelligent life forms born in the cosmic environment of the First Star Clan are all children of the stars.

And as Gander said, if intelligent life can only be born in a third-generation stellar environment, what Yue Yuan said is really possible.

After all, before the sun exploded, it was only five billion years old, and the time when life was born on the earth was probably 3.5 to 4 billion years ago. If only the third-generation star environment can give birth to life, then the emergence and intelligence of other life planets in the universe will The birth of life was probably during the same period.

Because the formation time of the third generation of stars is considered to be the same era, even if there is a time difference in the birth of intelligent life, it should not be as outrageous as tens of billions of years, so it may be what Yue Yuan said.

However, listening to Gander's tone, it is obvious that he does not agree with the statement that intelligent life can only be born in a third-generation star environment. Even if humans have no evidence at all, they have never seen life in a first-generation star or a second-generation star environment.

"In Dr. Egan's opinion, what happened in that distant past that caused nearly all the advanced civilizations in the galaxy to disappear together?"

In fact, Yue Yuan still felt that it was possible that only the first star could give birth to intelligent life, but he did not want to argue with Gan De at this time, because he knew that even if he didn't say it now, Gan De would be the one to give birth to intelligent life in the future. After the idea is discussed, many scientists will still have this idea.

In any case, humans have no way of knowing how the life forms born in the cosmic environment of the Third Star Tribe and the Second Star Tribe are used, let alone confirming them. And having said that, even if there really is one, and it is still active in the Milky Way and encountered by humans, humans have no way to determine which civilization is the civilization born in the background of the Third Star Race universe.

At least in the low-level civilization stage, there is definitely no way to know.

Let these scientists debate and collide with each other about such matters, and they may be able to come up with various hypotheses and conjectures. Various hypotheses and conjectures, whether right or wrong, are beneficial to the development of science to a certain extent.

"This is unknown."

Gander shook his head at first. After all, this point of view was just put forward. It is impossible for human beings to go back in time to see what is going on. Naturally, it is not clear.

However, wisdom itself has the ability to associate and imagine, so after Gander paused for a while, he continued: "Based on our current understanding of the universe, there are just a few situations. First, numbers A billion years ago, a great war occurred in the Milky Way that swept the entire galaxy, so that advanced civilization was almost destroyed."

"Second, the ancient advanced civilizations all hid themselves at the same time for some unknown reason."

"Third, advanced civilizations in ancient times all left the Milky Way at a certain time for some reason."

Needless to say, there is no need to talk about the war. A war that can make the advanced civilization of the Milky Way disappear must be shocking.

Based on humanity's current understanding of the Milky Way, this first scenario is really possible. After all, didn't forces such as the Reapers, the Galaxy Axis Alliance, the Perseus Community, and the Silicon-based Alliance appear a while ago? Maybe they are at war now. Among them, or the forces led by them will, as speculated in the first scenario, a new galactic war will break out in the future.

As for the cause of the war, humans do not know.

Yue Yuan thought for a moment and looked at Gan De, "Hide it! But the Milky Way is here, is it possible that they can still hide in a corner for billions of years?"

Gander smiled and said: "Just because we can't do it doesn't mean that those ancient advanced civilizations can't do it, Chief. For example, they may be hiding in their own small universe."

"Okay." Yue Yuan nodded and responded. Human beings have never touched upon the microcosm or anything related to it. This name only appears in science fiction movies and TV shows. It is just a waste of time to dwell on it now.

Just when Yue Yuan was about to speak again, he heard Gan De's words floating in his ears.

"As for the theory that they all left, although it is just speculation, judging from the situation of the awakeners coming across the river system, it is not impossible."

After saying this, Gander changed the subject and said, "But did the commander remember that the Awakener said that they also found a legacy star gate in the ruins of a seventh-level civilization, and then successfully reached the Milky Way.

As a sixth-level civilization, it is so difficult for the Awakeners to move from one river system to another, let alone a civilization below level six. It is completely impossible. So compared to the first and second cases, I think the possibility of ancient advanced civilizations leaving the Milky Way for some reason is minimal. "

Yue Yuan hesitated for a moment, then spoke: "What if I was taken away by a seventh-level civilization?"

After saying this, Yue Yuan looked at Gan De with a helpless face, smiled, and then said: "Okay Dr. Gan, I know that all these are immature speculations, and there are possibilities. Everything is up to us. I will explore it in the future. If there is really a shocking secret hidden in the past years of the Milky Way, I think as long as we humans are strong enough, we will surely learn the truth one day."

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