Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 309 The Theory of Cosmological Evolution

After finishing the conversation with Yue Yuan, Gan De did not stop thinking. On this slow voyage to the boundless star of the pot lid, Gander had enough time to think.

The explanation of the Fermi Paradox is not just as simple as answering the question. Behind the paradox, there may be many unknown secrets about the universe hidden. Therefore, thinking and exploring the Fermi Paradox is actually a peek into the secrets hidden deep in the universe.

This kind of thinking and exploration may not be helpful to human science in the short term, but it will promote human understanding of the universe, and in the long run, it will be beneficial to human beings.

Because with the deepening of the study of the universe, an infinitely broad unified vision will be opened for mankind, allowing philosophy and science that are far away from science to find a meeting point of integration again, and once again exaggerate the role and value of the peak of human thought and understanding.

In fact, most experts and scholars in the human race now know that since the Callisto disaster, although the survivors have re-established civilization, they have begun to go on a fork in history in many aspects, and even stagnated and regressed.

The first is the social system. At that time, it was a critical period of life and death. Therefore, for survival needs, any decision must be made quickly without any delay. Coupled with the current situation, a new government was born.

The new government agency headed by Yue Yuan was also established under that situation. It seemed understandable at the time. However, as humans got rid of the dead situation and the population gradually increased, many people began to criticize this system.

Of course, because of Yue Yuan's high reputation, such criticism did not become a prairie fire, nor was it directly stated openly. Those who are dissatisfied with this often point to the entrenched bureaucracy of the new government.

It was precisely because of these voices that Yue Yuan had the policy of technological governance. At the same time, not using his dictatorial power in non-emergency situations was also a concession made by Yue Yuan.

It can be said that he has worked hard to change the human social system from dictatorship to enlightened dictatorship. But that's all. Asking Yue Yuan to resign directly and then restore the electoral system once every few years is not only unrealistic for him, but also for those scientists who have reached high positions with their scientific knowledge.

In other words, they would rather continue like this than let humans return to the internal power struggle.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, today's human social system cannot be said to be retrograde, at most it is not progressing. But having said that, some experts believe that the social system can only be determined by whether it is suitable or not.

Just like now, elections actually exist in human society, but many positions have become elections every five hundred years. After all, the interstellar era spans an extremely long time, and human lifespan has also been greatly improved. Then measure it by the system of the earth era. , that is indeed inappropriate.

The reason why we talk about social system issues is because the study of the universe is related to the progress of philosophy, and the progress of philosophy will in turn affect the stability of human society itself.

To put it simply, human philosophy has stagnated after the Callisto disaster, but no one considered this issue at that time. After all, there were only so many people at that time, and they were lucky to survive.

But now, the human population has returned to 150 million. It has been officially brought back from the brink of extinction, and there is a certain number of people. Therefore, many knowledges that no one thought about before were gradually recovered from history and then continued to be developed.

The re-establishment of philosophy is conducive to human individuals establishing a lofty outlook on life, thereby guiding human beings to get rid of the influence of narrow thoughts in the past, thereby allowing individuals to sublimate, and finally forming a positive and uplifting atmosphere for the entire human race.

At this stage, the trigger that triggers human philosophical thinking is Gander's theory of cosmic evolution.

The seventh year after the conversation with Yue Yuan ended, this year happened to be the year when humans once again received a reply from the Nair civilization. It was also the year when humans were still 27 years away from the vast star of the pot lid.

Gander published an article titled "The Theory of Cosmological Evolution" on the window period hypothesis derived from his own thinking on the Fermi Paradox, and published it on the Human Science Network.

In his article, Gander begins by saying that humans are the first life forms in the universe. Those advanced civilizations just happened to be more advanced than humans, and they were born with wisdom and set foot in the starry sky. There is no generational gap between them. Degree.

This discussion has aroused great interest among people who have always held the view of human supremacy.

Gander believes that from the birth of the universe to the emergence of the original stars, to the environmental background of the first-generation stars and the second-generation stars, there was no birth of life.

Only in the cosmic environment after the birth of the third generation of stars did life gradually appear, and then it evolved step by step, from simple life to complex life, and then wisdom was born.

In other words, the universe must first have matter before ideas based on the existence of matter can be born. In the materialistic view of the universe, "mind" exists based on "things". A "mind" without "things" cannot exist. This is the keynote of Gan De's views.

He believes that the universe does not continue to increase in entropy and degrade as people have known it in the past. Finally, the entropy value increases to the maximum, and then the universe becomes disordered and destroyed, and everything returns to deathly silence.

This is heat death, the end of the universe based on the second law of thermodynamics.

This is how Gander explained the fact that his view violated the second law of thermodynamics. He believed that there are two arrows in the universe, one is a closed system, governed by the second law of thermodynamics, and the other, on the contrary, is an open non-equilibrium system, which is constantly growing negative entropy.

The argument that the universe is evolving is based on the second system.

He believes that the heat death of the universe in a closed system and the open non-equilibrium system are the two poles of the evolution of the universe, and they are interdependent. The second law of thermodynamics will indeed push the universe to heat death and bring everything to thermal equilibrium, but it is also one of the driving forces behind the evolution of the universe.

It is precisely because of this flow of energy from high to low that it is possible to gather energy from low to high.

The original stars, the first-generation stars, the second-generation stars, and the third-generation stars, every time the energy spreads from high to low, it creates conditions and possibilities for the birth of life and wisdom.

So why does the universe give birth to intelligent life?

But from the perspective of the heat death theory, life feeds on negative entropy, and the more advanced the civilization composed of intelligent life develops, the more negative entropy is needed to maintain their existence.

In this way, the birth of life in the universe undoubtedly speeds up the heat death of the universe itself. Therefore, the conclusion is that life is the cancer of the universe, the parasite of the universe, and the strongest driving force that accelerates the death of the universe.

However, in Gander's view, that is only a one-sided view, which is the result of viewing the second theorem of thermodynamics in an isolated and closed system.

Everything has two sides. When looking at a problem, you should jump out of traditional thinking and look at it from a global perspective. Moreover, the ending of the universe deduced from the second theorem of thermodynamics is just one of many hypotheses about the ending of the universe.

In addition to the Big Heat Death, there are also the Big Rip, the Big Crunch, the Big Vacuum Decay, and the Big Bounce.

Therefore, he believes that the birth of intelligent life in the universe is an inevitable result of the evolution of the universe. The universe strives to allow life to appear at the expense of entropy increase. It is not accelerating suicide, but saving itself.

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