Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 313 The actions of the Great Liexing

After hearing this suggestion, the Grand Governor hesitated for a moment, raised his hand and clicked the claws twice, and then vibrated his vocal organ: "I'm afraid it's difficult, this is the first time that the existence of alien civilization has been discovered, the first star field Why are you willing to let us participate in this exchange!"

The Grand Governor was very distressed. After discovering the human civilization detector team and observing and identifying the approximate level of civilization, they and the senior officials were extremely excited.

That is an opportunity to communicate with alien civilization!

The Grand Governor and a group of high-level personnel in the Second Star Region have already discussed that they will secretly communicate with aliens in order to obtain more benefits or technology from the aliens. If everything goes well, the Second Star Region may be able to Possessing power that exceeds the other two star regions, it can complete the feat of reunifying the Kel civilization.

Unexpectedly, just because the patrol spacecraft reacted too violently, the alien civilization that came from afar was pushed to the first star field.

Yes, this is something humans think wrong.

Humans think that the Kel civilization has encountered alien civilization more than once, but in fact, humans are the first alien civilization that the Nair civilization has encountered.

However, unlike the civilization that has not yet set foot on its home planet, the Kyle civilization knows that there are other civilizations in the universe. The reason is that during their expansion, they encountered the remains of battleships of other unknown civilizations on a certain planet.

"Don't worry, Grand Governor. I think the First Star Region will definitely agree." A Nair man vibrated his vocal organ.

The Great Governor turned his head and looked at him with his complexion: "What should I say?"

The Nair man who had just vibrated his vocal organ raised his claws and clicked twice, and then said: "Your Majesty the Great Governor, first of all, we must be clear that contact with aliens is a very important matter. This is the first time in the history of our Nel civilization. How can we let the First Star Territory come into contact with such an important matter alone, so we must clearly inform the First Star Territory of the seriousness of the matter."

"Seriously?" another Nair interjected.

"Of course, you should also know that our understanding of this alien self-proclaimed human civilization is limited to a few conversations. What we have seen is only their detector team. As for other things such as race type, ideology , battleship size, etc., let alone where their home planet is.”

The Nair man continued his analysis: "No one can guarantee the purpose of such a sudden alien civilization and whether it will harm our Nair civilization. Therefore, we must first solemnly inform the First Star Territory , contacting extraterrestrial civilizations cannot be a matter for their family, but for the entire Nair civilization. No matter how serious our differences were before, we should unite now, especially in front of aliens."

"Grand Governor, I think we should quickly inform the First Star Region of the news before human civilization has arrived at the Pot Lid Vast Star, and discuss with them to make an agreement with the outside world. We must not let aliens know about the inside of our Nair civilization. In the midst of division.”

Some people from Nair still wondered: "Is it possible that we need to notify the third star field as well?"

"Gazizi, the third star field? What does it have to do with the third star field? Their territory is hundreds of light years away from the boundless star of the pot lid. How can they come here." The Na'er people made their unique sound laughter.

The Great Governor looked at him and said: "Well, Guda, you are right, so how do you think we can get involved? You must know that we are more than ten light years away from the Pot Lid Star. Even if we set off directly now, it is completely impossible. Maybe we can get there before the aliens arrive. If we can’t get there, the right to negotiate with the aliens will fall to the first star field. I don’t believe they will consider our interests during the negotiation process.”

The Nair people, who were called Guda by the Grand Governor, restrained their smiles that only they themselves could understand, and then continued: "Yes, so we must seize the time to contact the Grand Governor of the First Star Region to discuss it together. To come up with a win-win cooperation plan, they must not want the news of aliens to spread to the third star field.

And due to time constraints, while we are contacting the Governor of the First Star Territory, we must also prepare to send a spaceship to set sail for the Pot Cover Star. "

"Ga Zizi, that makes sense. Then let Guda lead the team, and I will let the 13th Battleship Group escort you." The Grand Governor laughed heartily.

Unexpectedly, Guda raised his front paws, clicked them twice and shook his head: "No, Your Majesty the Great Governor, we cannot send a group of battleships there, as that may cause unnecessary misunderstandings."

The Grand Governor was a little disapproving: "If there is any misunderstanding, let the 13th Battleship Group go, so that the guys in the First Star Region can see our strength. You have to understand that with the 13th Battleship Group here, they will not be afraid of what you say." Only then can you listen.”

"Your Majesty the Great Governor, I am not talking about the First Star Region, but the human civilization." Guda explained: "It is easy to communicate with the First Star Region, but it is not necessarily the case with aliens. Think about it, that human civilization Civilizations that have traveled across the sea of ​​stars are extremely tired. What would they think if a fleet suddenly appeared when they were replenishing supplies and energy?"

Looking around at the thinking Nair people, Guda asked and answered: "Yes, as a space exploration fleet, they must be very sensitive to this kind of thing, so they will most likely think that this is our Nair civilization. The conspiracy is that we want to eliminate them all. Therefore, it is best not to have battleships on this trip to the Pot Cover Star to avoid accidents."

"What about the trade? Doesn't the advantage go to the First Star Region?" A Nair man couldn't help but vibrate his vocal organ.

Guda looked over and chuckled: "Wouldn't it be enough to send a few more transport ships? Moreover, we have also told human civilization in the communication before that the Great Fire Star is a place rich in products. As long as we communicate with the third Once the star domain is negotiated, there will be no problem. As for the rhetoric of human civilization, we can just transport the special products of the Great Fire Star. I don’t think they will doubt it.”

After Guda finished speaking, a chatter of discussion began to occur in the hall, and the final decision was made by the Grand Governor.

Grand Governor: "Then let's do it. After the meeting, Guda, you can start setting sail immediately. In addition, what do you think we should transport?"

Although the plan had been decided, the Grand Governor suddenly thought that the trade between different civilizations seemed to be different from this civilization. He could not tell the specific differences. This was an inherent problem.

"Grand Governor, I think you can bring some of whatever you want." A Nair man vibrated his vocal organ.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Guda on the other end: "No, you don't need to bring mineral resources. You should understand that if this alien civilization is at the same technological level as us, then as long as they are on the pot lid If the vast star has a foothold, it will not lack these. Therefore, we have to change our thinking and first imagine what an alien civilization lacks."

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