Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 314 The Pot Lid’s Star

What does an alien civilization lack?

One sentence made the entire conference hall fall into deep thought.

Because they have never had real contact with aliens, this group of Nells were still thinking about making deals for the other two star regions a moment ago. Now that they were reminded by Guda, they suddenly realized that this alien Starmen are indeed different from trading within civilization.

But what exactly is needed?

"Technology!" After a while, someone from Nair figured it out.

Since there is no shortage of various mineral resources, there is only technology.

As for energy, as a second-level civilization, as long as there are stones, there will be no shortage of energy, so the most unlikely thing is energy.

And now that the aliens have gone to the vast star of the pot cover, even if they need some rare metals, they will be the ones closest to the water in the first star field.

The strong star that is more than ten light years away cannot compete with the vast star of the pot lid. Therefore, the only thing that can be traded with aliens is the Second Star Region's own technology.

"Technology." Guda took over, "Including scientific theories, technical branches of various disciplines, and various creation manufacturing processes. What we need, as aliens of the same level, we must also need. In this way, come with me this time There are certain requirements for people going to the Pot Cover Star. First, we need a group of economic experts, and secondly, scientists, linguists, and experts in various fields."

He is worthy of being the chief think tank, and his brain is easy to use.

Upon hearing Guda's words, all the Nair people in the hall were secretly convinced, and they all knew what it meant.

Since we want to trade science and technology, there must be two trading directions for exchange, one is physical technology products, and the other is various scientific and technological materials without physical objects.

Since it is scientific and technological information, it must involve scientists. After all, only scientists can analyze which information is true and which information is false.

"Oh" after a pause, the chief think tank Guda vibrated the vocal organ in his abdomen again: "In addition to various scientific and technological materials, maybe we can also transport some animals and plants from this civilization."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he said this, someone from Nair asked in confusion: "Animals and plants? What value can those things have?"

"Maybe!" Guda wasn't very sure either.

Perhaps because their home planet still exists, or perhaps because they have never encountered other biospheres, the Nair people are not as deeply aware of the preciousness of biosphere resources as humans are.

In the Neer civilization, there is no such argument as "biosphere resources are cosmic treasures", so for a while, Guda couldn't explain clearly. He just thought that he could get some through. Anyway, the transport ship was empty. Perhaps animals and plants that are worthless in our own civilization may be of infinite value to aliens.

In this way, without the knowledge of humans, the second star domain of Nair civilization formulated a set of countermeasures, and through their own communication channels, they sent the formulated strategy to the vast star of the pot cover.

The speed of information transmission is the speed of light, which must be faster than the human fleet. Therefore, while the human fleet was still sailing quietly, the news of the second star field reached the Pot Lid Vast Star one step ahead of the human fleet.

In order to avoid the suspicion of humans, while sending a message to the Pot Cover Star, the second star field of Nair Civilization also sent a reply to humans.

Roughly speaking, we, Nell, have notified the Guo Li Star to let human civilization go there with peace of mind, and we have also not forgotten to tell the news that we are preparing to transport some materials from the Great Fire Star to the Gu Li Star. Humanity.

This move has actually improved human trust a lot.

The Great Fire Star is about 14.6 light-years away from the Pot Lid Star, which is considered very close in this barren land with sparse stars.

It takes about thirty years for a message to come back and forth, and when the second star field of the Nair civilization sent a message to the Pot Lid Vast Star, it would only take 27 years for humans to reach their destination.

In other words, the communication between the first star domain and the second star domain of Nel civilization can only be done once and for all, humans have arrived.

As humans expected, as long as it did not enter a state of deceleration, the fleet would be difficult to detect in the universe.

Twenty-seven years later, when the fleet was not ordered to enter a state of deceleration, the human fleet did not receive any communication information even when it came to a place 0.3 light-years away from the vast star of the pot lid.

At this time, the human advance detector team has already reached the orbit of the outermost planet of the vast star system. The specific distance is about 0.008 light-years, or 505 astronomical units.

Well, you may not have an idea just by looking at the numerical value. This distance is approximately equivalent to 12.6 times the distance from the sun to Pluto. Looking at it this way, it is indeed far away.

At such a long distance, even a second-level civilization cannot detect a few small detectors without running engines.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why there are so many civilizations in the universe, but they are rarely encountered in the space voyage.

After getting the answer, Yue Yuan, who was on the Tianqin, said to the staff: "Let the detector team start to slow down. Well, also send an electromagnetic wave broadcast in the direction of the boundless star."

At a distance of 0.08 light-years, the electromagnetic wave broadcast power of the detector team is sufficient. I believe that if I keep shouting this, I will soon receive a reply like the star of the pot lid.

Taking advantage of this time, scientists on the human fleet side used various detectors and telescopes to observe the vast star in the pot lid.

For the observation fleet, 0.3 light-years is very far away, but if the observation target is a star, then the distance becomes closer.

Therefore, without spending too much effort, some general information about the Pot Cover Star was included in the human database.

The star type is the same as the previous observation. The Pot Lid Star is a red dwarf star with spectral type K. The average surface temperature is only 2067 Kelvin, which is more than half that of the sun. The mass is only about a quarter of the sun. The star is still small.

Metallicity -0.16135, third-generation star, extremely long-lived type. Human scientists estimate that if it dies, the red dwarf star will live for about 8 trillion years.

Compared with short-lived stars like the sun, which can only live for 10 billion+ years, this guy has a lifespan as long as the sky.

Based on uninterrupted observations during this period, even if human detectors have not actually entered this star system, they still know that it has planets. If the observations are correct, then it should have 5 planets.

As for how many rocky planets and gaseous planets there are, we can only know if the probe continues to penetrate deeper.

But, after all, it is the territory of the Nair civilization, and they have already known about the arrival of humans in advance, so there is no need for humans to observe it themselves.

Since humans have been promised supplies here, Yue Yuan believes that after the Nair civilization receives the information, it will also send the star map of this star system.

After all, only by specifying the location on the star system map can humans know where they should stop.

Sure enough, not long after the detector slowed down and sent out electromagnetic wave broadcasts, Tianqin received a message with a map of the vast star on the lid.

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