Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 315 Stopping Place

After opening the translated information, everyone first turned their attention to the star map.

The Pot Lid Star has a total of five planets, which are in elliptical orbits like other star systems and vary in size. Among them, the one closest to the main sequence star has a radius twice larger than that of the Earth, but it is very close. The surface temperature reaches 600 degrees Celsius during the day and more than 160 degrees below zero at night. It is a planet with a harsh environment.

Next is the second planet, which is also a rocky planet. This planet is in the habitable zone of the main sequence star. Well, it is the habitable zone defined by humans based on their own environment, not the Nair civilization. This planet is relatively small, with an equatorial radius of only 4,000 kilometers, which is slightly larger than Mars.

The planet located in the third orbit is the main residence of the Nel civilization's first star field force in the vast star system. It is dotted with semi-underground cities like super-large yurts, and there are even more existences above its orbit. Several large space stations.

Next is a gaseous planet with an equatorial radius of 56,000 kilometers and a polar radius of 52,321 kilometers. It is slightly smaller than Saturn. This planet is also the only gaseous planet in the vast star.

There are also six rocky moons of varying sizes surrounding this planet.

Judging from the star maps sent by the Nair civilization, the Nair people have developed various resources on these satellites.

The outermost one is only 5012.6 kilometers in diameter, which is slightly larger than Callisto. However, it is not a satellite, but a real planet, because it is a planet that revolves around a star. Well, in fact, if it just orbits a star, it is not necessarily a planet. For example, a planet that is too small like Pluto does not count.

Pluto is too small, with a diameter of only 2376.6 kilometers, and its orbit is not on the ecliptic plane of the sun. Moreover, because its mass is too small, its gravity is not enough to clear out small celestial bodies near its orbit, so it was kicked out. The ranks of the nine planets.

As for the outermost planet now, although its mass is very small, it can really be called a planet.

There is also a not-so-dense meteorite belt on the periphery of this planet, which is about 2 astronomical units away from the planet's orbit. The meteorite belt is about 1 astronomical unit, and most of it is distributed on the ecliptic plane of the Pot Lid Star.

If the spacecraft outside wants to enter the bounds of the vast star from the ecliptic plane, it must pass through this meteorite belt. Of course, space is not a flat map, so if you want to cross this meteorite belt, which is mostly distributed on the ecliptic plane, you only need to go around it from up and down.

Judging from the star map, the place where the Nair civilization arranged for humans to dock is the planet in the outermost orbit of the meteorite belt.

In fact, the Nair civilization has names for these five planets, but if translated literally, the names are a bit strange and difficult to remember. For example, the first planet, when translated, should be called Wilmu Lusu Mangmang Star. Other planets are named in this way.

With this kind of name, scientists on the human side don't need to think too much to know that the Nel civilization should be named after one of its own scientists or experts.

Just like the naming of some planets in the solar system by some countries in the human earth era, although it is to commemorate the scientists who have made contributions, this naming method really only increases the cost of learning.

Therefore, for the sake of convenience, humans directly named the first planet Guogai Planet 1, the second planet Guogai Planet 2, and so on. As for the satellites in the orbits of these planets, humans also use this as a basis and call them the Mth satellite of the Nth planet.

This will make it clear at a glance.

Human beings now name many things based on this. Of course, the original names will not be changed casually. After all, everyone is used to it.

After looking at the map of Pot Lid's Vast Star for a while, everyone turned their attention to the content sent by Nair Civilization.

[Hello to all human civilizations who have come from afar, this is the Governor's Mansion of the Vast Star of the Nail Civilization Pot Cover. In the vast universe, meeting is fate. I am very happy to meet you here. We at Nair Civilization are here to welcome you.

We are already aware of your needs, so we have temporarily assigned the Guo Li No. 5 planet to our friends from afar. Due to the serious communication delay problem, we will discuss other matters after your fleet has completed its docking. 】

The content is very short, but full of sincerity.

"Shuai Yue, it seems that this Nair civilization is quite sincere. At least so far, it has not shown any malice." A staff officer withdrew his gaze and said to Yue Yuan.

A certain social science expert who was browsing the Nair civilization information in the bridge of the Tianqin also said: "Yes, Commander, except for some sharp words at the beginning for unknown reasons, this Nair civilization has always been They all showed full kindness, even after knowing that we changed our course and came here instead of going to the Great Fire Star as they requested, but we still can't take it lightly."

Yue Yuan hummed, nodded and said: "That's natural, be careful when sailing the ten thousand year ship! Then, do you think we should follow their arrangements and go to the Guogai No. 5 planet?"

As soon as the words came, the social science expert who had just spoken took over. It seemed that he had thought about the problem clearly in advance: "Chief Commander, in my opinion, we must go. After all, the behavior of the Nair civilization is extremely friendly, and They must have made a lot of considerations in arranging the planets in the outermost orbits for us to park.

Judging from the previous contact, the Nair civilization, a second-level civilization, should not be an ignorant civilization. Presumably, they must have encountered other alien civilizations, so they definitely know the scruples between different civilizations.

That’s why they arranged for us to dock on the Guogai No. 5 planet. I think this is a sign of goodwill. If they had any bad intentions, they would probably assign us a location on a planet in an inner orbit. "


Everyone on the bridge agreed with this view. After all, if a conflict occurred, then naturally the farther away from the inner orbit, the safer it would be for humans.

The Nel civilization can arrange this kind of location for humans to park, which is actually a kind act. Because everyone has seen the star map, if there is a conflict, it will be very convenient for humans to run up and down the meteorite belt from the direction of the ecliptic plane or directly perpendicular to the ecliptic plane.

In addition to this consideration, such an arrangement also shows that the Nair civilization attaches great importance to human beings.

Because judging from the star map, the Nair civilization could just point out a location in the meteorite belt for humans to dock, but they did not do so. Instead, they asked humans to go to Planet Guogai No. 5.

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