Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 316 Arrangement

You know, if the star map of the Nair civilization is not false, the Guogai Planet No. 5 is not a desolate planet, but a planet lined with various factories. It can be regarded as the industrial zone of the Guogai Vast Star.

The most incredible thing is that the Nair civilization did not require humans to dock the entire fleet together, or only part of it.

You must know that humans have a large fleet of 1,200 Lake-class warships. If they all go to the orbit of Guogai No. 5, once they conflict, they can completely plow the entire planet's surface in orbit.

I really don’t know whether to call Nell civilized and sincere, or bold.

After a moment of silence, Yue Yuan turned around and said to everyone: "Well, I will definitely go, but not all of them. I plan to keep all the residential spaceships outside the meteorite belt, and most of the battleships. As for To dock at the designated place of Nel civilization, it will be enough for the Lyra plus four hundred transport ships."


Hearing this, the Chief of Staff on the side frowned and said: "Commander Yue, if we are the only flagship to go there, I am afraid it will be a bit weak. If there is any harm."

"Then just add two more Lake-class battleships." Yue Yuan responded.

“Only two ships”

The chief of staff was about to say something more, but he heard Yue Yuan's voice: "We are not going to fight, why are we going there so much? And you must understand that the most important thing for us is the residential spaceship cluster, where people live All of humanity. As long as the cluster of residential spaceships remains, even if the Lyra sinks, human civilization will still exist."

"But we can't go so few. We have 1,200 Lake-class warships. Not to mention transferring all the First Fleet, at least a hundred ships will go there." The chief of staff finally said.

"What do you think?" Seeing what the chief of staff said, Yue Yuan glanced at the others, and then turned his attention to the other personnel who appeared in the form of video.

Before anyone present could speak, they heard Man Yuemei, who appeared in the form of a video, say: "Shuai Yue, I think what Chief of Staff Wei said makes sense. Besides, the Nair civilization didn't make any requirements on the number of warships we go to. In this case, why should we take such risks? The residential spaceship cluster is important, but why not the flagship? Commander Yue must not take risks."

After Man Yuemei finished speaking, others also started to speak. Listening to this, more than half of the people thought that more warships should go.

In normal times, Yue Yuan would definitely follow what is good, obey the majority, and follow the advice of the majority.

But this time he did not respond directly, but said to everyone: "I understand your worries, but please listen to what I have to say first."

Seeing everyone looking at him quietly, Yue Yuan continued: "The reason why I want to make such an arrangement is for three reasons. First, the arrangement of Nair civilization. Since the arrangement of Nair civilization is so sincere, we cannot do without a little bit. Said. My flagship went alone with the transport ship, just to tell the Nell civilization with actions that we humans are also sincere.

Reciprocity with courtesy, repaying evil with straightness, and repaying kindness with kindness. If they trust us so much, then naturally we can't put too much pressure on them. Presumably they will be completely relieved when they see that we only went to three battleships. "

"Second, the combat power of the Tianqin. The comprehensive performance of the Tianqin is the strongest among the Lake-class battleships in terms of armor, magnetic field shield strength, main gun, and maneuverability. It is also absolutely the strongest at the level of secondary civilization. The leader. If there is any accident, the Tianqin will never be easily sunk, and it may even have the ability to charge and break out."

The Human Lake-class battleship has three main guns, namely a large positron cannon, a large laser cannon, and a large electromagnetic rail gun. The Tianqin's main gun is a super large positron cannon. If it does not need to be matched with the other two main guns to form a complementary fire, Yue Yuan would not even want to bring the other two Lake-class warships with it.

After the emergence of the magnetic field shield, the positron cannon is not as invincible as before, so it requires the cooperation of warships equipped with the other two main guns.

After a pause, Yue Yuan continued to explain: "Third, the ship from the Great Fire Star. Everyone should have not forgotten the previous communication from the Nair civilization. Didn't they say that there was another fleet coming from the direction of the Great Fire Star? According to the time After all, that fleet should already be halfway there.

Although they said it was a fleet of transport ships, they still had to be on guard against others. Who knows if it was because we temporarily changed the route to the Pot Covered Vast Star that some of their plans failed and they brought another fleet here? What about support?

Perhaps there is another reason why Guo Li Mangxing is so polite now, and that is that their fleet here is not strong enough. Maybe they will fall out when the fleet from the Great Fire Star arrives. Therefore, we need to have enough force left to defend the habitation ship cluster. "

Speaking of this, Yue Yuan looked at Man Yuemei in the video frame and said: "So after the Tianqin and the transport ship echelon leave, Man Yuemei will be in charge of the big fleet. The basic work of the Guangsa detector I don’t need to say more about the operation. If it is discovered that the fleet coming from the Great Fire Star is not a transport fleet but a battleship fleet, then you must have the residential spacecraft cluster evacuate this galaxy as soon as possible."

"No problem!" Manyuemei replied.

Yue Yuan nodded, then turned to Staff Liu and said, "The specific emergency plan will be prepared by you, Chief of Staff Wei, together with other colleagues in the headquarters, in case of emergency."

"I understand, Commander Yue." Staff Liu saluted.

"Do you have any objections?"

As he spoke, Yue Yuan looked at the people who appeared in the video and everyone present. Seeing that everyone had no objections, he announced: "Since there are no objections, let's do it. Now let's discuss how to civilize Neil Reply to the letter, and communicate with them when you arrive at your destination.”

After the words fell, everyone present began to discuss these two matters.

How to reply is simple. Humans have experience in this matter, so it didn't take long for everyone to determine the content of the reply.

The first thing is to clearly tell the Nair people on the Vast Star side of the Pot Lid about the number of warships of human civilization and the arrangements for docking matters.

As for the number of battleships, even if humans don't tell them, the Nair civilization will definitely be able to detect it. Now that we are on someone else's territory, let them find excuses to send detectors over to detect it. Also, now that the human fleet has arrived not far from the Pot Lid Star, when the human fleet begins to slow down, the number of the fleet will clearly fall into the eyes of the Nair people. In this case, it is better to take the initiative to speak out.

As for the explanation of the docking matter, naturally we cannot express all the concerns Yue Yuan said, but rather say that humans arranged it this way to show goodwill.

Not long after, humans sent their reply messages in the direction of the Pot Lid Vast Star. At the same time, the large fleet also began to slow down.

As the steering engines worked, one thousand two hundred Lake-class battleships and more than a thousand various spaceships slowly turned their tails towards the vast star of the pot lid, and then saw bright tail flames coming from the tails of each battleship. gush out.

Humanity's reply and the bright light of the fleet's tail flames, one after the other, rushed towards the detector of the vast star of the pot lid at the speed of light.

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