Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 317 Curious Nair people

The four basic forces are long-range forces, namely gravity and electromagnetic force. Therefore, if you want to communicate with the civilization on the other side of the starry sky, you can only use one of the two forces.

Low-level civilizations know very little about gravity, so the medium of communication between them is electromagnetic wave force. Transmitting in the universe are electromagnetic waves.

As a second-level civilization, humans have indeed mastered mature neutrino communication and neutrino detection, but if they want to use neutrino communication to communicate, they must have neutrino communicators at both ends.

Civilizations in the universe obviously do not have this, so only electromagnetic waves can be used as a communication medium.

Just like the communication between two people facing each other on earth uses sound as a medium, in space, the words spoken between two spacecrafts are electromagnetic waves.

When the neutrino communication signal sent from Lyra spanned 0.3 light-years and was received by humanity's most advanced detector, the detector relayed the signal in the form of electromagnetic waves to the spacecraft in front of it.

Yes, while the human fleet was slowing down, the probe at the forefront had already crossed the meteorite belt under the guidance of the Nair civilization and followed the route they gave. At this time, it met the Nair who had been waiting here for a long time. Er civilization spaceship.

Because it is only a human detector, there is only one spacecraft coming from the Nair civilization. The style and size are similar to the three ships encountered on the outer edge of the fierce star. They should also belong to the patrol team.

They are probably being sent out to perform guidance tasks now.

Sure enough, after receiving the electromagnetic waves emitted by the human detector, the spacecraft's response immediately entered the human detector's signal receiving device.

"The detector of human civilization, you are actually controlled by intelligent AI? This is incredible. Your AI intelligence can actually achieve this level. I'm really sorry. If you didn't say it just now, I am an individual life of our human civilization. Not AI. Oh, by the way, please wait a moment to detect Mr. 9527. Since you are not a living entity of human civilization, I need to consult my superior about this situation."

The people who came to receive the Nair civilization seemed to be surprised that the human detector was unmanned. The governor of the Guogai Star Territory asked him to come, with the purpose of picking up the human detector at the designated docking station and taking advantage of the opportunity. I first learned about human civilization, but I never thought that what was coming would be an unmanned detector.

The 'Mr. Detection 9527' in his words is the AI ​​number of the human detector.

The distance between the two parties was very close, and the communication speed was the speed of light, so it only took five or six seconds for Detection 9527 to receive the words from the receptionist of the Nair civilization and respond.

"I can understand Mr. Receptionist. According to the optimal solution, I will be here waiting for your reply."

The receptionist seemed to be very curious. After sending a consultation message to his boss, he said to the human detector: "Mr. Detection 9527, don't you need to consult your main civilization?"

"As you can see, this is just a small problem and is allowed in my program." Detection 9527 replied.

I don’t know why, but after learning that the human detector was controlled by intelligent AI, the receptionist of Nair Civilization started to communicate with it out of curiosity.

After a while, the receptionist obviously received the instructions from his boss, so he directly said to the human detector: "Mr. Detection 9527, you have been approved to enter the orbital area of ​​​​our planet No. 5. Please come with me. I believe you I’m also curious about the situation in the Guogai No. 5 planet area!”

"Yes, Mr. Receptionist, as a probe, my mission is to collect more information for my main civilization. What can be more direct than heading to the orbit of the planet Guogai No. 5!"

AI Detection 9527 responded to an electromagnetic wave, then loaded into the star map navigation, and flew towards the planet Guogai No. 5 together with the spacecraft that the Nair civilization came to receive.

There are many human detectors, but in order to show sincerity, all of these detectors did not cross the meteorite belt and enter the interior of the galaxy. Instead, only one entered. The other detectors turned around and spread up, down, left, and right.

"Mr. Detection 9527, I'm curious. Do you know that you are a detector?" The receptionist asked again during the journey to the planet Guogai No. 5.

"Why don't you know? But I want to correct you. Dear Mr. Nair Civilization Receptionist, I am not the detector, but the main control AI of the detector, number 9527."

"Well, don't you have any idea about your identity? Mr. Detection 9527."

"I know what you are going to say, Mr. Receptionist. I can only tell you that as a detector AI, it is my idea to collect as much information as possible for my main civilization."

An intelligent life entity and a detector intelligent AI, just communicating like this, while crossing the dark space, slowly moving toward the planet Pottop No. 5.

The level of human intelligence AI is very high. If you are not mentally prepared, you will hardly feel that the words are coming from the mouth of an AI.

Of course, that is the ability of comprehensive AI.

As the detector's dedicated AI, Detection 9527, humans loaded it with the detection module, so it still seemed a bit clumsy. Therefore, the 'I' it says in its mouth is not actually that it actually has self-awareness of life, but that it is programmed by humans to call itself this way when communicating.

As the two continued to approach the planet Guogai No. 5, the conversation between Detection 9527 and the receptionist of the Nair civilization was also relayed by the detector to Lyra, which had completed the first stage of deceleration, for human analysis.

Similarly, another copy of the conversation was also sent to the Grand Governor of the Pot Lid Vast Star.

Compared to humans, the Nair civilization seems to be more curious. After receiving the content of the conversation, a group of Nair people gathered at the Governor's Office of the Vast Star.

The content of their discussion was undoubtedly the conversation between the receptionist and Detection 9527.

"Your Majesty the Great Governor, I think this human civilization may have passed that hurdle, otherwise how could they use intelligent AI with such confidence, so I think that in the next exchange, we must get their intelligence AI technology.”

The person who spoke was a scientist from the Nair civilization. As soon as the vibration in his abdomen ended, another Nair person roared and let out the unique laughter of the Nair people. Then the owner of the laughter came out. The vibration sound of the abdominal generator: "Today is the sun rising in the west? How come the leader who advocates the omnic crisis and opposes the development of intelligent AI unexpectedly agrees to develop AI technology today!"

"This moment, that moment." The scientist raised his claws and clicked them twice. It seems to be a habit of the Nair people to raise one or both claws when speaking.

I saw this scientist dancing his claws and vibrating the abdominal generator again and again, and said: "The reason why it has become the consensus of our Nair civilization to prohibit in-depth research on intelligent AI technology is entirely because of the aliens discovered in the third star field three thousand years ago. remains.

Various evidences indicate that the alien civilization perished due to the omnic crisis. But now the human civilization seems to have passed that hurdle, or already knows how to prevent the omnic crisis. Therefore, as long as we understand the original situation, we can develop artificial intelligence technology with confidence. "

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