Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 318 Everyone thinks they are good

"But Bachelor Ai Dudu, how can you be sure that human civilization has a solution?" A Nair man expressed his doubts.

The Nair man whom he called Bachelor Aidudu immediately replied: "Of course I'm not sure, but if human civilization dares to use artificial intelligence so boldly, they must have a way. So we have to inquire about this news with human civilization. If They really have a way, so we have to get this technology."

Listening to this, it seems that the Nair civilization has formulated some policies to restrict the development of AI because of fear of the omnic crisis. What is incredible is that this policy is still being followed together even though the Nel civilization has split into three forces.

If humans saw this situation, they would not know what to think.

Because humans clearly know that in the second-level civilization stage, no matter how in-depth the research on artificial intelligence technology is or what impressive achievements are achieved, it is impossible to create a truly self-aware artificial intelligence.

But this Nel civilization seems not to know this.

Of course, humans don’t know about Nair civilization now. Because of preconceived notions, humans did not think about it after learning about the dialogue between the two. I just think of the receptionist of Nel Civilization as a chatty person who likes to ask questions to the AI.

Just as the Nair people in the Vast Star were discussing how to obtain the technology to prevent artificial intelligence rebellion from humans, the Lyra, which had completed the first stage of deceleration, also began to separate from the human fleet.

Not long after, the Tianqin, a formation composed of two Lake-class battleships, plus 400 transport ships and some resource processing platforms, turned the ship again and began to cross the route with a span of 1 astronomical unit according to the route given by the Nair civilization. meteorite belt.

This time to the orbit of Guogai No. 5 planet, humans did not bring a spacecraft carrying ground mining equipment and ground base vehicles, because this is the place of Nair civilization after all, so humans will most likely not be allowed to mine resources on their own.

As for mining the meteorite belt, it is even more impossible.

Regardless of whether the Nel civilization agrees, it is not cost-effective in terms of mining costs, because the meteorites in the meteorite belt are too small and too scattered, and it is very laborious to catch them one by one. They can be used for emergency fuel replenishment, but even for refining other mineral resources. .

It is better to buy it directly from Nel Civilization.

Anyway, whether it is stones used as fuel by the second-level civilization or various metal minerals, there is no shortage in the interstellar era. What can be considered valuable will only cost a mining cost at most.

A route of more than ten light years can pass by in a flash. This is a distance of several thousand astronomical units, and naturally it does not take much time.

After crossing the meteorite belt with a width of 1 astronomical unit, the Lyra formation headed all the way towards the planet Guogai No. 5.

As the target gradually approaches, the situation in the Guogai No. 5 planet area also appears before human eyes.

Although the detector has sent back some images before, the feeling of coming to the destination in person and watching it through the porthole with the naked eye is still different.

At this moment, many people ran to the portholes and looked at the Nair civilization spaceships.

Spaceships and battleships are naturally commonplace to humans, but this is the first time that we have observed an alien civilization's spacecraft at such a close distance.

Outside the porthole, spaceships with styles that were very different from human warships were coming and going near the planet's orbit. At this moment, their tail flames became the brightest stars in the night sky.

Some of them travel between the planet and the space station, while others depart from the space station and fly towards the inner orbit of the vast star of the pot lid. Of course, there are also spacecraft coming from the inner orbit towards Guogai No. 5 planet. Looking at it, it seems that a busy route has formed around Guogai No. 5 planet.

The Nair people of the Pot Lid Vast Star told humans that the spaceships that shuttle between the space station and the inner orbit are their interstellar flights, specially used to travel within the Nair galaxy.

The spacecraft that shuttles between the space station and the planet is a space flight. Unlike interstellar flights, space flights only complex transportation between the ground and the space station.

In addition, as far as the eye can see, people can still vaguely see a fleet that is obviously not a fleet floating quietly in space.

Yes that's right, a fleet.

The Tianqin has received introduction information from the Nair people. It is said that this fleet is responsible for the safety of the planet Guogai No. 5. There are seventy-three ships, all Lake-class battleships.

Obviously, the Nair civilization is aware of the power of Lake-class battleships just like humans. I don't know if it is equipped with three different types of main guns like humans.

In the introduction information, the Nair people only told humans the number of warships and did not tell humans the specific parameters, so Yue Yuan, who is currently on the Tianqin, naturally does not know.

But regardless of the Nel people, as the distance gradually approached, humans were still able to see it, at the moment when the shape of the battleship clearly appeared on the Lyra's big screen.

"Commander, the main gun of the Neer Lake-class battleship seems to be a triple-mounted design." In the bridge of the Tianqin, battleship design expert Gao Kun pointed at the image on the big screen and said to Yue Yuan.

Yue Yuan also saw it. They were both Lake-class battleships, but unlike humans, a battleship was designed with only one main gun. There are obviously three protruding and thick columnar structures on the front end of the Nair Lake-class battleship. Although the specific gun muzzle cannot be seen yet, with this style, it is most likely the main gun.

Seeing this design, Yue Yuan suddenly felt happy. The reason was simply that the caliber was too small.

Originally, the space of the Lake-class battleship was so large. If you wanted to pursue a large caliber, there would be no room for a super-large gun. Now the Nair civilization has installed three main guns on a Lake-class battleship. The caliber is naturally much smaller than that of a human battleship. .

Yue Yuan estimated that the main gun of the Nair's Lake-class battleship was probably larger than the main gun of the flagship of mankind's first-level civilization.

A typical design that sacrifices firepower for full functionality.

Main guns of this caliber, except for the positron cannon, the other two types of main guns can't cause real damage to the Tianqin's armor even if the Tianqin doesn't move and fire them.

If he really wanted to do it, Yue Yuan felt that with just one Tianqin, he might be able to kill all the seventy-three Lake-class warships of the Nair people.

The firepower is really not on the same level.

In fact, without Gao Kun's reminder, Yue Yuan could guess why the Nair people designed their Lake-class battleship in this way.

He felt that if his guess was correct, it should be that the Niel civilization did not have alloys 1 and 2 as powerful as humans.

Without powerful alloys, there would naturally be no way to create battleship armor as powerful as humans, so there would be no need for such a large-caliber main gun to destroy the armor.

Observation is relative. When humans saw the Nair Civilization Lake-class battleship, the Nair people naturally also saw the human flagship and two other Lake-class battleships.

And the round thing on the bow of the Lake-class battleship naturally fell into the eyes of the Nair people.

Like humans, the Nair people also started a discussion internally about the design of human warships after seeing the Lyra.

Different from humans.

The Nel people were very confused about the design of the huge-caliber main gun of the Human Lake-class battleship. Many of them felt that this design was a waste of firepower and was completely unnecessary.

Some military experts believe that if the loading time of the main guns is not much different, one Lake-class battleship of the Nair civilization can completely defeat three human Lake-class battleships. The reason given by military experts is that the three masters of the Nair civilization The gun is integrated into one, the rate of fire will be faster, and the attack can be switched flexibly according to the target situation.

In short, after seeing each other's warships, both humans and Nel felt that they were quite good.

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