Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 320 The illusion of taking a shortcut

When Yue Yuan was puzzled, Liu Miyan on the side said in a loud voice: "Commander, what a surprise, I didn't expect that the Nair civilization actually has a space elevator!"

Yi Kai, who arrived at the command center at some unknown time, also said, "Yes, Commander, what a damn surprise. Aren't we going to trade with them? If nothing else, we must get the technology to build a space elevator."

"Yes!" Xu Zhenyi, academician of materials science, grinned and said happily: "I thought their materials technology was not that good, but I never thought they could actually build a space elevator. It's great. As long as we have a space elevator, then In the future, our ground-space transportation capabilities will definitely have to provide several levels.”

"Hahaha, it doesn't take much effort to break through iron shoes and find nowhere!" A mechanical expert also laughed heartily, as if humans had already obtained the construction technology of a space elevator.

Yue Yuan was naturally very happy, but he still restrained himself a little and didn't laugh like a villain on the spot.

The orbital mass accelerator that humans have always used, not to mention the transportation cost, is that every time we collect resources on the planet, we have to splice the orbital mass accelerator component by component on the ground, and disassemble and pack it before leaving. , and then be launched into space using a rocket, or loaded into a large transport ship and carried into space.

It takes a lot of time every time.

Not only that, if it encounters a planet with an atmosphere, the orbital mass accelerator must also consider atmospheric resistance factors, so it has to install a booster device on each transportation structure.

Although humans have developed reusable booster devices, due to their launch nature, and each time they are sent to space, they must be re-entered into the atmosphere and then sent to the ground. Therefore, the lifespan of these booster devices is generally short. high.

It is precisely because the booster device takes time to travel back and forth between heaven and earth that the launch of an orbital mass accelerator cannot be as efficient as shooting bullets into the sky, which greatly limits human ground-to-space transportation capabilities.

If it were a space elevator, it would be different.

Its car can be reused until it is scrapped. Even if it is necessary to add a booster device under the car, it is more convenient than the booster device of the orbital mass accelerator, because the process of the car from the sky to the ground is faster than the booster device of the orbital mass accelerator. The push device is much more convenient.

Moreover, if humans have a space elevator, they will not need to be as troublesome as disassembling the orbital mass accelerator every time they collect enough resources from the planet and leave.

Just launch the entire ground base of the space elevator into the sky. As for the cable of the space elevator, you can directly design a device to wrap it in the main structure of the space part of the space elevator.

The loops of devices on the space elevator cables can also be mechanically folded in a certain way. When leaving, these devices can be folded up in a mechanical folding manner.

In fact, the Human Machinery Department has already designed the working method of this component. That is, when the cable is gathered up, when these ring-shaped components come under the main structure of the space part of the space elevator, they are allowed to mechanically disintegrate, and then go up. Flip on space themed structure.

Yes, although humans have orbital mass accelerators, research on space elevators has never stopped, because both scientists and new government officials know that space elevators are far more efficient than orbital mass accelerators.

Back in the Earth Age, when humans were building an orbital mass accelerator in Qinghai-Tibet, someone proposed a space elevator plan. However, neither material technology nor other technologies were up to standard at the time, so they had to settle for the second best and build an orbital mass accelerator.

After escaping from Callisto, after countless years of development, human technology has become different from the past. A series of technical problems such as the ground base of the space elevator, space-themed structure, and operation mode have actually been overcome by humans. It's a matter of cable material.

In other words, as long as humans solve the cable problem, they will have the ability to independently build a space elevator. However, humans have been studying this material for countless years, but have not made any breakthroughs in this material, so that almost everyone believes that at the level of a second-level civilization, there is no way to build the cable materials required for a space elevator, thinking that it is a third-level civilization. It can only be created after mastering real nanotechnology.

It is true that humans use powerful No. 1 alloy and No. 2 alloy, but that alloy technology is completely different from the cable material required for the space elevator.

The former has unimaginable performance in terms of strength, high temperature resistance and impact resistance, but the performance required for the cable of the space elevator is toughness, corrosion resistance, tensile strength, etc.

It cannot be said that they are completely different, but it can also be said that most of the performance requirements are different.

But it just so happens that such a material technology that humans have been unable to break through for many years has appeared in a Nell civilization that seems to be inferior to humans in material technology.

As a materials academician, Xu Zhenyi couldn't help but wonder: Maybe Gao Kun's guess was wrong. In fact, the materials technology of the Nair civilization was not inferior to humans, but far superior to humans.

Once this thought comes together, I can no longer stop it.

After a while, he couldn't help but bumped Gao Kun next to him with his arm, and said softly: "I'm talking to Director Gao, you said before that the main gun of the Nair Civilization Lake-class battleship adopts a triple-mounted structure because they Their material technology is not as good as ours, but now it seems that’s not the case!”

"Uh" Gao Kun was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Xu Zhenyi meant.

However, after glancing at Xu Zhenyi, and then turning around to look around at everyone present, and seeing the excited eyes staring at the space elevator cables on the big screen, he understood the meaning of Xu Zhenyi's words.

"I said, Academician Xu, you must have forgotten that the reason why our battleship armor is so powerful is all because of No. 1 alloy and No. 2 alloy, and the origin of these two alloys must be attributed to Academician Xu as a material scientist. The leader should still remember it.”


Hearing Gao Kun's words, Xu Zhenyi's expression froze, and he immediately pulled himself back from the turmoil of his thoughts.

"I'm sorry, I got a little excited for a moment and got carried away." Xu Zhenyi took a deep breath. 1. How could he not know where alloy No. 2 came from? That's what he presided over.

And the reason why it was possible was entirely because of the unknown civilization's warship that crashed on Callisto. Looking at it this way, human beings' so-called material technology far exceeds that of Nair civilization, which seems to be an illusion of taking a shortcut.

The real situation is that humans are indeed far superior to the Nell civilization in terms of battleship armor material technology, but they are far inferior in terms of nanomaterials.

"It seems that our material technology has not yet reached the peak of the second-level civilization!" Looking at the excited people, Xu Zhenyi sighed silently in his heart.

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