Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 321 Planning

Observation is mutual. When humans observe the Nair civilization, the other party is also observing humans.

Since humans followed the guidance and came to the berth, there were only a few spaceships, and among these spaceships, the flagship Lyran was undoubtedly the most eye-catching, so most of the eyes of the Nair civilization were focused on it.

Just as humans observed their space elevators, as the spacecraft formation docked at their destination, the Nair people quickly discovered the differences in the Lyran.

As the Lyra formation gradually approached, its big body of 5 kilometers long, 3 kilometers wide and 3 kilometers high quickly came into view of the Nair people. It was also at this time that the Nair people were surprised to find that this human battleship was actually much larger than their own Lake-class battleship.

So when humans gathered to discuss their space elevator, the Nair people, like humans, gathered in their flagship and pointed at the Lyra image displayed on the big screen.

In their words, many Neer scientists could not help but sigh in surprise.

"Oh~~Your Majesty the Great Governor, with all due respect, the shipbuilding technology of this human civilization is really unexpected. It is hard to imagine how they can overcome a series of problems caused by oversized battleships. You must know that we use the most powerful The maximum length of the Lake-class battleship built with Elder Alloy as the main keel and main load-bearing structure of the battleship is only about 3 kilometers. How did they break through this limit and build a 5-kilometer-long battleship."

The speaker was a designer from Nair Civilization. The confusion was mainly because after the length of the battleship exceeded 3 kilometers, no matter what design structure was used, stress problems of one kind or another would inevitably occur.

Even if it can be made with the most powerful materials and cutting-edge technology of the Nair civilization, various risks of structural deformation will inevitably occur during extreme acceleration and deceleration tests in various combat environments.

Therefore, when he saw the Lyra of human civilization, the designer's heart was filled with hatred.

"You mean to say that the human civilization exploration fleet has more powerful materials and technology than us?" the great governor of the first star region of the Nair civilization said impressively.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Great Governor, human civilization either has material technology that surpasses ours, or they have mastered some kind of battleship manufacturing process." The designer's eyes were fixed on the Lyra on the big screen, and he continued to vibrate his abdomen. Vocal organ: "Look, everyone, except for this battleship, the other two battleships of this human civilization are not much different from ours. I think they should have mastered some kind of material technology, but it is very difficult to manufacture, otherwise There won’t be just one such big warship.”

The Great Governor raised his claws and clicked twice: "Very good, in that case, we must get this technology."

After a pause, the Grand Governor looked at another Neer man with his compound eyes: "Nowu, the Ministry of Commerce remember to add this item to the list and bring it up when communicating with human civilization."

"As you wish, Your Majesty the Great Governor." Nuowu clicked his pins twice and agreed.

"Okay, human civilization is about to arrive at its destination, and it's time for us to get closer and have a good talk with them." The Grand Governor clicked his paws twice with satisfaction.

Seeing the Grand Governor's behavior, a diplomat from Nair hesitated and said, "Well, Grand Governor, the envoy from the Second Star Region is still on the way. Shouldn't we wait for them?"

Before the Grand Governor spoke, a Nair man in military uniform answered for him: "Hey, it's their fault that they didn't arrive. As long as we don't expose the internal forces of our civilization, it's not a breach of contract. It's no big deal. Just right. Take this opportunity to trade more things with human civilization. We don’t need to worry about the people in the second star field. It is nonsense to wait for them to come and discuss trade matters with human civilization.

Well, my suggestion is to trade with human civilization as much as possible. The more, the better. It is best to buy everything that human civilization is willing to trade. As for the second star field, let them take care of it themselves.

Oh, in order to repay them for notifying us in advance, if they need it, we can resell the technology we obtained from humans to them. Hehehe, of course, if they don't want to, they can also buy it from humans again. But if that happens, it will be their Second Star Region who will take the blame for exposing the internal situation of our civilization. "

This Nair officer made a good calculation. If the Second Star Region arrived and repeated the transaction with humans, it would definitely make humans suspicious, so he expected that the people in the Second Star Region would not dare to do that. , then you can only trade with yourself obediently, so that the cost of trading with human civilization can be made up from the second star field.

In this way, his first star field is guaranteed to make a profit without losing any money.

And in doing so, as long as you do some tricks when dealing with the Second Star Territory, you might be able to weaken the Second Star Territory.

One is ebbing and the other is ebbing, and in the future it will be the First Star Region that will complete the great cause of unifying the Nel civilization.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, there was a voice that objected: "If we act this way, if the people in the second star field get angry and find human civilization to trade alone again, wouldn't it be in vain that human civilization gets a share of the goods and sells it to both families? And we can also see the internal clues of our civilization.

We now have no idea where the main civilization of human civilization is, nor do we know their true background. If that human civilization becomes malicious after learning about the internal situation of our civilization, wouldn’t our actions put our entire civilization at risk? Dangerous situation? "

At this time, the Grand Governor spoke. He first raised his chela and clicked it twice, and then vibrated the vocal organ in his abdomen: "What you said is correct, but you must remember that contact and transactions now are not what we first proposed, but It is human civilization. Think about it, in the eyes of human civilization, do we and the second star field belong to the Nel civilization as a whole?"

"Definitely!" A group of Nair people said in unison. Lift both pincers at the same time and click them a few times.

Clicking their claws like pliers is a way for the Nair people to express their emotions. Different degrees of clicking represent different emotions, which is somewhat similar to the management of human facial expressions.

"Since they think we are a whole, then why do they have to wait for the people from the second star field to arrive in twenty or thirty years?" The Grand Governor happily raised his claws and clicked, and then said: "So we just went over to express our opinions. Welcome, I predict that when they arrive there, they will definitely bring up the matter of trade transactions. You must know that one of their purposes here is to replenish various materials.

As long as we don't bring it up first, even if the Second Star Region knows it, it will only suffer the consequences of being dumb. Who makes them unable to control their mouths and scare human civilization to us? They deserve to eat the rest of us! "

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