Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 326 General Equivalents

The first phone call was not long, but rather short, but neither party was interested in it. After all, no matter how long the meeting lasted, it only mattered as long as the matter could be advanced.

And it’s just the first video conference, just the beginning. There are still many things to discuss later.

No, the video has just been turned off, and both humans are in distress.

Yes, both sides.

Human beings say that they have exchanged and traded with many civilizations. Of course, like the Nel civilization, they are all bragging. Therefore, the list mentioned in this round of video conference is tantamount to being created by both sides to torture themselves in order to seize the initiative in future negotiations.

Of course, from another perspective, the so-called list drawn up by both parties is actually a good way to spy on the other party's reality. Although it is not possible to immediately see through the other party's background in trade, it can still be seen how much experience the other party has in this area.

Because of such considerations, the two sides decided to negotiate and submit trade lists to each other in order to find flaws in the other party's list.

However, it is easy to draw up a list, but it is really difficult to price the various minerals, required resources, and technologies in the list.

After all, there is no standard currency between different civilizations, so it cannot be measured in gold.

It is true that gold is valuable even in the interstellar age. After all, advanced civilizations may not be able to create this thing. However, it is a mine. Although its content is small in the geology of a certain planet, it cannot hold up to the large number of planets. Under the industrial mining efficiency, gold can only be regarded as a heavy metal mineral, which is only used in the manufacture of various instruments and equipment. In the interstellar era, it has lost its currency standard function.

If it is under the same civilization system, even in the interstellar era, the equivalent is not difficult to find. For example, the contribution coins currently used by humans are actually measured by labor value.

Take minerals as an example. The so-called mineral value of 1 contribution coin is roughly equal to the amount of minerals that can be mined by a human using remote operation of mining equipment for one day. If this amount is one ton, then 1 contribution coin can buy a ton of ore

Of course, this is just an analogy. In fact, the pricing of contribution coins also changes based on the specific supply and demand conditions of human society. Generally speaking, it is already a credit currency within human civilization.

Looking at it this way, it is actually a good way to measure it according to the value generated by labor force. But there are also big problems, because just like contribution coins, this thing is measured by the value of human labor after all. Who knows how far it is from the production capacity of the Nel people.

It is possible that humans think that one ton of ore can be mined easily, but Nair people think that it requires a huge amount of manpower and material resources to complete, so there will naturally be huge differences in pricing.

In fact, this kind of problem also exists between countries in the earth age, but we are all human beings, so there are differences, but they are not too outrageous. And because we are all human beings, live on the same earth, and use the same currency standard, this situation The resulting differences in price perceptions can be reconciled by a range of financial factors.

But now they are two different civilizations, even different races. The only thing they have in common is that both sides are at the same level of technology.

Due to the need to spy on the human warship construction process and technology, the Nair people's plan to attack humans has been temporarily put on hold. Therefore, like humans, they are now focused on making a list.

Perhaps during the previous video conference, the Nair experts already knew what was going on, so they were not worried about exposing their secrets. In short, first think about what good equivalents can be used. If you can't find one, use the Nel people's own currency system to measure it.

Anyway, we are already in the interstellar era, and the currency system of the Nel people is not based on gold and silver. At that time, it will be enough to attach some numerical currency to correspond to the labor force and labor value.

In fact, this is also a way.

On the human side, they thought the same way at the beginning, and some experts also discussed this during the discussion. Generally speaking, it is indeed feasible.

But Yue Yuan always felt that something was missing.

At this time, an economics expert said: "General, since we and the Nair civilization are both second-level civilizations, there must be something we share in common. We can find it and use it as a link between the two civilizations. Generally equivalent, then we can use the value of this thing as a benchmark and digitize a series of related factors such as the labor force, labor value, production cost or acquisition cost required to obtain this thing, and then we can get a pricing standard. "

After hearing this, all the experts and scholars nodded in agreement.

One of the scholars frowned and said, "That being said, why are you looking for this thing like this?"

Another scholar thought for a moment and expressed his opinion: "Well, we might as well think about it from this direction. Since this kind of thing can be used as an equivalent between two civilizations, then on the one hand, it must be something we share or If it is capable of being acquired, on the other hand, it should be a creation of some kind of second-level civilization or something that only a second-level civilization has the ability to mine and acquire.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone's minds opened up.

What only a second-level civilization can possess is the technology of the second-level civilization, or the technological creations of the second-level civilization.

Thinking about it this way, the scope is much narrowed. First of all, various natural metals can be excluded, and human alloys No. 1 and 2, which were developed through alien spacecraft, can also be excluded.

So what are the secondary civilization marking technologies? It cannot be heavy nuclei, cold nuclear fusion, neutrino communicators, neutrino detectors, magnetic field shields and three types of super large main guns.

It's just that these things are basically certain technologies, and the cost of creation always seems to be different. After all, the value of building a neutrino communicator cannot be measured.

At this moment, an economics scholar suddenly said: "Commander, maybe we can use fuel as a general equivalent!"

"Fuel? Are you trying to use a pile of rocks as an equivalent? If so, you might as well get the No. 1 Life Potion!" A biologist shook his head.

"No, no, no," the economist raised his index finger and shook it from side to side, as if to say that life potions are the most difficult things to value.

Withdrawing his finger, the economics scholar continued: "The fuel is not heavy nuclear fusion fuel, but cold nuclear fusion fuel."

After a pause, he looked at Yue Yuan and everyone present, and began to explain the reasons for using cold fusion fuel as a general equivalent for price measurement.

With his introduction, smiles finally appeared on everyone's faces.

First, cold fusion fuel is something that cannot be obtained in nature. Secondly, it needs to reach the second level of civilization to be manufactured. Finally, it is an item owned by both civilizations.

In this way, humans can use the various labor, materials, technical strength, cost and other factors required to manufacture 1KG, 10KG, 100KG or 1 ton of cold fusion materials as a benchmark unit to measure the value of other things. Wouldn’t it just get the value of other things?

For example, if one ton of cold fusion fuel is equated to one transaction point, then the value of other things can be referenced based on all the efforts made to produce cold fusion materials, and all can be digitized.

This proposal is indeed a good one and everyone thinks it is feasible.

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