Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 327 List

Without further ado, just do it.

After determining the general equivalent and currency, economics-related experts among humans began to immerse themselves in the construction of the transaction system between the two parties.

If there is no system to measure it, then the most direct way of transaction between two civilizations is barter, which is very primitive but also very effective.

However, that would definitely have many disadvantages, so both parties wanted to find another more convenient and accurate method.

For example, now, humans find it appropriate to use "the amount of one ton of cold fusion fuel" as a currency unit for transactions between two parties.

General equivalents are general equivalents, currency is currency, and the two are different concepts.

Everyone knows that according to the development laws of commodities, general equivalents should be special commodities separated from the commodity world as a unified expression of the value of all other commodities.

So here, as long as both parties agree, then the artificially determined general equivalent of 'the amount of one ton of cold fusion fuel' can be used as currency, and can also be used to measure the value of other items.

After these values ​​are quantified, they become numerical currencies, which are the ‘transaction points’ in the trading system that human economists are currently building.

After the economists involved in formulating the trading system for both parties were all busy, Yue Yuan discussed the next steps with the remaining experts.

It is also a matter of list. Once the general equivalents have been determined, then it is time to discuss what can be traded, and what things humans want from the Nel civilization.

Before discussing this matter, experts and scholars on the human side took stock of the scientific theories, technologies, and processes currently mastered by humans. The purpose is to let experts in other professions also understand what they have in their pockets.

After receiving letters of introduction from experts and scholars in various fields, the economists participating in the discussion roughly understood the current situation of mankind.

First of all, in terms of physical principles, this is a scientific theory and is generally not exchanged, so humans will not consider it here.

Mainly, various main technologies and their derivative technologies, as well as the manufacturing processes and materials of various creations.

Several iconic technologies currently mastered by mankind are neutrino detection, neutrino communication, heavy nuclei, cold nuclear fusion technology, magnetic field shield technology, No. 1 alloy, No. 2 alloy, and ultra-large gamma ray beams. The manufacturing process of traditional laser energy weapons, as well as the manufacturing process of ultra-large electromagnetic rail guns and ultra-large positron cannons.

In addition, there are the human body microcurrent induction technology, brain wave induction technology, mechanical expertise, normal temperature superconductivity, etc. that are used in tactical armors.

In terms of computers, they include universal quantum computers, quantum secure communications, and a complete set of electronic computer technologies. In terms of biology, there are body enhancement technology, three versions of life potions, acceleration buffers, various biological samples obtained from Wolfe's L-DNA ecosphere, biological samples from the Kobold planet, etc.

Well, there are also the warp engines that were removed from the alien spacecraft that crashed on Callisto, as well as some manufacturing processes for large structures, but humans do not intend to list these things.

After feeling a little enlightened, an expert said: "Chief, although we have many technologies, creations, and technical branches, such as No. 2 alloy material manufacturing technology, body strengthening technology, etc. are not suitable to be listed. Weapons are not suitable for listing. Also take it easy."

"It makes sense, we really can't take out our best things." Yue Yuan nodded, agreeing with this statement.

After some discussion, most people felt that the secondary version could be added to the list. After all, in addition to paying for supplies, humans also wanted the space elevator-related construction technology of the Nair people, and some Nair civilizations may be placed on them. Technologies on the list that humans don’t have.

Therefore, the No. 1 alloy manufacturing technology, acceleration buffer, and three versions of the life potion can all be taken out. Of course, when it comes to life potions, humans do not intend to directly put the manufacturing technology into the list, but the actual potions.

Label the three medicines with different prices and write down their efficacy.

As for whether it is suitable for Nel people, that is not a question for humans to consider. In short, it is better to put it on the market and sell it in batches, whether you like it or not.

This is naturally done to prevent the other party from purchasing a small amount of potions for research. Of course, in fact, humans are not too worried about the other party's ability to produce it. You must know that the reason why human life potions are successful is basically based on the research of a biosphere. It is absolutely wishful thinking to think that it can be produced with just a few doses of potions. .

"Chief, maybe we can add a list of universe columns. This list can list some common sense information about the universe, such as where and what celestial bodies exist, which areas are dangerous star fields, which parts of the galaxy are ruled by which civilizations, etc. ." one scholar suggested.

As soon as the words came out, more than a dozen people present immediately understood.

The dangerous star field is easy to say, but everyone knows that it is impossible for humans to know which civilization occupies which starry sky, let alone the conditions of celestial bodies in distant starry skies.

Therefore, when this opinion is expressed, everyone will know that it is used to deceive the Nair civilization.

Although the Nair civilization is also a second-level civilization, humans already know that they are a civilization that is based on its home star and slowly expands to occupy the star system. Such a civilization must not understand the forces of the distant universe. Since humans also say that they are A space exploration fleet, so why not use this as a gimmick to cheat him.

"It makes sense. In this way, the Nair civilization absolutely believes that we are an exploration fleet. Well, we might as well set the price of this information a little higher. After all, the higher the value of this thing, the more attractive it is. Hey, what's the outside world? , The background of the universe, how attractive." An economics expert chuckled, as if he had seen humans using this free prostitution point in exchange for the Nair's space elevator technology.

"I think it's okay. Didn't the Nair people expand around their home star? We compiled a power distribution map for them in the Milky Way. Well, let's say that they encountered an interstellar market opened by an advanced civilization during a certain voyage. From then on, Wherever you buy information at a high price, you won’t be afraid that they won’t be fooled.”

Speaking of being so happy, the conference room suddenly became lively.

"Yes, yes, but didn't the Nair people say that they have also encountered other civilizations? If they have learned the background of the universe from other civilizations, then ours..."

"It doesn't matter. If they don't want it, we won't lose anything. If they find out after buying it that it's different from the information they got from other civilizations, that's okay. Anyway, just insist that they bought it from the advanced civilization trading market. We won't force them. Don’t you want to buy it?”

"Yes, then let's do it!"

"Don't we know about the sixth-level civilizations of the Reapers, the Axis Alliance of the Galaxy, the Community of Immortals, and the Silicon-based Alliance? The information divided their territories into various locations in the galaxy. The Nair people will definitely believe it when they see it!"

"Yes, and the Awakener."

"Forget about the Awakeners, they are kind to us, it's better not to program them."

"That's right, I didn't think carefully!"

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