Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 328 Ignorance

The meeting to finalize the list went on for a long time. When the meeting was about to end, a sociology researcher stood up and reminded: "We are throwing out so many things at once, I am afraid that it will arouse the greed of the Nel civilization. In the face of huge benefits, , I’m afraid they will take risks!”

"I'm afraid of birds. If they dare to have evil thoughts, just with those few small gun barrels, a battleship from the Tianqin can crush them all in minutes."

Those who swear in meetings are generally only those born in the 1990s, Yi Kai. After saying this, Yi Kai did not forget to turn to look at Yu Nanfeng next to him, and raised his eyebrows: "You think so, right? , Lao Yu."

What the hell is Lao Yu? ! I'm in my prime, okay?

Yu Nanfeng complained in his heart, but said: "Ah, yes, yes, everything you said is right!"

Yi Kai chuckled and said, "Everything I say is correct. I'm just a biology student. I don't know anything about battleships and cannons. Why don't I ask you, a great engineer?"

"Ask me what I do, and I'm a blacksmith. Director Gao Kun designed the battleship. Just ask him." Yu Nanfeng also started to talk nonsense.

"Okay, if nothing happens, just leave it like this!" Seeing this, Yue Yuan stood up first and waved his hand, letting the two of them calm down for a while. But he didn't say anything. At the end of the meeting, it didn't hurt to make a few jokes and relax.

Then, Yue Yuan looked in the direction of the economist and finally reminded: "Long Zelei, you only have one day. You must turn the results of today's discussion into a real list as soon as possible. I have asked Long Xiaolin to upload the meeting minutes. 'Light of the Milky Way', if necessary, go back and download it yourself."

"No problem, Chief." Long Zelei nodded.

Long Zelei's surname is Long, but he has nothing to do with Long Xiaolin or Long Dalin. He is not a real economist. He is in charge of logistics and resource allocation, but he also understands economics, so he is responsible for compiling this list. Take charge with an economics expert.

Basically, all the materials, items, technologies, and creations that can be put on the list have been handed over at the meeting. All Long Zelei and the others have to do is sort out and summarize, and then analyze the various things on the list according to their own understanding. It is not difficult to adjust the price within a certain range.

So one day should not be a big problem.

After the meeting, Yue Yuan sent another message to Manyue Mei, who was located on the outer edge of the meteorite belt, asking her to pay more attention to the movements inside the Pot Cover Star.

The reason why I want to remind you is that not long ago, the main detector of Lyra discovered a different kind of spectral band inside the vast galaxy of Pan Li. Although it was only detected for a moment, the observers on the Lyra suspected that it might be caused by the reflection on the surface of the battleship cluster.

The source of the light is from the vicinity of the gaseous planet in this star system, which is the gaseous planet named Guogai 4 by humans. At this time, it is about 3.7 astronomical units from Guogai 5, and because the double stars are both As it moves around the star, this distance continues to get smaller.

Detectors and observers judged based on experience that there should be a large fleet hidden there, probably in the orbit of a satellite of the gaseous planet.

Although it has long been speculated that the defense strength of the Pot Lid Vast Star is more than 73 Lake-class battleships, the humans are still a little surprised when they actually find traces of the existence of another fleet.

Human beings would like to let the probe go in to find out what's going on, but the Neer civilization does not allow the probe to cross the orbit of Planet Pot Lid 5, so humans cannot detect the exact situation.

But it doesn't matter. At such a distance, as long as the fleet takes action, the tail flame will definitely be unstoppable and will definitely be detected by humans.

After keeping an eye on it, everything remains the same.

Time quickly came to the next day.

On the eve of the agreed time for exchanging lists, the relevant human personnel came to the Tianqin command center and took a seat to wait for the communication to be connected, just like before.

"Long time no see, Your Majesty the Governor!"

"Long time no see, Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief!"

The video communication was connected. Yue Yuan and the chief governor of the Nair people first said hello, and then exchanged a few words with each other and said a few useless words. After waiting for the time agreed upon by both parties to submit the list, they asked their respective persons in charge to submit the list. Each list is passed to the other party.

As soon as the human side gets the list, the translation system automatically completes the translation and shares it with the personal terminals of more than a dozen people present.

Just after glancing over, many experts frowned and then started whispering.

“Excluding the value of the material itself, the mining and transportation of one ton of gold requires N100,000, one ton of chromite N10,000, one ton of iron oxide 250, and one ton of alumina N213. This What the hell is written on the Nel people’s lists!”

"Yes, I remember Nel coins are their internal credit currency, right? There is also this. Magnetic field shield technology 10.9 billion Nel coins, what the hell! This Nel person said that he has encountered other civilizations, so... You can’t be bluffing!”

"Oh no, please see there is a special explanation at the back."

Everyone pulled the list to the end, and indeed found a line of special instructions. One expert muttered and read it out: "General equivalent reference standard: 'Energy unit', energy unit description: '1 energy is equal to a lake-class battleship 10 times. The fuel consumed for acceleration and deceleration at full power', the exchange ratio is 1 energy unit equal to 100 Nel coins."

"Tsk, tsk, this equivalent is too general, it's clearly just trying to trick people!" Another expert shook his head.

He saw the essence of the so-called energy unit at a glance, which was measured by the stones everywhere in the heavy nuclear fusion fuel. 10 times of full-power acceleration and deceleration of the Lake-class battleship seemed like a lot, but in fact it did not use cold nuclear fusion. Fuel is included.

One is the stones that are everywhere on the planet and in meteorite piles, and the other is cold fusion fuel that requires certain technologies and special materials to be produced. How can they be confused together?

After watching it for a while, the humans basically felt that the general equivalent reference provided by the Nair people was very unreasonable. Not only that, but there aren't many technologies on the list that humans want to get their hands on.

Well, the Nair people didn't even list the space elevator manufacturing technology, biological specimens, biological DNA maps, living animal and plant samples that humans want.

This is quite unexpected.

Not to mention the space elevator technology, as various biological samples and biotechnology are not listed, human experts now doubt that the Nair people are bragging when they say they have communicated with other alien civilizations.

Although they shook their heads at Nair Civilization's list, everyone continued to read it carefully. After all, according to the agreement between the two parties, the list also included requirements.

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