Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 330 Initiative

When the fleets from other star systems arrive, all the Nair people here will probably be wiped out. It's really scary to think about it. Fortunately, everyone wanted to kill all the human fleets before and then seize human technology.

However, what the Nel people don't know is that the armor of the human fleet is not made of No. 1 alloy, but No. 2 alloy. If they knew, I wonder if they would dare to take advantage of others like this.

Of course, the humans don't know that the underlying attitude of the Nair people has undergone earth-shaking changes, and they don't know that the words of their great governor are mostly bluffs.

Oh, the main reason is that the Nel people who didn't know that the previous pot lid was on the vast star wanted to kill him.

At this time, Yue Yuan looked at the Nair people on the big screen and said with a smile: "Why did your Excellency the Great Governor say this? How outrageous is our list? You must know that among low-level civilizations, with the value of 'cold fusion fuel' As a general equivalent, it is generally recognized by the Milky Way, so why does it become unreasonable when it comes to you?"

"With all due respect, Your Majesty the Great Governor, we think the list you have drawn up is unreasonable. We have never seen anyone use their own internal currency units to mark the value of items between civilizations. Note that even the famous Axis Alliance of the Galaxy You don’t even dare to do this, do you think your currency is the universal currency of the galaxy?”

After saying this in a sincere and somewhat doubtful tone, Yue Yuan frowned and his tone became more serious: "Also, I'm not talking about you, but the prices you marked are really random. Could it be? Don’t you know what things in this galaxy are recognized as valuable among civilizations? Don’t you know the divisions of civilizations? Could it be that the civilization you encountered before was also an ignorant civilization?”

After three consecutive questions, Yue Yuan's words have not stopped.

"It seems so. The one you encountered before was probably a low-level civilization. Well, it makes sense. After all, there is no certain chance. As an aerospace-level civilization, it is difficult to know those things that advanced civilizations call the universe. Common sense, or galactic common sense information.”

Although there have been speculations on the human side that the Nair civilization has never encountered other civilizations at all, Yue Yuan did not expose them. Instead, he found a way out for them, and by the way, he also boasted about the Milky Way that was simply made up by humans themselves. Basic common sense information'.

The purpose is naturally to sell false information on the human list.

After a pause, Yue Yuan showed a look of regret, and continued in a very regretful and emotional tone: "Dear Governor, to be honest, we are very disappointed. We thought we would get what we got when we came with peace and sincerity. We should be treated with due courtesy, but we don't expect you to resort to force. It really chills us.

We have come thousands of light years away, based on the principle that meeting is fate, and we have good intentions to do trade, exchange technology, and jointly pursue the truth of the universe with you, but you say this.

Hey, in that case, let's forget about the trade. Since you are not sincere, let's leave after we complete the supply of supplies and fuel!

Of course, please rest assured that we will pay for the cost of replenishing mineral resources, various materials, and fuel. Let’s pay for it with one million doses of version 1.0 life potion! "

"This potion can extend the life of living organisms for two hundred years. Although it is not the equivalent of a space-grade civilization, it is something that all groups of technological civilizations dream of! Its value is more than enough to pay for the fuel supply costs of our fleet."

After finishing speaking, Yue Yuan still pretended to sigh, looking regretful, regardless of whether the Neer people could understand or not.

After Yue Yuan's words, the Neer people immediately closed their microphones to discuss.

After a while, the results of the internal discussion should have come out, and their great governor opened the microphone again and said: "Why is this so important? Your Excellency, the respected commander-in-chief, we are naturally providing you with supplies with full sincerity. , fuel supply, of course. We are also very sincere in matters of trade and scientific and technological exchanges, there is no need to have any doubts about this."

"Hey, to be honest, our communication with them at that time was based on 'energy units'. Maybe we were deceived by that abominable civilization. They never mentioned to us what is the most precious thing among civilizations. topic, on the contrary, we bought a lot of animal and plant samples and genetic maps at low prices.

I see that some biological-related things are marked so expensive in your list. Could it be that biological resources are so valuable in the universe? If so, our civilized ancestors may have really been deceived in that transaction more than two thousand years ago. "

Seeing that the Nair civilization was on the road, Yue Yuan smiled inwardly. He didn't say a word to the Nair people's governor about the threatening words just now. He didn't say anything, and he didn't continue to say anything like not talking about trade. Instead, he took over the words of the great governor and responded:

"That's for sure, Your Excellency the Great Governor. Biological resources are so precious in the universe, how can they be cheap things! Fortunately, you have met our human civilization, and our human civilization is also a very friendly and kind-hearted civilization that likes to help others. Otherwise, if you encounter other civilizations in the future, you may be deceived."

After a pause, Yue Yuan continued: "As for why biological resources are so valuable, it is because they are resources for the research of life medicine. Having said that, I shouldn't have said this, because it is also information knowledge. , is also something that can be traded between civilizations. But seeing how miserably you were deceived by that abominable civilization before, we couldn’t bear it, so we gave you this news as a gift."

After using the excuse of being deceived by other civilizations, the great governor stopped pretending. He asked curiously: "Oh? Information knowledge is also considered a tradable commodity?"

"That's natural. Haven't you seen the information directory marked on our list? It contains this knowledge, as well as the distribution map of various civilizations in the Milky Way, their strength profiles, the classification of civilization levels, and the basic principles for getting along with lower-level civilizations in the Milky Way. Basic rules for getting along with advanced civilizations, etc." Yue Yuan was already happy in his heart, but his expression remained unchanged and he continued to talk nonsense calmly.

"This information was purchased by our human civilization's space exploration fleet at an extremely high price from an interstellar exchange affiliated to the Heroes Community. You think this information is expensive, but we also think that our target price is cheap. !

You must know that the price of 130 million trading points is already the price we have discounted. We also encountered a second-level civilization called Kuntai Civilization before, and the price we sold this information to them was 200 million trading points.

The reason why we give you this price is that, first, we really need your help to replenish resources and energy here, and second, we see that you are also a very friendly, kind-hearted and civilized person. "

The half-truths and half-false words really stunned all the Nair people. The great governor of the Nair people didn't know how to make a decision for a while, so he closed his microphone to discuss with other Nair people in the conference room the next moment.

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