Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 331 Bargaining

After closing the game, the great governor of the Nair people asked everyone to discuss openly and strive to come up with a result in the shortest possible time.

"Your Majesty the Great Governor, we have no way of judging whether what human civilization says is true. Although they do behave like a certain mission fleet of a civilization, and what they say sounds very reasonable, I always feel that there is something wrong with it. Question." A Nair man expressed his opinion.

Another Nair person also continued: "Yes, Grand Governor, look at the human list that sets a high price of 130 million trading points for this entire set of basic common sense information about the Milky Way. That is equivalent to 130 million tons of cold fusion fuel. And the total cost of production and transportation fees they gave us for a series of supplies was only 30 million transaction points, which is about the same as the value of one million doses of version 1.0 of the life potion they said."

"If you think about it this way, isn't it equivalent to giving them all kinds of materials and fuel supplies for free? We also have to use other resources or technology to exchange them for trading points according to their exchange rules to make up for the price of purchasing basic common sense information about the galaxy."

"What Arnay said is right. Not only that, but you can see that the price of the No. 1 alloy material manufacturing technology they are targeting is too expensive. It costs a total of 100 million yuan. If they follow their pricing method, we will not be able to buy anything at all. rise."

"Yes, and you see, there is also a problem with this artificial intelligence technology that we have always wanted. It is not that the price is high, but that the computer technology route of this human civilization seems to be different from ours. So, have you found that on the list, this human When civilization talks about computer technology, the word that appears most often is universal quantum computing technology, not photon computers like ours."

"Hey, it's true. Doesn't that mean that if you want to buy artificial intelligence technology, you have to buy general quantum technology as well? This."

"This is not a big problem. It seems that human civilization does not have photon computer technology. We can use our photon computer technology in exchange for them."

"This is a good idea, but I think it needs to be slightly modified. Since it is determined that human civilization does not have photon computer technology, then why should we exchange our photon computer technology? You must know that once we exchange it, human civilization will definitely want what we do not have Universal quantum computer technology.

Therefore, we need to change our thinking and quote the photonic computer technology separately, and the price should be higher, just 200 million transaction points. Even if the price is counter-offered, we will not lose money, so we can pretend to use these transactions When purchasing other human technologies, buy their general quantum computer technology and artificial intelligence technology by casually mentioning it, and be sure to remain calm. "

"But they can also see that we don't have universal quantum computer technology!"

"It doesn't matter, we just need to show that photon computer technology is our main direction of attack, and purchasing universal quantum computer technology is just to prove the controllability of artificial intelligence technology from another direction!"

"That's a good idea!"

A group of people discussed and discussed, ranging from suspicion that humans are evil to list pricing and the technologies humans listed on the list.

Apparently after a round of negotiations and hearing Yue Yuan's lies, many Nair people subconsciously accepted the setting that human beings are a well-informed civilization.

Many wise Nair people have also seen this, but they have no choice, because in this situation, there seems to be no other better way than using the "general equivalents" and transaction plans proposed by humans.

If it were before, they would have chosen not to trade with humans directly, but since seeing the performance parameters of Alloy No. 1, the Nair people have discovered that they are the weaker party.

If we really don't provide materials and fuel supplies to mankind, a war may break out the next moment.

So now the main war faction has stopped talking. Instead, they are focusing on how to buy the No. 1 alloy technology at the lowest price.

Nel civilization is still in a state of fragmentation now, and conflict with humans is definitely not the wisest move. The top priority should be to obtain the No. 1 alloy technology, and then conduct a major modification of the Second Star Domain battleships or build a batch of battleships similar to those of human beings. A new style of battleship.

In this way, the combat power of the Second Star Region will be greatly improved by then. As long as it is done well, it is not impossible for the Second Star Region to reunify the Nair civilization.

After a period of discussion, the Nair people finally opened the call again, and it was their Grand Governor who spoke.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief of the Human Fleet, we admit that your trading system is indeed more complete, but the price you quoted is extremely outrageous, especially this 'Basic Common Sense Information of the Galaxy', which is just a piece of information, you It actually costs 130 million, which is unacceptable to us."

Because you don’t want the other party to know the content of your internal discussions, it’s normal to close the microphone and then reopen the microphone after the results of the discussion are reached. The video interaction system will also give the other party's microphone on/off status prompts on their respective screens.

"130 million trading points is already a friendly price. We sold Kuntai Civilization for 200 million. It really can't be less! Hey, since our two civilizations get along so harmoniously, I'm not afraid to tell you that back then we The price for purchasing this set of intelligence information from the advanced civilization market was 500 million trading points. Alas, we sold it twice and still haven’t recovered the money.

And if you think so, Mr. Great Governor, after we sell it to you, you can definitely sell it to other civilizations when you encounter them! "

This time, the answer from the human side was not Yue Yuan, but a business elite. Oh, they are called business elites, but in reality they are just scholars who have studied some economics. The reason is that there are no big businessmen or capitalists in human society.

There are still various shops, shops, malls, companies, etc., but they are all publicly owned.

"This." The great governor of Nair's civilization muttered and turned to look at a business elite next to him.

"No, no, no, 130 million is definitely not enough. I will give you 50 million trading points at most." The Nair business elite understood, and replied by vibrating the vocal organ in his abdomen.

"Fifty million is absolutely impossible, just 130 million!" The human looked like he wanted to buy it or not.

Nair: "Eighty million!"

Human: "Hey, forget it, 100 million transaction points can't be any less! No matter how much less we have, we don't know how many years we will have to run before we meet a kind civilization again and restore our past."

"Okay, then 100 million transaction points."

The business elite of the Nair people paused and confirmed: "But you must ensure that in your intelligence information, the information related to the precious objects in the universe, the division of civilization levels, the distribution of advanced civilization forces in the galaxy, etc. are all true!"

"Of course, that is the information obtained from the interstellar trading market under the Community of Heroes. It is a level six civilization, how could it be wrong!" The human business expert was already laughing inwardly, but his face was still serious.

"Refreshing!" The Nair negotiator was also very happy, as if he had negotiated a big deal. It was obviously impossible for him to know that most of the so-called intelligence was made up by humans.

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