Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 332 Photonic Computer

"When can our supplies be arranged?" the human representative then asked.

"Please wait!" The Nair man said sorry, and then quickly retrieved it from his own database. After a few exchanges, he spoke again: "In the list, you want 30,000 tons of gold, 280,000 tons of Tons of silver, 7.66 billion tons of iron ore, and 70 million tons of pure copper are already being shipped. In about three months, you will receive the first batch of ore.

Although we also have stocks of aluminum, tin, zinc, cobalt, nickel, chromium, platinum and other metals, the quantity is still far from your requirements. Based on the current output of each factory, it will probably take about three years to meet your requirements. demand.

As for light rare earths, tungsten, molybdenum, antimony, lithium, palladium, etc., some of them will also be delivered here together with the first batch. Don’t worry, our Nair civilization will not keep guests waiting. "

The human representative nodded: "Okay, so how do you want us to pay for the mining, refining, and transportation costs of supplies? One million doses of version 1.0 life potion, or should it be deducted directly from the 100 million intelligence transaction points just now? ?”

The Nair people thought about it and then replied: "We want the potion of life. As for the 100 million transaction point fee for basic common sense information about the galaxy, we plan to use this to pay for it!"

As he spoke, an electronic document was sent to the human side through the real-time interaction system of both parties.

The file is public. After being transmitted to the human side, it is directly copied into many copies by the human intelligent AI, and then distributed instantly to the personal terminals of everyone present.

The humans were very curious about the Nel people's payment method, so a group of people looked at their personal terminals to see what this document was.

But as soon as they caught their eyes, they all frowned.

"Mature photonic computer technology, priced at 200 million transaction points? Are you crazy about money? A piece of computer technology cannot be of such value, and we cannot accept it."

The person who spoke impatiently was a business elite. As soon as he finished speaking, a computer expert took over and said: "As one of the branches of computer technology, photon computer technology is still a second-level civilization level technology. In interstellar trading, The market is worth at most 10 million trading points, but only a civilization in need will take a serious look at it. We humans have mature general-purpose quantum computers and have no need for this technology at all.”

Nair negotiator: "This is wrong. You should read the summary of our technology before making any comments."

At this time Yue Yuan spoke: "No, I think you need to take a good look at the 'Basic Common Sense Information of the Galaxy' to understand what is the most precious in this universe, how the levels of civilization are divided, the scope of influence of the major six-level civilizations, and a series of other information Later, come and discuss the value of photonic computer technology with us.”

The "Basic Common Sense Information of the Galaxy" has been negotiated. As the two parties will definitely continue to communicate and trade, humans will naturally not wait for the Nel people to actually pay off the transaction point before passing on the information. After all, it will be given to the Nel people in advance. Understanding the true and false information will also be beneficial to subsequent human operations.

In fact, this is what Yue Yuan said to the other two people, but in fact, when he just saw that the Nair people actually had mature photonic computer technology, they were shocked in their hearts.

Of course, there is also joy.

Human beings have long known that there are many branch technologies on the computer technology tree. Humanity itself has embarked on the technology tree of quantum computers when it is extremely difficult to improve electronic computers.

The quantum computer technology tree can be subdivided into many branch technology routes, including superconducting quantum computing, ion well quantum computing, optical quantum computing, silicon spin quantum computing, neutral atom quantum computing, topological quantum computing, etc. .

Humanity is now taking the optical quantum computing route.

Therefore, humanity’s current central computer should be called a general-purpose large-scale optical quantum computer.

The photonic computer, which is only one word different from it, is another technical route. Computers developed along this line are also called optical computers.

Let’s put it this way, an optical quantum computer is a quantum computer, but a photonic computer is not a quantum computer. Conceptually, they are different.

The former is a quantum computer that uses photons to calculate. It uses photons as the basic unit of light and has dual characteristics of ionicity and volatility. It is a quantum computer that is based on the principles of quantum mechanics and uses the quantum superposition and entanglement characteristics of photons to complete complex tasks that are difficult for traditional computers to complete in a short time.

The latter, the photon computer, uses photons as the propagation medium of light, uses optical components to replace electronic components, and uses light beams to replace electrons for calculation and storage. It operates a computer in such a way that different wavelengths of light represent different data, and a large number of lenses, prisms and mirrors transmit data from one chip to another.

In addition, compared with traditional computers, this kind of computer also has the advantages of higher integration, lower energy consumption, high running speed, low delay, and high anti-interference.

The computer that people often talk about is actually a traditional electronic computer. Since this kind of computer uses light as a carrier and uses light calculations instead of electrons or current, it is often called an optical brain.

The concept of optical brain, that is, optical computer, has been known to mankind for a long time, but it has never been realized. Instead, it has gone further and further down the quantum computer route and finally realized a universal quantum computer.

The reason why humans have not been able to take the technical route of optical brains is naturally caused by disasters, but more importantly, it is because there are too many branches of science and limited scientific research power.

Based on humanity's original technological accumulation, if an optical computer is completed, its computing power will be at least a thousand times faster than an ordinary computer. It’s only a thousand times, which is still very slow for humans who already have universal quantum computers.

In other words, optical computers are actually not as powerful as quantum computers, but they represent another computer technology route.

If we continue to research, it may not be inferior to quantum computers in the future, and it may even become some kind of unique technology.

As a human who has long lost the photon computer technology tree, how can we not be excited when seeing a mature photon computer.

More importantly, the Nair people's mature photonic computers are far more powerful than humans imagine. At least in the outline of their computers, their running speed is more than 10,000 times that of traditional electronic computers.

Such a gap must be the result of years of painstaking research by the Nair civilization, so humans really want to get it.

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