Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 333 Then play music

However, mankind's own artificial intelligence technology is only priced at 10 million transaction points, and the universal quantum computer is only 70 million. Therefore, no matter what, such an outrageous price of 200 million transaction points is impossible to accept.

After closing the game, several experts and scholars exchanged opinions and guessed why the Nair people had set the price so high.

They speculated that it was probably because the Nair people felt that they had no technology or items to sell, but they wanted to obtain a lot of things from humans, so they had to inflate the bids for technologies that they thought had some value.

Combined with the list provided by the Nel people, this possibility is almost certain. Business negotiations are just like war. Once you understand the other party's intentions, things will be easier to handle.

Turning on the microphone again, the humans didn't talk nonsense. They explained to the Nel people the status of photon computers in the computer technology tree and that they were not strictly necessary for humans. Then they talked about quantum computers controlled by humans themselves. Using technology to compare photon computers horizontally, Nair people can understand: your photon computers are not as powerful as quantum computers at this stage.

In a few words, it starts from the real data comparison of the two computers, then talks about the status of this technology, and then the general pricing of this kind of technology in the fictional interstellar trading market.

After chatting for half an hour, the representative of the human side looked at the Nel man on the opposite screen with a sincere face: "To sum up, your photon computer technology is only worth 20 million transaction points at most. If The complete technology tree details of the development of photonic computers, the tortuous story of the development process, and the research experience of each link are attached. It is still worth about 25 million trading points.

To be honest, we have actually seen someone selling an entire computer technology tree in the interstellar trading market before, but it is not a photon computer, but a traditional electronic computer. Oh, it is not a traditional electronic computer as you think, it is a very Electronic technology is sold by civilization.

They have broken the limits of electronic computers. We have also seen the introduction of this technology. In terms of computing power alone, it is already ten times more powerful than your photon computer. It can be said that they have developed a different kind of electronic computer. The branch of computer technology is considered a unique technology of their civilization, and such technology only sells for 40 million trading points in the interstellar trading market. "

The unique electronic computers and interstellar trading venues are all bragging by humans, and the purpose is to drive down the price of the Nel civilization's photon computer technology tree.

However, the Nel people are not stupid either. They did not take whatever the humans said, but they did not directly deny it. Instead, they first tolerated what the humans described with a sigh of relief: "I really envy you guys who have been to the interstellar trading market like this. I have seen a great civilization."

Then, he said insinuatingly: "We have already read your 'Basic Common Knowledge Information Introduction to the Milky Way'. I really didn't expect that there are so many advanced civilizations in the Milky Way. We didn't expect that a civilization like ours is only a second-level civilization. To put it nicely, it belongs to an aerospace-level civilization, but to be honest, it is what a high-level civilization calls a low-level civilization.

Most areas of the Milky Way are actually occupied by those six-level civilizations. By the way, you said that you have been to the interstellar trading market under the Yingxian Alliance. It can be seen from the star map of the Milky Way forces that you gave, The Perseus Community is clearly in the Perseus Cantilever, and ours is the Orion Cantilever. How did you cross the cantilever to get to them? "

Regarding the issue of Nel civilization, there was no hesitation on the human side. A scholar who was in charge of compiling lies about the sphere of influence of the Milky Way answered: "This is a long story. Let's make it short. You don't know something. Then the Immortal Community The main body is indeed in the Perseus Cantilever, but their power is not limited to the Perseus Cantilever. Like them, large forces like the Galaxy Axis Alliance also have interstellar trading markets in the territory of the Perseus Community. Therefore, exploration like ours It is normal for a space-based fleet to encounter their interstellar trading market in the Orion Cantilever."

Neer man: "That's right. It's a pity that we didn't see the location of the interstellar trading market you mentioned on the star map of the distribution of forces in the galaxy. Otherwise, we really want to take a look."

What do you want to see? It's clearly a question.

The anthropologist understood clearly and immediately showed an exaggerated expression and said: "Oh my God! How can you think so? The Yingxian Community is a sixth-level civilization. How can their trading market really be marked on the star map? Up? Do you know how we entered that trading market back then?"

Without waiting for the Nel man to speak, the scholar pretended to be shocked: "Back then, we were sailing between star systems. Most of us were in hibernation, but we never expected to wake up and find something outside. The scenery changed, all the stars disappeared, and more than 4,000 astronomical units in front of us, a bright star appeared. As we slowly approached, we discovered that the planets surrounding the star were all Trading points one by one.”

After making up some random things, the scholar finally said: "We guess that that place should be a space independent of this big universe, or maybe a space floating in the universe. Who knows? We somehow got in, and inside After completing the transaction, they sent the transaction away. That's what happened, so we don't know where the trading market is now.

But in addition to that trading market, there are also some interstellar trading markets opened by other civilizations in the universe. Some of them have been marked on the star map. I believe you have all seen them. "

Hearing what the anthropologist said, all the Nair people couldn't help but click their claws. They seemed very speechless, as if to say: We did see it, but we just saw it. With us Nair people With human navigation ability, even if we fly to death or until all spaceships are eroded by time and scrapped, we still cannot fly to the interstellar trading market marked on the star map.

"That's such a pity!" The Nair man sighed first, seeming to have accepted the human's argument, and then finally brought the topic back to the transaction between the two parties: "But the price you offered is too low. It's only two dollars." Fifteen million trading points”

"No, no, no, it's not the price we paid, but the reference value based on the pricing of technology in the interstellar trading market. We have already offered a high enough price for the sake of you being a friendly civilization." Human beings. The scholar immediately interrupted.

"This" representative of Nair civilization was speechless for a moment.

He would like to argue with reason again, but the ignorance of the entire Nel civilization about the situation in the universe has already determined that they are novices, while humans are better, relying on their wandering characteristics to make up some insights, but This kind of knowledge can fool a novice.

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